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Jungle Flasher PDF Tutorial Download - Xbox 360 Flashing Tutorial

Discussion in 'Documents' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Download Jungle Flasher PDF Tutorial

    What is Jungle Flasher:

    JungleFlasher is developed in conjunction with Team Jungle in an effort to bring all 360 DVD‐Drive flashing functions together in one easy to use Win32 Application. JungleFlasher provides several functions that up until now were carried by several different app's in both Dos and Win32.

    The FirmwareTool 32 tab is uses to process firmware files. Jungle Flasher will parse the files, identify the firmware type and display relevant information such as the all important DVD key and OSIG strings etc... On the Target sub‐tab, MD5 hash checking of iXtreme firmware files is conducted to confirm authenticity. With both source and target files loaded, the relevant source data can be transferred to the Target ( a.k.a. Spoofed ), which can then be flashed to the target drive.

    The DVDKey32 tab is used to extract info from Lite‐On - the undumpable drive. All unique information is extracted: DVD key, unique inquiry and identify strings and drive serial information. This info is stored in one easy to use file, ”Dummy.bin”. This is a 256kb file that mimics the approximate structure of a BenQ firmware file and is automatically loaded to the source sub‐tab in the FirmwareTool 32 Tab. Jungle Flasher v0.1.55b also brings the unique feature of dumping “Dummy.bin” from iXtreme flashed Lite‐On Drives solely using S‐ATA. There is also a facility to create a “dummy.bin” from previously extracted files, although fresh extractions should be completed where possible. Every effort has been made to make key extraction as reliable as possible. Multiple dumps are performed with comparison to account for the slightest chance that serial data may have become corrupt.

    The MTKFlash 32 tab is used this unlock Benq and Samsung drives and then dump the current flash for use in the source sub‐tab in Firmware Tool 32 tab. You can also erase a Lite‐On in preparation for flashing. All 3 drives can be flashed using this tab.

    The Hitachi tab is for Hitachi drives which are flashed differently from the MTK based drives mentioned above and so they have their own dedicated tab. Hitachi’s are flashed as a “Live” drive, on a sector by sector basis and as such needs to be performed in a very contolled way so the process is heavily automated. JF will only flash ix to a stock drive and so a restore facilty is provided which allows for a full restore to stock f/w of previously modded drives. Several additional features like Mode-B over portio, USmodeB and 79Unlock are included for convienence. Dumping and flashing is also possible over Portio for those who remove Sata drivers to work around Lite-On-Erase lockup issues.

    JungleFlasher is intended to be rich in information providing as much relevant and useful information as possible. On the DVDKey 32 and MTKFlash 32 tabs, all IO and COM port information is detected and displayed, as well as drive and device properties for the currently selected drive.

    Attached Files:

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