Games On Demand Coming To Games For Windows Live

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Kotaku report Microsoft has announced that on December 15th, Games on Demand comes to Games for Windows Live, which is a very fancy way of saying it's going to start digitally distributing PC games.

    It's really the next natural step in Games for Windows Live development. The Xbox 360 Games on Demand program has been doing well enough, and services like Stardock's Impulse and Steam have already proven the viability of the digital download store model, so now we're getting Games on Demand for Games for Windows Live.

    "With Games on Demand, we didn't just want to create a cut-and-paste version of existing digital distribution services," said Mike Ybarra, general manager of LIVE Engagement Services. "We challenged ourselves to deliver an integrated platform that takes full advantage of the unique capabilities offered by the LIVE service. Our goal has always been to create a seamless online gaming experience for the Windows community, and Games on Demand is a great step toward that end."

    From the initial announcement, the main difference between Games on Demand and something like Steam is the use of Microsoft points to purchase games along with actual cash money, but it's certainly a start. If they can keep prices competitive, they could be on to something.

    Speaking of starts, the service's launch lineup will include Resident Evil 5, Red Faction: Guerrilla, and Battlestations: Pacific, along with Live-enabled versions of popular downloadable titles like World of Goo and Osmos. If those aren't enticing enough, there's also a free Live-enabled version of Tinker, the Windows Vista Ultimate Extra exclusive for those willing to download the Games for Windows Live client when the service goes live on the 15th.

    You can download the Games for Windows Live client at Microsoft's official website.
  2. P.KID

    P.KID Addict

    Dec 27, 2008
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    seriously are the people who do theyre job for new invotations drunk or something... jeez did they even think that theyll get way with there rip offs and beat there rivals in a match in which the rivals are more experienced... all i can say is M$ u need to sack someone ASAP.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Games for Windows Live is going to have to do a lot to compete with Steam, the client that’s been out for the last 2 years on the pc is an absolute joke, you can see your gamercard and download a couple of videos from what I remember.

    No text or voice communication with other users of live unless your actually in a game such as Halo 2 PC for example.

    Ill be interested to see what’s changed… Microsoft should have invested in Steam back when valve offered.
  4. Titcher

    Titcher Addict

    Oct 16, 2008
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    You know, there is one cool thing about Games for Windows Live, you know what that is? All the keys work on every game. Very handy.
  5. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I once played a game that came with my latest graphics card, Batman Arkham Asylum, and it strangely combined both Steam and Games for Windows Live.

    1: I had to activate the voucher licence code with Steam.
    2: Then I had to download the game and activate it.
    3: Finally in-game, I had to login with my LIVE account, entering yet another code.
    4: I was playing!

    Just for fun, I put Xfire on as well. That's Xfire, Steam, and GFWL all at the same time LOL.

    But seriously, it's not that I want 2+ clients to play one game. They'd have to keep it as light and simple as possible!

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