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TWLSaveTool - Nintendo 3DS App For DS Save Game Backup and Restore

Discussion in 'Apps' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    TWLSaveTool is a 3DS homebrew app that allows you to read, write, and erase save files from Nintendo DS cartridges.

    Esentially you can place an Nintendo DS games in your Nintendo 3DS, load up TWLSaveTool and dump the save game to the SD card in your 3DS.

    TWLSaveTool has no problems with games which used to be problematic such as Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver or Pokemon Black / White, or Pokemon Black / White 2.

    In addition you do not need to mess about with legacy WEP secured wireless networks, Firewalls, FTP's servers and GBA / DS flashcards. This is a simple offline solution anyone with a 3DS running the Homebrew Launcher or a Custom Firmware can use to backup Nintendo DS save games from original game cartridges.


    • The CIA build requires your sysNAND to be on firmware 9.2 or less. If it's the case, this is the best option.
    • The 3dsx build requires you to have either PokéTransporter or Pokémon Dream Radar installed on your 3DS. In both cases you'll need to pay to be able to download them from the Nintendo Eshop.


    TWLSaveTool CIA Version Download

    TWLSaveTool 3dsx Homebrew Launcher Version

    TWLSaveTool Source Code


    All Nintendo DS games except WarioWare D.I.Y., Band Brothers DX, Art Academy DS, and Pokémon Typing Adventure should be supported.

    Other Links:

    Tutorial on how to use TWLSaveTool: Nintendo DS Save Game Backup Using The Nintendo 3DS [Easy Offline Solution]

    TWLSaveTool on Github

    Attached Files:

    gatekeeper1122 and HaxAras like this.

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