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Xbox 360 Dashboard Update 2.0.13146.0 Download [Final Version with Avatars]

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by Corona, May 10, 2011.

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  1. Corona

    Corona Addict

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Xbox 360 Dashboard Update 2.0.13146.0 Download with Avatars Final


    Xbox 360 Dashboard Update 2.0.13146.0 Download with Avatars

    Important News:

    Everyone should have xbox live access

    New Features:
    • Support for XGD3 Disc Format (Xbox 360 games can use an extra 1gig of space)
    • AP2.5 checks for all games activated
    • Flashes DVD drive firmware upon updating the Xbox 360 dashboard with this update
    • Gets Console ready for support for Avatar Kinect to be released on 5-24
    • Adds Paypal Support
    • Adds a auto-standby feature that places your console on standby if it’s idle for more than one hour, helping to reduce power consumption. This feature will be automatically enabled after you download the update. You can change this setting in the System Settings on your console.

    May 9, 2011 To Beta Participants
    May 19 - 30, 2011 To Public in Stages

    How to install:

    1.) Unrar the download
    2.) Copy the $SystemUpdate folder to the root of a CD or USB Stick (The memory stick must be FAT or Fat32 formatted)
    3.) Insert the CD or USB Stick into your Xbox 360 console.
    4.) You will be automatically prompted to update with a USB stick, with a CD / DVD it should say Mixed Media Disc, power down the 360 and power it on again. You should be ask to update before the 360 boots to the dashboard.
    5.) Once the update is complete your Xbox 360 will restart then boot up to the new dashboard. Enjoy!

    InsaneNutter has created a video to try and help those of you who are having problems:


    Download Xbox Dashboard Update 2.0.13146.0 Download With Avatars

    Additional info:

    Additional Info From Major Nelsons Blog:

    New Xbox 360 System Update Brings Expanded PayPal Functionality

    I am happy to announce that, as a part of a new Xbox 360 System Update, we’re expanding our integration with PayPal to allow U.S. and international Xbox LIVE users to make purchases on their Xbox 360 consoles with their PayPal accounts.* Once you’ve linked your PayPal account to your Xbox LIVE account on Xbox.com, you’ll be off and running to use it as a billing option, allowing you to buy content such as Microsoft Points, Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions and Games on Demand titles.

    We are rolling out the Xbox 360 System Update gradually to all Xbox LIVE users starting today and throughout the next couple weeks to ensure a high quality deployment. Just like any other update to our service, you will know you’ve received it when you turn on your Xbox 360 console, connect to Xbox LIVE and receive a notification to download the update. It’s important to note that it may take a few days to make its way around the globe. Thanks for your patience if you don’t get it right away!

    This particular update will also bring an auto-standby feature that places your console on standby if it’s idle for more than one hour, helping to reduce power consumption. This feature will be automatically enabled after you download the update. You can change this setting in the System Settings on your console.

    Finally, thank you to all who participated in the preview program for this Xbox 360 System Update. Your contributions helped us prepare for the updated Xbox 360 disc format capability that comes with this release.

    *PayPal functionality will not be available in the following Xbox LIVE regions: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan

    From Microsoft Connect:

    Dashboard Update: 5/9/11

    The latest dashboard update is now being made available to the Preview LIVE & Preview Disc audience. This latest version is 2.0.13146 for those wanting to check it out in system settings to confirm their version.

    Once you take this update please repeat the scenarios of testing out the Halo Reach media we provided as part of the program AND test out your existing media from your personal library.

    Which Dashboard Version should I be on?
    All Preview users (DISC or LIVE) with a properly registered console should be prompted for an update to version 13146 with full ability to connect to Xbox LIVE. All users should be prompted for this update.

    Still not able to connect to LIVE?
    If you are still experiencing an issue it is likely that your console was not properly registered in the program an you need to Resubmit/Correct Console information available via the Survey section on Connect. If users place the program provided Halo Reach disc in their console and the console is not properly registered you will stay on 13140 and be unable to connect to LIVE until you complete this task with the proper registration information. Look at the FAQ - Console Registration information available on Connect for additional details.

    If after taking the update to 13146 you still experience an issue with connecting to LIVE then we'd ask that you complete the network wizard available on xbox.com and then file a SUPPORT: Program Inquiry feedback item and let us know your current dashboard version so that we can follow up directly on your particular issue as there may be a unique issue that requires 1:1 investigation.
    Can't Connect to Xbox LIVE Solution

    Thank you for your continued support!
    Xbox Pre-Release Administrators

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  2. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    6 diffrent groups maybe there planning to reflash 6 diff dvd drives
  3. Neoteam1

    Neoteam1 Addict

    Apr 10, 2011
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    United Kingdom
    Can i just ask what is the point in adding the beta after the main dash update cos no one will download the betas after that. So there will be no need to upload it in the first place.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    For collection purposes, it could also be useful in the future.

    E.g. we didnt know it at the time but the 7371 dashboard was the last dash that was vulnerable to the jtag hack, so if you had an older console you could upgrade it to 7371 to play the latest games at the time, then when the hack was released you could still hack your console as you had not updated past it.
  5. GILLY

    GILLY Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    It doesn't mean there will be 6 separate individual Dashboard updates for everyone to download, it likely means they will release the update to 6 specific regions of the world separately in "waves" starting from May 19th going through to May 30th to reduce pressure on servers etc.

    So everyone will not be downloading the update at the same time ;)
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It could also be rolled out to the 6 types of DVD drives one at a time, as this dash update does flash the firmware on the 360's DVD drive.

    Models of drives:

    1. Toshiba-Samsung TS-H943
    2. Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L
    3. Hitachi-LG DL10N (Slim)
    4. BenQ / Philips VAD6038
    5. Lite-On DG-16D2S
    6. Lite-On DG-16D4S (Slim)

    Xbox 360 hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    paypal update is live only on xbox.com thou heres what it looks like
  8. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    BTW , non jtag stuff does not work anymore. :O
    Some users even report tha MW2 & Black Ops don't work with the new update . :(
  9. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    mw2 and bo will work retail however if ur flashed it updates fw and ap2.5 so best to stay on the .25
  10. Sylar76

    Sylar76 Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    You've to wait for 0800 LT+ 2.0 firmware in order to dump AP25 challenges (full table)
    for playing them again. ;)
  11. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    I just have a stock 360 , not flashed. My Jtag broke down & i sold it .
  12. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    I take it this is the final version then?
  13. Giuliano357

    Giuliano357 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    yes, this is the final version
  14. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    just a reminder this update will reflash dvd drives(confirmed) and could possibly ban the console(not confirmed yet,if you know please post)
  15. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    propably will ban console as when its flashing it will prob detecect the dvd cfw and flag you
    Happy Postal likes this.
  16. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    Here are some things of note so you have a clue of what’s coming:

    After the update the drive fw is also updated with a new stock fw, rendering the drive unable to play backups (for now).
    When the drives are flashed back again with LT fw the previous AP2.5 patched titles are no longer booting (expected and will be updated with new XBC and 0800)
    It seems that the first update has only been sent to Liteon DG-16D2S and Liteon DG-16D4S drives (Unconfirmed)
    The key location on phat models is now in a different area, so a new JF will be released to accommodate this change which was already anticipated in advance.
    There has been EXTENSIVE progress with all the new AP2.5 challenges. New 0800 BENQ fw is almost ready.
    There is a new XBC (Xbox Backup Creator) that has been designed alongside the new 0800 ripping fw – you’ll love it
    There will be new LT fw’s for all of the new versions that have been released.
    XGD3 progress is being made and there will be an update on this soon.
    We have received unverified reports that after the update to a 9504 slim drive the write protect was enabled like the 0225 drives (Unconfirmed)
    All the slim key read and slim write routines have changed also (again fully anticipated). Easily fixed with new JFWe will also confirm that we have a solution to all unlock all 0225 drives so you can write the firmware. This has been 100% verified and working and we are producing the addons as we speak and will have them available as soon as possible. We will release 2 versions, a kit for pro modders to offer as a service and also a DIY mod type device that users can install themselves. There is a LOT going on so we are working as fast as possible on all projects.

    There you have it. In short, as Microsoft drops this bombshell, Team-Xecuter and related parties drop this one. New firmwares, a 0225/0401 write solution, and new Jungleflasher, and XBC applications.

    As always, if you want to make it through this update with an unflagged/unbanned/working console as long as possible, UPGRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Personally, I have a Phat Xbox with a Liteon 94350C drive and I haven't received any update notices on the first day of updates.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Someone has anonymously given us the 13146 update with no avatars, this has been edited in to Xbox Hackers original post.

    I have also cleaned this post up, if you still can not get on live now (which is likely) you will just have to wait until the update is officially pushed out to your console.
  18. Happy Postal

    Happy Postal Active Member

    May 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I install this update... This is NOT help me! No Live!!!
  19. Sylar76

    Sylar76 Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Same for me. Only a valid official update coming from Microsoft, with Avatars,
    will fix our issues. :(
  20. Ruhrpott

    Ruhrpott New Member

    May 20, 2011
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    Bochum, Germany
    I had previously installed accidentally the BETA dash, without being in the program.
    Now this update didn't get me any further.
    I still can't connect to XBL and still can't use the kinect. -.- What is it good for at all?
    In which time can we expect these things to work?
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