Help me get back my avatars [Xbox 360]

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by janxfury, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. janxfury

    janxfury Active Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    hi there again.i have my xbox360 update w/ nxe since last january09,i have an xb360 game name HAWX.w/c i have sold to a friend last week then i try play it on my xb360.there is a prompt w/c it say system update w/c enable u to play the game u must update the system to play it. when i click the update began to reboot and after that there is another prompt says:the disk is unreadable u must clean it w/ soft clean cloth etc......I CLEAN THE DAMN DISK but doesnt work.
    so i cancel the update when i boot it again my avatars gone,when i press the customize avatars it says:u must update the system in order to create ur thats it. im desperate again to install the NXE but it wont work...since i update it before...meaning his looking for newer update maybe.but i can play any games.
    pls. anyone here help me for im really appreciate such help and i will cherish this for the rest of my life...thanx a many:'(
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The only thing i can think to try is the offline NXE install posted on Digiex

    That sounds like a bit of a flaw in the update system as I don’t see how your Xbox is going to recognise the update as its most likely on the same version.

    Can you connect to Xbox Live? I guess if its missing some files it should download them.

    If not you might have to contact Xbox support and explain what happened.
  3. janxfury

    janxfury Active Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    gee thx man, but i tried it last tym i reinstall the nxe,i downloaded here too in digiex and it was a flaw when its done the install process.but sadly im desperate again when i try to update it w/ the game hawx.w/c u cannot play it unlees u update it.and alsdo i cannot connect yet to xbox live for some reasons.well perhaps ill try to wait when the newer NXE version will realesed. and also thx for replying my message man i really appreciate it.god bless!
  4. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Try cleaning the disk really good. (I know you said you did before) Just please make sure its good.

    Try removing all memory cards, hard drives. Then trying the update.

    Download the Full NXE with avatars from Digiex. Here

    Hope this helps you!
  5. janxfury

    janxfury Active Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    well thanx a many for the good tip my friends,well ill try it later on. ill clean the disk real good as u said. but it is not risky to remove the harddrive on it?and install the nxe, i dont have a memory card yet but im bother, since ive not try it before.i already have an nxe system update_fall08.I downloaded it here several tyms.well theres no results if im not risking on it.and again my friends thx a many for the help.
  6. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Well, if it won't let you update after you've removed the memory card or hard drive. Then just try deleting the avatar file from your hard drive. I think its located under...

    System Settings
    Hard Disk
    System Items
    > Avatar System Data ( Delete this )

    Try this only as a last resort. As I've never tried it and it may make it worst. Though if its your avatars that aren't working something may be corrupt. So try it but only as a last resort.
  7. janxfury

    janxfury Active Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    u know what i dont know how to thank u alot my friend,it is an honor to be here at digiex.since right now on my time here. im still in the office,when i get back home later on ill do what u just said to me.thanx again..and god bless u my friend! hey i love ur avatar it seems familiar..:)
  8. domio

    domio Member

    Apr 6, 2009
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    hey janx i had the same prob as you and i have sorted mine.

    when tryin to play wanted it would say needed to update but wont work. but it updated my nxe but still wont play and wont let u do anything with the avatar or anything still says u need to update.

    so what i done was i got the update that only come out on friday and put it on usb pen and put in my xbox and updated it and now wanted works fine:)

    if u need the file let me no and we work out a way i can get it to you
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Could you create a new thread in the Download Centre under Consoles and Homebrew and upload it there? It can benefit everyone who needs to update then.

    If you need any help doing this feel free to message me.
  10. domio

    domio Member

    Apr 6, 2009
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    yeh im just doin it now that no problem
  11. janxfury

    janxfury Active Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    its about tym donio,and ur idea is the best,well this is the reason i post my meassage since im very frustrate w/ this.and im very grateful u notice my post here and share ur idea.and many thanx also to the great people who gave me some tips too on to how to solve this.well if i have an oppurtunity to help u too on the future free to ask ill try my best to help u out too,so u can post me the link so that i can download it.or email me or why share to others also,believe me its a big help my great man.thx and ill be waiting for ur file:)
  12. jothehann

    jothehann New Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    wooohhh...finally got the best answer for my prob
    Got same problem after playing prototype, it ask to install the update in order to play the game..after doing that, my avatar was gone. I downloaded the (April update with avatar) for offline,extract all files in my usb pen, and install to my xbox360. After the update, I inserted prototype game and it work flawlessly.

    Thank you so much Digiexers!!! :D

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