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FIFA 14 Squads Update 19 july 2014

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by almahdi, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. almahdi

    almahdi New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    The latest official squads update for FIFA 14 19 july 2014

    Download: FIFA 14 Squad Update 19 july 2014

    how to transfer

    This Tutorial will use fsd and network and horizon
    1-Connect you're jtag to the network (router)
    2-Open FSD and take the ip


    3-open the ip in explore


    4-Go to where save profile mine in Hdd1 so its on \\\Hdd1\Content
    if it on xbox memory unit its name OnBoeadMU
    if it on hard drive its name Hdd1
    if it on external storage its name Usb# (# is number if you have two external storage then you have Usb0 & Usb1)
    if you have more than one profile then you see like this


    if you can't know what on it's you's profile game on just open find foldr game name in step 2 if you can't find it then sherch other profile
    5-when enter in you're profile game just open any folder and then open 00000001 folder and open file you see in horizon (Tools - Package Manager - Open)


    6-click agen Package Manager and open Squads Update file then copy the profile id , device id , console id fileds from save you open to Squads Update


    7-click Save,Rehash, and Resign in horizon then copy Squads Update to

    change Hdd1 if you profile not in hard drive

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thanks for posting, where must people copy the update to on their console to use it?
  3. almahdi

    almahdi New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    it's on Content\profile\454109C3\00000001
    InsaneNutter likes this.

    HUFCSTEVE New Member

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Is there an idiots guide on how to do this? Can I download the update onto USB and put it on the XBOX? How do I find (and edit) Content\profile\454109C3\00000001?!
  5. wolfern75

    wolfern75 New Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Found this on another forum;
    Tutorial Upon Request!
    1. Plug you're USB into you're XBOX and travel to SETTINGS/STORAGE/GAMES and copy a file with your profile ID's to you're USB. I will be using the personal settings from FIFA 14. (make sure you're USB is configured, will prompt you to if not. MAKE SURE THERE IS NOTHING IMPORTANT ON IT AS IT DOES REMOVE EVERYTHING!)
    2. Download horizon and install, plug you're USB into your computer.
    3. Once into horizon press the little arrows to open the drop down bar on the right.
    4. Once you have done that drag and drop the file from you're USB into horizon. then drag and drop the squads file
    5. Once side by side you will see 3 ID's. copy the ID's from you're file to the squad file then just click rehash and resign, you will get prompted with a message, just click ok.
    6. Move the squad file to your USB just drag and drop it. click ok and move you're USB back to your XBOX, and go to USB click games and move the squad file to your HDD.
    7. ALL DONE.

    Hope this will help you
    InsaneNutter likes this.

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