So for all of you who joined us over the two years or so of the Digiex Server - What are you up to now? If your still playing Minecraft please feel free to share what servers your playing in Or if your not playing Minecraft, what have you moved onto? It be nice sometime to try and bring back some of our players for a Minecraft get together in another server, or maybe a temporary server hosting all the worlds we ever had (Including the original Oldworld with Finland, Mainland, Atlantis v1), Bukkit world (Atlantis v2, Freebuild and Wilderness) City World (City 17 and that other place, forgot its original name), SkyWorld and more.
Currently, I haven't got a lot of free time (college life XD), but I try and play League Of Legends when I can.
I'm playing various games, though these days it's mostly Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and various old titles I picked up on GOG. I play Minecraft occasionally, usually on temporary local servers with friends, but I'm currently trying to find a good server to get back into multiplayer Minecraft. During the early summer, I spent a lot of time on this one server, but it literally died out of nowhere (too bad, WildStyle had built a fantastic Gothic cathedral not too long before, and the server was still quite active and popular). I'm playing on a relatively new vanilla server on-and-off, but I'm not entirely happy with it, and if I find a better one I'll likely stop going there. Also, I would totally go on a nostalgia event on Digiex. And I would come back in a heartbeat, if it went public again (though I know chances of that are very slim). The reason I stopped playing is why everyone else stopped playing too, no-one was online anymore towards the end, and singleplayer is boring. However, I still love Digiex above all other servers I've been on. I miss Digiex. I miss you guys.
Planetside 2, BF3, HoN, playing some Soft airgun, being social etc etc I sure miss the minecraft days, but it's impossible to recreate that feeling we all had ;( Sure minecraft is fun for 1-2 weeks maybe nowadays but then it gets boring Tried to play some minecraft on Buxville, was fun for 2days then it got boring :/ But hey if anyone plays Planetside 2 or want a betakey just ask me! It goes live 20th november anyhow so join me then! Could make a Digiex outfit perhaps? And it is Free 2 play, and it's a massive MMOFPS (kinda like Halo) and no its not lame graphic or anything it's actually a really good game! The first trailer: PlanetSide 2 Trailer -- Epic First Person Shooter! Get Your Beta On! - YouTube If you play, play on Eurydome and add AlleOpsO as VS or GSTAlleOpsO on NC
Wow, nostalgia so much at the moment. I miss digiex soooooo much ;( If planetside becomes free to play, it'll be the first game i get on my new computer im saving up for. I would love it if the even was help for about a week, plus the tekkit server hasnt done too well. At the moment im playing minecraft on a server called Outlaw. Its the first server since Digiex that brought me back to minecraft. I play dungeon defenders on steam quite a bit, towns came out on steam i play that some, tf2, garrysmod, halflife 2 and 2 or 3 more games. I miss digiex. If i had a time machine i would go back to the old days ;( Im literally sitting here almost crying I miss digiex so much
Planetside 2 is free2play and it's a huge FPSMMO, now when the server is live, im playing on the server miller! Join and add AlleOpsO!
Still a little bit of minecraft, Modern warfare 3, Modern warfare 2, Black ops 2, and Skyrim. I dont have this much spare time any more since i'm working really hard to pass school. -Onderzetter
I have been going to school, played a bit of ArmA 2 DayZ mod but thats about it. I have also played PlanetSide 2 (i got in the closed beta early) but i havent had the time to get back to it yet. And i probably wont have much time in the near future anyway since i keep getting more projects to run at school and not to forget the homework. Ill try to work some gaming time into my schedule so if anyone is up for a game let me know on steam.
I have bought alot of steam games recently, here's the list: Dont Starve Dungeon Defenders Team Fortress 2 Towns Assassins Creed Brotherhood (Albeit doesn't run well) Blacklight Retribution Counter Strike: Source and Source Beta Faster Than Light Grand Theft Auto 4 Half-life 2 Left For Dead 2 Moonbreakers Planetside 2 Plants vs Zombies: Game of the Year Edition Secret if the Magic Crystal Spiral Knights Super Crate Box Super Monday Night Combat Terraria Tribes: Ascend Tropico 4 Zombie Driver HD And more games except there not downloaded, feel free to add me on steam Steam name: nitvit610
I havent moved on Im still living in the past.... Minecraft Wise, I mainly on Singleplayer or private servers with IRL friends. I miss the old digiex
i have not moved on, i have been playing hard core pvp raiding servers alot, but my friend told me about a nice smp towny server so i started playing that. its called nullcraft and, if anyone wants to play it feel free to ask for the ip. plus you guys are missing out on all the new stuff! Here is the update log for some of the Minecrafts Thats right they added fire works!!!!!!!!!!! (was going to put the minecraft logs but digiex will not let me if you would like to look at them go into minecraft and at the beging it should show you the logs) (Plus they added fire works) -Brett PS: We should try and get a temp server up to get the band back together for a few days
I just checked my email for the first time in weeks and saw "Digiex" so I had to immediately see what it's about! I miss all you guys and have good memories (although it's only via Internet) of the times we've had. I've been doing a lot of trampolining and I'm now competing to be in the Britain 15+ team! Hahahaha, I wish... Although I have to say that's pretty much all I've been doing apart from sticking to Minecraft. If you ever wanna find me I usually play on the server: Good to hear from Digiex again, it's been too long. I would vote 100% towards a small temporary server which we can have a little meet-up; Like I said, great to hear from Digiex again and seeing what you're all up to. P.S. The new site design looks awesome!
I usually have a server up and running myself. It's not running Craftbukkit, but I try and keep it up to date with the latest version. It also runs in creative mode. PM me if you want details. I'm also not always on there.
Can you upload the Oldworld with Finland? i played in that on and off for a few weeks. Would be great to see how it turned out!
I've been mostly working and trying to get into college since I want to pursue business as a career. Look at me talking like a big boy now. Hehehehe. When I'm not working, I usually attend parties and get involved in sorts of shenanigans. Would look forward to playing a few games of whatever on Xbox or PS3 with any of y'all. GT is nazthehuman or naztherobot. PSN ID is SirFantasmo.
Been playing a load of moba's, league and dota, want to play on digiex but.... still sad about my house in alpha going, it was so amazing it might have only been about 10x5x3 but it was the best </3 Beta is still second best