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PlayStation 4: 1.52 System Update & Recovery Download

Discussion in 'Firmware / System Updates' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    PlayStation 4 System Update / Firmware Version 1.52

    5th December 2013


    System Update:
    Download PlayStation 4 System Update 1.52
    System Recovery: Download PlayStation 4 System Recovery 1.52

    System Update or System Recovery?

    The system update is all that you require to update a PS4 and is generally what you will want to download in most cases. The System Recovery will only be required if you upgrade the hard drive inside the PS4. This will allow the PS4's operating system to be re-installed on the new hard drive.

    How to use:

    1. Download the System Update from the link above
    2. Extract the PS4UPDATE.PUP with WinRAR or another program capable of extracting zip files
    3. On a FAT32 formatted USB memory stick create a folder called PS4, then inside this folder create a folder called UPDATE
    4. Copy the extracted PS4UPDATE.PUP to the USB memory stick in the PS4 > UPDATE folder
    5. Connect the USB memory stick to the PS4, then on the PS4 go to Settings > System Software Update
    6. Follow the screens to complete the update

    Features added in the PlayStation 4 1.52 System / Firmware update:

    System software stability during use of some features has been improved.

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