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Xbox Media Player Download

Discussion in 'Apps / Tools' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What is Xbox Media Player?

    Xbox Media Player, (or XBMP for short), was the predecessor to XBMC a feature-rich free and open source media player for the Xbox, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). With an audio/video-player-core based on MPlayer, it allowed owners of a modified Xbox to display pictures and movie files, as well as play music files from the Xbox DVD-ROM drive, built-in harddisk drive, LAN (using SMB) or the Internet.

    XboxMediaPlayer is a free open source (GPL) multimedia player for the Xbox™ from Microsoft.(XboxMediaPlayer is also known as "Xbox Media Player", "XBMP", "XMP" & "XBPLAYER"). Currently the XboxMediaPlayer can be used to play and view supported video/audio/picture formats such as MPEG, DivX, XviD, MPG, MP3, JPG and more direct from a CD/DVD in the Xbox™ DVD-ROM or of the Xbox hard disk drive, it can also play files from a PC over a LAN / network via an XNS (XStream Server) software or from a windows (SMB) share. It has playlist and slideshow function, ability to work as a replacement Xbox dashboard. These and more features enable the Xbox running XboxMediaPlayer to fully function as a multi-media jukebox.

    The Xbox Media Player Project was founded by d7o3g4q (also known as duo) and RUNTiME. It started out as two separate players, with the two developers each working on their own design and code. After sharing code and coordinating features to not duplicate efforts, by XBoxMediaPlayer beta 5 the two players were merged. The development and beta-testing was done "behind closed doors" for this project (d7o3g4q and RUNTiME promising that when version 1.0 was made they would release the source code to the public). After beta 6 was completed there were complaints from a lot of people as to why the developers did not release the source code for the player sooner as they were using FFmpeg and Xvid code which are under the (L)GPL license. Even though the project was closed, d7o3g4q and RUNTiME released the source code for beta 6 on October 15, 2002.

    In November 2002, another software developer nicknamed Frodo who was the founder of "YAMP - Yet Another Media Player" joined the Xbox Media Player team and the XBoxMediaPlayer and YAMP projects were merged. The first release of the merged projects was called "Xbox Media Player 2.0" and the source code for it was released on December 14, 2002. XBoxMediaPlayer 2.0 was a complete re-write using a new core based on the MPlayer project, still using FFmpeg/XVID codec code.

    On December 28, 2002, the source code of XBoxMediaPlayer 2.1 was released with many bug fixes and a couple of new features such as true AC3 5.1 output, volume normalizer/amplification and an additional post processing filter. Two weeks later on January 12, 2003, XBoxMediaPlayer 2.2 source code was released with new features including dashboard mode to launch other Xbox applications/games, separate national language files, streaming media from windows file shares (SMB), audio-playlist, the ability to play media on-the-fly from ISO9660-Mode1 CDs and Windows DLL support for WMV 7,8, and 9. Xbox Media Player development stopped on December 13, 2003.


    Xbox Media Player 2.4 (29.05.03) Download
    Xbox Media Player 2.4 Manual Download
    Xbox Media Player Final Build (05.12.03) Download
    gatekeeper1122 and Rick like this.

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