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Hacked Xbox 1 Backwards Compatibility v5829 (November 2007) Download

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The following hacks were done to the emulator:

    * Xbe signature checks removed (lets you run unsigned code)
    * Xbe section hash checks removed (lets you run hacked xbes)
    * Game region checks removed (region free baby!)
    * Game media checks removed (play games from your hard drive)
    * Debug/Devkit xbes supported (run your own xbox1 code)
    * Attempt to play unsupported games (doesn't mean it will work hehe)

    To install this, copy the Compatibilty folder to your devkits Y drive.

    If you have a Jtag hacked console you want to copy this to Partition 2, it might be advisable to backup the original files first.

    The author of this (I presume Xorloser?) states he left in game ratings checks in case you dont want your little ones to play violent games, however this can be toggled in the dashboard anyway.

    Quite a few games that are not on the official backwards compatibility list appear to be working fine, such as:

    Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
    Crazy Taxi 3
    Metal Gear Solid 2
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

    Note: it will boot (some) Xbox 1 homebrew as well, however don't expect everything to work perfectly.

    Download Hacked Xbox 1 Backwards Compatibility v5829 (November 2007)
    stto_22, kontee2449, Lion94 and 3 others like this.
  2. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    This is great .
    I'll get my Jtag in about month .
    Timesplitter Future Perfect is not official Xbox 360 backward game , but i really want to play it . It brings back good memories . ;)
  3. MDashK

    MDashK Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Hi there. =)

    Is there some kind of tutorial of how to properly install this?

    I have a JTAG, i copy this content over to the HddX drive (using Xex menu) and replace the Compatibility folder and files of the drive, then I try to run any XBox1 game and the 360 locks @ the Xbox1 logo screen. =S

    I read that this must be copied to the Y drive, but I really don't know how to create this... But, I already followed these steps:

    - Added the Compatibility folder using XeX Menu v1.1 directly to the HddX (partition 2) drive.
    - Replaced all the files/folders there where there.
    - Did not worked. Every time I boot a Xbox1 game, either in or not in the official compatlist, the 360 freezes in the Xbox1 logo.

    - Also, used this: "XeDEV HDD Compatibility Partition Fixer v1" to see if it worked. Did not worked.

    Read somewhere that using "Xbdm Ini Recovery" I could get it to work.
    But I can't seem to find that XEX file nowhere. =S

    So, i'm kinda with my hands tied now. So is there any tutorial for this or any that helps me with:

    How to create the Y drive?
    and if the XBDM.ini recovery works, where is it? Or how to get it?

    And please, don't tell me: "Google it". 'cause I've been googling it for hours. I guess i'm using the right key words. =S

    Any help is greatly appreciated. =)

    BTW, my HDD is a 20GB oficial X360 HDD.

    Thanks in advance.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  5. MDashK

    MDashK Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Thanks. I'm gonna try that out. =) I'll post the results later here.

    BTW, i just converted PSO into GOD (Xbox 1 Original) package.
    Does it run in this mode or do i have to extract te whole ISO and run the default.xex out of the ISO?

    I tried running the original Sonic Riders DVD-ROM using these hacked files version, but even that game locks @ boot. =S


    EDIT: Thanks. Worked like a charm. Just installed Dash Launch 2.07 and it worked. GOD also worked. =)


    BTW, My JTAG is Xenon 12611 (if not mistaken).

    "Thanks" and "Reputation" added. =)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
    kinkywinky likes this.
  6. Leonardonarutobr

    Leonardonarutobr New Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    São José dos Campos, Brazil
    Dude, when you enable the option in daslauch downloading the title update live when starting a game from xbox 1 of ' fatal carsh '
  7. Lion94

    Lion94 Member

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I try this use ;)

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