Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. BigRod989

    BigRod989 Addict

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tualatin, Oregon, United States
    your right its been answered before but its all good ;) and No you Wont be banned for it
  2. shadixmax

    shadixmax New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Thanks, and yeah sorry just tired been up all night trying to figure this out. Also what exactly is the point of banning for hardware mods? Seeing as you pay close to 300 for the system legally the consoles yours. I just don't see how they can do that.
  3. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    100% of the time they console ban for dvd drive mods like flashing dvd drives which allows someone to play games for free
  4. AciDeX

    AciDeX Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    As far as complete kits go, I've seen a couple descent ones on Newegg and Tiger Direct. I personally have never bought one, and have pieced myself a kit together over the years as sometimes like you found out kits don't always have what you need.

    If you have a Harbor Freight nearby check there, I work on computers and airsoft guns so it's like my second home. Be prepared to walk out with stuff you didn't even know you needed though! (H)

    one of these: 7-in-1 Screwdriver Set (If you don't have a Bit Driver)

    That should get the ball rolling for about $5 bucks out the door for ya. Sadly the T-Bit set is only available in-store so if you don't have one nearby then you might have to try your luck at Lowes or Ace Hardware, which will be a little more expensive.
  5. Cylonwolf

    Cylonwolf Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    Hi, first time caller :)...
    So, I ordered both a slim and a new HDD (WD2500BEVT) last week, and Im attempting to hack it, but have failed so far, as the HDD is not recognized by the Xbox (and considering how difficult it was to remove, Im going to say that it was seated properly, although one cannot really tell).

    1. I did check my BIOS and verified things were set properly (motherboard is a Gigabyte P35-DS3R).
    2. When I flashed my drive, creating Partition 0/2/3 was not part of the Flash procedure (gives you the option to flash and backup, finishes and then exits the program. The partition is another operation, so HDDHackr must be ran again.
    3. When I run the program again and create the partition, it tells me that the partitions were created successfully, but also locks up and does not return to the prompt (I hoped this would not be a problem, but maybe it was?)
    4. Partition2 appears to successfully update in Xplorer, but then Xplorer crashes upon exit...another bad sign?

    Anyhow, I hooked the drive back up to my computer, and it looks like its the same stuff happening again. Any help would be much appreciated!
  6. oO Jawsh Oo

    oO Jawsh Oo New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    i was wondering if i could use a Western Digital- WD Caviar 200GB Hard Drive for the xbox 360 slim ?
    Model number- WD2000JS-22MHB0
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't believe that drive will, the latest 1.30 version of Hddhackr now supports all sizes and versions of the Western Digital Scorpio Series so I would recommend getting one of them.

    I have not seen Hddhackr supporting the WD Caviar series of drives.
  8. oO Jawsh Oo

    oO Jawsh Oo New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    so any Scorpio series and any size of the scorpio series will work?
  9. Cylonwolf

    Cylonwolf Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    To followup on my post, I did find where HDDhackr 1.3 now creates the partitions automatically when you flash the HDD, so when I reflashed and went into Xplorer, I saw the partitions, so that looks good. The Xbox still doesnt recognize it though. I simply reflashed the drive rather than using the undo.bin...is the problem that I failed to take things back to 0 before starting over? Im really at a loss here, and massive amounts of googling and searching this thread have turned up nothing that sounds similar.
  10. Eugene86

    Eugene86 Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I've got a 320GB scorpio blue that's lying around unused. I'm assuming that it will work as well?
  11. BigRod989

    BigRod989 Addict

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tualatin, Oregon, United States
    It will work I've seen people post it before just really needs to be a laptop drive and with a 320g you will only get 250g size because that is all the xbox supports right now
  12. walleyejunkie

    walleyejunkie New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    250gb W.D. HD

    I bought a hard drive (HD) from ebay, and it's missing partition 2 (P2). The ebay member directed me to this site to fix it. Unfortunately I do not have in my possesion a sata cable, and I don't feel like cracking open my macbook pro just to put P2 on my HD. Is there any other way to install P2, such as copying P2 to a 10gb external HD through a usb cable and installing it to the 250gb through the xbox. Any advice on this matter would be appriciated.
  13. Eugene86

    Eugene86 Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Yea that's what I figured. That's ok though, 250 gigs is more than enough anyways.

  14. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    you can use any sata to usb cord or a transfer cable if you have the original xbox 360 hard drive case.
  15. AciDeX

    AciDeX Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    No, you will have to hook it up to a computer to add the partitions. I don't believe there is a way to make a partition through a usb connection through the xbox's menu as you are describing.

    When you have it installed in the xbox does the drive show up in the system settings under storage at all? If it is then you should be able to add the partition by selecting the "Format" option.

    If it's not showing up in the xbox at all I'm afraid you will have to hook it up to a computer. However finding a SATA cable should be pretty easy and cheap. I know Best Buy has them but they are probably pretty expensive. My suggestion is to go to a local computer repair shop and ask if they have any, they most likely have boxes full of them and more often than not they will just give them away. Also I don't think hooking it up to a Macbook will help any. You'll need a real computer to do the partitioning.
  16. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    If he has the 3 partitions already he can copy partition 2 using xplorer360 and a cable i noted earlier.It does seem like he has the partitions.
  17. Cylonwolf

    Cylonwolf Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    Still no luck getting my HDD (WD2500BEVT) to show up in my Xbox. Ive tried multiple versions of HDDhackr, Ive done it both restoring Partition 2 as well as skipping this part completely, no avail...nothing shows up in my Xbox but the memory unit. Everything Ive read indicates that the HDD should be ready to show up in the Xbox and be ready to use once you run HDDhackr, but its not there. Ive searched up and down this thread, and other sites, but nothing seems to work...does anyone here have an idea of what my problem may be?
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Could be a bad connection maybe? are you using a proper hard drive enclosure or one of them cheap Chinese ones?

    You also said your computer froze when creating the partitions, any other computer you can try it in just to be sure its worked?

    It sounds like everything has gone correctly as you say so i'm not sure what else to suggest except trying a different PC.
  19. Cylonwolf

    Cylonwolf Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    No enclosure as of yet (one on order), so just going in raw...Ive checked the connection several times, I just cant imagine how it cant be connected.

    It froze once using HDDhackr 1.3 when I flashed the drive and then went back and created the partition (it didnt ask about partitions when I flashed, so I had assumed it didnt do it). The other times Ive done it, everything came up "successful". One thing I havent done each time though is "undo" the flash before reflashing the drive, but I dont think this would matter? I dont think that would completely "reset" things back to 0 anyhow.

    I was going to try it in my laptop, but was unsuccessful in finding the proper screwdriver to remove the HDD. Argh. Im going to make a bigger effort to locate that or another computer from a friend later today. But apart from an issue with my motherboard (which I doubt is the problem too, since everything appears to be successful using it), Im not sure what else the problem could be. Ill try the other computer and report back, but please let me know if you come up with anything else.
  20. Cylonwolf

    Cylonwolf Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    Well, success, sorta...I did get the drive to be recognized by my Xbox after flashing it in my laptop. However, I then made the mistake of trying to restore Partition 2 (the Hoffman one), which resulted in Xplorer360 getting stuck (green bar progressed about halfway and reset continuously). Now, of course, its not recognized by my Xbox. So, Im going to give up on the whole backwards compatibility thing (theres only one game I have on disc that I might want to play, and I still have a Xbox 1)...hopefully one more trip through dismantling my laptop will do the trick.

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