How to extract / dump title updates (patches) to and from a 360 USB memory stick

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. c185

    c185 Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Hello everybody.
    I've been trying to import "Title Update 5" for New Vegas for a few hours now.
    I have a modded xbox 360, and my new vegas game says it is from "ntsc J".

    The only update available for ntsc J is title update number 5.

    I've done everything this forum has said to do.
    I've tried putting the update in the cache folder, as the thumbnails above said to do, and I have also tried putting it in the data partion folder "0000000000000000".
    Neither works. The file get's imported fine onto my usb drive, and I connect the usb to my xbox, but my xbox doesn't read the update when I turn on New Vegas.

    I've tried so many things at this point that it's becoming obsessive. I've tried downloading EVERY UPDATE for the game, from every region, one at a time, and injecting them into both the cache folder, as well as the 0000000000000000 folder. Nothing works. Content folder. Saved game folders. Nothing.

    It seems a few people here also had problems putting title updates on this game.

    Is there any possible advice someone can give? Anything else that I haven't thought of? I don't care how obscure or outside of a chance it is. I've spent so many hours upon hours trying to get this to work, that I'll try anything base on a whim, a hope, and a prayer at this point.


  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  3. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Inserting title updates wont work in this folder 0000000000000000
    Try placing it in the folder with your game saves.
  4. c185

    c185 Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Thanks for taking the time to try and help me insanenutter.

    I downloaded the update checker and found the media id of the title update, but how do I find the media id of my game? I found a thread in this forum explaining a way, but it looked like you would need a doctorate degree in computer programing to figure it out. Is there a relatively simple way to find out my games media id?

    The game says that it's ntsc/J on the packaging, and there is only one update on that is ntsc/J. It's a title update 5. That would HAVE to be the correct one, correct? There are no other ntsc/J title updates. Also, I've tried every single title update 5 listed on, just in case. There's like 5 different media ID's, and I've tried ALL of them. None of them work. It doesn't read the update from my usb. Do I need to transfer the file to my xbox's hard drive? Would that work? Is it possible? Or is it another thing that I would need to study at a University for 8 years to figure out how to do?

    The guide on this thread says to simply download the file, and upload it to the cache folder on the usb using xtaf.
    Does that ever actually work? It seemed so so so simple, but is turning into a nightmare.

    Any further advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  5. c185

    c185 Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I tried placing the file in the folder with game saves. It still didn't work. I also tried to transfer the title update from the usb to the hdd. But the file is saved on the usb as "incomplete saved game" and wouldn't let me transfer it. I take it it's supposed to say "title update 5"? What does that mean? Wrong title update?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Firstly are you sure the title update is not working? if you are expecting it to come up and say there is an update available it will not as your already up to date as you injected the update your self. Just asking how your sure its not working?

    To get the games default .xex basically follow this tutorial right to the end:

    It should be easy enough, you just need a transfer cable to extract the game from the 360's hard drive or a large enough usb stick to install it to.

    NTSC-J games can have two copies, a release in Japan and one in Asia, sometimes the Asia release can have more languages, the title updates for each game would be different anyway hence the need to check the media id.

    When you have the xex you can check the media id with xex tool.
  7. c185

    c185 Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Hey. Thanks again insanenutter.
    For New Vegas you can go to the New Vegas title screen, then settings, display, and it shows the game version number. Mine never changes no matter what I try doing with xtaf. I read on a faq on the bethesda forum that that number's supposed to change once you apply an update. Also, I'm stuck on a glitch that can only be overcome by installing an update. Even the 1st title update apparently fixes it, but I can't get any of them to work. Of the 20 or so updates available on, only one of them is ntsc/J.

    My game package says on it "for use for consoles with ntsc/j designation".

    There is only one ntsc/j title update that I can find anywhere on the internet. And it doesn't work. I can't find any other ntsc/j updates. So even if I find out what the media id for the game is, am I still $hit out of luck?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Most likely, you appear to own the game legally so can you not just connect to live and update it your self?

    Even if your console is banned, you could use a friends?
  9. c185

    c185 Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I'm a Canadian who's recently moved to China. I bought a modded xbox 360 through a friend's connection. I don't know how to speak any chinese, have met very few english speakers here so far, and thus can't get a transfer cable. And xbox live isn't even legal here, so no one has it.
    You can't even get "legal" xbox 360's in the city I live in. They're all modded.
    It sounded like a pretty good deal at the time.
    I mean, every xbox game will only cost about $1.

    But the problem is that 3 games in a row have come to unresolvable glitches early in the games that only title updates can fix. And updating through xtaf works "in theory", but unfortunately not in reality. There's ALWAYS some sort of problem that requires a doctorate in computer engineering to fix... that is entirely out of the league of the casual gamer.
    Oh well. I gave it a shot.

    You would have thought that the ONLY ntsc/J title update MUST be the proper update for a game that is of the ntsc/j region. But apparently not. I'm still preposterously confused by this... but I guess I just have to accept this absurdity.
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Looking at Europe is a good way of explaining it, here they are several popular languages, English, French, German and so on to name a few.

    Say the same 360 game is released in the UK, France and Germany, however the three copies of the game could contain a different language. This means the media ID would be different. There for the English title update would not work with the French copy of the game, despite both games been the same each copy has a different media id.

    Call of Duty World of War is a good example of this:


    As you can see they are 4x PAL copies of the game, each with a different media ID. So yes its the same game, however each game will need a different title update, its not possible to mix and match.

    It will be the same case with NTSC-J games, i know some games get released over there as dubbed games (e.g. Modern Warfare 3), then another copy can be released with just subtitles. Again same game esentially, but will need a different title update.
  11. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    look on this site for title updates also
  12. Matt1984

    Matt1984 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hey guys,

    Sorry to drag this thread up but I am having major issues trying to get TUs to run off my USB stick.

    Here's what's happened:

    I have downloaded XTAF and the TUs I need, I have formated my USB stick on my 360 then poped it in into my netbook. I opened XTAF jumped into the cache folder and drag and drop the updates in.

    And this is where the first issues popped up.

    I noticed that 2 of the TUs (for Lego Starwars 3 and Metro 2033), when added to XTAF, didn't display the title of the game, just an empty white space. I thought this was weird as the titles were showing up when I checked the updates with Title Update Checker. Is this an issue I should be worried about?

    The 2nd thing that happened was that randomly (I retried this many, many times and each time a different TU was the culprit) after adding a TU to the cache folder all the titles of the TUs I has already added would vanish and a few would change to long stings of garbled non-characters. This would also typically freeze XTAF or just generally make it super sluggish. Even if I restarted the program it would stop responding once I tried to open the cache folder.

    However, after hours of trying to figure this out I managed to just pop on a few TUs for the games that I am currently playing (Black Opps and Deus Ex). Everyhting seemed to be fine, but when I stuck the USB into the 360 no updates were applied to ether game. I tried checking the version number in Black Opps and I tried pulling out the USB while each game was running and in both cases it had no effect proving that nothing was being read off the USB.

    SO FRUSTRATING! I can't figure out what is wrong. I doubt it's that I have the wrong version as I downloaded both versions of the Black Opps TU and had them both on the USB when testing.

    One thing I thought may have been the issue is that my USB is a micro SD card reader. Maybe the data transfer is too slow? However reading things on the net seems to suggest it should work fine..

    Any thoughts or theories would be GREATLY appreciated!
  13. Matt1984

    Matt1984 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Ok, so turns out it was XTAF, Horizon works beautifully!

    I have a new problem now though! I am trying to update Skyrim to version 1.4, I have figured out that my Media ID is 41E445EA, however when I put the latest version of the 41E445EA patch on my USB stick Skyrim won't even load the title screen. It just hangs on a black screen. If I pull the USB out it quits to the dashboard meaning it's reading the patch, it's just not booting the game.

    I tried with the 1.3 patch for 41E445EA, and that works fine (at least I think it does, the version number mysteriously vanished when I used that patch) and when I pull out the USB it still quits to the dash, again suggesting it's working and confirms that 41E445EA is indeed the correct ID.

    Any idea why 1.4 won't load? I'm not too keen to play the game without the latest patch!!
  14. Chino83

    Chino83 New Member

    May 23, 2012
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    some title updates go in the cache folder if you have a internal memory it wont let you use the usb cache folder it has to go in the internal memory cache folder i have this problem too im trying to figure out how to get inside the internal memory to view the cache folder to put the TU's in there
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You cant do anything like this with the internal memory, it should pick them up from the USB drive if you have the correct title update.

    You can always try clearing the cache / avatar data from the internal memory unit. On my console i have it saving them to the hard drive and not using the internal memory unit at all.
  16. danielng85

    danielng85 New Member

    Nov 7, 2012
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    hi guys, i have a xbox 360 slim 4gb. to apply TU from USB to xbox hard drive 4gb/250gb, i think this video might help go Youtube - How to Install Title Updates Using a USB | Xbox | USB Xtaf Explorer
  17. Saaket

    Saaket New Member

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Whenever I try to inject two title updates of the same game, say TU1 and TU2 for Halo 4, I get a message asking whether I should let it overwrite. Is there a way to inject both at the same time?
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nope its either one or the other, however TU2 contains everything TU1 has and more, so you only need the latest.
  19. Himel

    Himel Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    how to get the right title update for my console ?????
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

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