The Most Creepy Game Bosses

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by InsaneNutter, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The Baddest Bosses

    No matter how many creatures jump out of the shadows of a horror game, there's always something much worse waiting at the end. We take a look at some of horror gaming's biggest, baddest bosses

    Alma (F.E.A.R. / Project Origin)

    Pre-adolescent psychic Alma has a major mean streak. Always ready to trap players in head games until they can't tell reality apart from dream, her small size betrays the threat she represents. Most underestimate the extent of her powers until she burns the flesh from their bodies.

    SHODAN (System Shock I & II)

    The megalomaniac artificial intelligence known as SHODAN (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network) can't directly harm players, since she has no physical body, but that doesn't stop her from being a serious threat to humanity. When she isn't taunting the player with her unlimited intelligence and immortality, she converts captured humans into cybernetic slaves, threatening to destroy earth with a giant mining laser and turning automated defenses against their human makers.

    Soulblighter (Myth I, II & III)

    Before Bungie introduced the world to Master Chief, it developed a real-time strategy game series called Myth. Working as second in command of the Fallen Lords, Soulblighter commanded legions of the undead to ruthlessly tear down human civilization. However, he gets an unexpected promotion when heroes destroy his leader, then sets out to launch a large-scale plan to harness the dark powers and spread corruption across the lands.

    Arthas, The Lich King (World of Warcraft)

    Players have to wait until the Wrath of the Lich King expansion before they can test their level 80 gear against the Lich King, but the prince gone bad stands as one of the most feared and powerful figures in the World of Warcraft universe. The leader of the Scourge sits on his icy thrown, Frostmourne at his side, waiting to beat down any heroes foolish enough to find him.

    Cyberdemon (Doom)

    Even the forces of hell believe in upgrades. By combining demonic stamina with high-tech weaponry, the Cyberdemon could launch rockets to blow players to bits... that's when it doesn't step on them. This boss is so powerful that hell-hunters need to harness the power the Soul Cube to defeat it.

    The G-Man (Half-Life)

    Although he's not the traditional kind of boss that you can blast with a shotgun (however much you'd like to), he's definitely Gordon Freeman's boss. Dressed in a blue suit and popping in and out of time and space whenever he sees fit, the G-Man's motivations remain a mystery. The only thing anyone knows for sure is that he has big plans for the physicist turned hero.

    GlaDOS (Portal)

    Portal is still a very new game, so you didn't think we'd give away what GLaDOS looked like, did you? Polite, passive-aggressive and insanely sadistic, this artificial intelligence monitors the player's progress throughout all the testing stages, offering unique commentary along the way. Portal may be a short puzzle game, but the computer is a character that will resonate long after players finish it.


    Anyone else you think should be on there? I’m thinking General RAAM for Gears of War, however I’ve not played quite a few games on the list so they could be worse!
  2. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Nice idea for a topic! :D

    First of all, The Nihilanth from Half-Life. A big floating zombie-like baby. Wow...

    Also this boss from Diablo 2 is pretty creepy. You walk into his den, trying to find Baal. You enter and you stumble upon him saying in a creepy heavy voice 'LOOKING FOR BAAL??' That was a great moment.

    Not really creepy, but my favorite boss of all time is the final boss of Serious Sam; First Encounter. Just the size of that thing.... The bigger bosses are, the more epic the battle is.
  3. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    from final fantasy 8
  4. Kitarii

    Kitarii Resident

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Surrey, UK
    Any Zelda bosses?
    I certainly found some of them quite intense, maybe not creepy.
  5. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The Mother from Prey is not really a creepy looking boss or whatever, but clearly my most recent game boss that felt pretty good to defeat. You know, she's a big alien bad-ass playing tirany on you and the human race lasting the whole game..
  6. xsg

    xsg Member

    Dec 27, 2008
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    i'm sorry but none of them scare me lol left 4 dead witch scares me take a look

    sorry no pics on google of her look her up though she creepy as hell heres the boomer

  7. P.KID

    P.KID Addict

    Dec 27, 2008
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    the most creepy bosses i ever faced has to be on gow2. The final boss imo.

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