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Pcsxr Xenon Alpha 0.5.1 - Xbox 360 Playstation Emulator Download (Libxenon)

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Pcsxr Xenon is a Playstation Emulator for the Xbox 360 Ced2911. It is Libxenon homebrew, meaning its totally legal to distribute as its not coded with Microsofts Xbox 360 Development Kit.

    Download Pcsxr Xenon Alpha 0.5.1

    Excuse the terrible video, it was filmed with a mobile phone in one hand and the Xbox 360 controller in my other!

    How to use:

    1. Unzip the file to the root of a FAT32 formatted USB drive
    2. Copy your Playstation ISO's to the USB drive.
    3. Power on your Jtagged Xbox 360 with the eject button to launch Xell (Or load Xell Reloaded from Xell Launch)
    4. Insert the USB drive, the emulator should load
    5. Choose your ISO and play

    Contents of my flash drive:

    Attached Files:

    MasterChief likes this.
  2. whitelancerLW

    whitelancerLW New Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    i have jtag running with xell reload and PCSXR-xenon Freezes at xell JTAG XBOX 360. any solutions? thanks
  3. Trojans Ghost

    Trojans Ghost Resident

    Jul 1, 2021
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    I am trying this using Aurora but to no success. Any ideas?


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