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Akai Katana Shin Demo Download (赤い刀 真)

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, May 9, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    About the game:

    Akai Katana is a shoot em up created by Cave, the game takes place in a parallel world that resembles Japan's Taisho period. Here, people discovered a blood sword that takes human sacrifices to unleash its mass destructive power. The empire uses these swords and sacrificed their people to conquer other countries.

    All the bloodshed and power gained through sacrificing close family members made some of the swordsmen change their stances. With new fighter planes and the powered up swords at their disposal, they fought back against the empire.

    The Xbox360 has new stages, new characters and a new system. The graphics are adapted to suit a 16:9 screen and everything is even more beautiful and challenging than ever.


    This demo is a gold exclusive on the Japanese Marketplace. The demo requires a modified console, it will work on a Jtagged Xbox 360 and i presume a Devkit.

    The files / folders for the Demo must be placed in the Content\0000000000000000 on the Xbox 360 hard drive, or an Xbox 360 formatted USB memory stick.

    You can also create a Content\0000000000000000 folder on a DVD-R, place the demo files and folders here and burn to a disc.

    Need help with something? Visit our Guides Section

    Helpful tutorials:
    1. Inject a demo to the Xbox 360 Hard Drive
    2. Inject a demo to a USB flash drive
    3. Burn a demo to a CD or DVD
    4. Enjoy!


    Download Akai Katana Shin (赤い刀 真) Demo


    Purchase Akai Katana Shin (Play Asia - ships world wide)

    Purchase Akai Katana Shin [First Print Limited Edition] (Play Asia - ships world wide)
    Michael_T likes this.

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