Guide to Jailbreak the PS3 with a iPhone 3G/2G running PSFreedom

Discussion in 'Playstation 3 Guides' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    This jail-break is simple once you've done it. I spent well over 12 hour's trying to do it. Now to help everyone, here's you a guide. It's pretty simple, just follow it exactly, read the notes and pay attention to anything in bold. Doing so and in a matter of 30-60 minute's you'll have a jail-broken PS3!

    Recent Change's in the Guide:
    • Hidden all steps on the guide thats aren't needed when using a pre-patched method. You may skip them if using a pre-patched method. If not, then show the spoiler and do as it ask's.
    • I've added Hermes V3 Payload. You can apply this via SSH or use the 1-click installer below.
    • I've added a Pre-Patched version of iPhoDroid that has PSFreedom built in. Making it a very simple install.

    Windows PC - Worked for me using Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    iPhone 3G or 2G - Firmware running 3.1.2 > 4.02
    Jail-broken iPhone - Rooted
    PS3 - Firmware 3.41
    Optional: OpenSSH - Must be installed using Cydia, after jail-broken (You'll only need this should you choose not to use my Pre-Patched method's, but would rather SSH into the device and replace the files you're self.)

    Note: If you're iPhone is running 4.1 it will not work. You must downgrade using Cydia SHSH. (If you have an SHSH on file)

    Note: If you're PS3 is running firmware 3.42 it will not work. You cannot downgrade.

    No PSFreedom Patched in, use this if you wish to manually SSH the files you're self
    Download: iPhone 3G Only
    Download: iPhone 2G Only

    Already Patched with PSFreedom - Disc is Required
    Download: iPhone 3G Only
    Download: iPhone 2G Only

    Already Patched with PSFreedom and Contain's the Hermes V3 Payload - No Disc Required
    Download: iPhone 3G Only
    Download: iPhone 2G Only

    For Manual SSH'ing and Replacing Files
    PSFreedom for Apple iPhone 3G/2G with Backup Manager Support but no Hermes Payload Disc is Required
    PSFreedom for Apple iPhone 3G/2G with Backup Manager Support and Hermes V3 Payload No Disc Required

    Other Essential Apps
    Filezilla x86
    Download: TinyUmbrella 4.1.4
    Download: Backup Manager 1.0

    If you've not got the correct firmware, use this time to downgrade you're firmware version now. You can learn how to do that at this link. (Same step's no matter the firmware version listed in the guide.)

    Once you've got to you're correct firmware version required to proceed. Then you're going to jail-break the iPhone using Redsn0w, pwnage tool, or blackra1n.

    Note: It must not be jail-broken using the Spirit jail-break.

    If you've decided you're just to good for my pre-patched features then you're gonna need to configure Filezilla or you're choice of a SFTP program - For Manual SSH'ing Only

    • Install Filezilla on pc
    • Find out your iPhone's IP address, open the setting's app and hit WIFI then hit the blue arrow next to you're WIFI connection name or SSID.
    • Launch Filezilla and enter you're iPhone IP address. Then username: root password: alpine hit connect, you should now be able to access your phones file system.

    Step One Install iPhoDroid Onto You're iPhone 3G/2G.

    • Extract you're iPhoDroid archive you've downloaded above onto your Desktop.
    • Connect the iPhone to PC, close iTunes if it opens.
      Note: Run iPhoDriod as an admin
    • Click on iPhoDroid.exe located in the folder you extracted to you're Desktop. A window should open, click "Shoot" this will then install Android (PSFreedom) to your iPhone 3G/2G.

      [​IMG] | [​IMG] | [​IMG]
    • Once this has done your phone will boot to a menu, push the power botton on the top right of the phone, this will scroll through the boot options, push the power botton untill you get to the bottom left hand corner where you will see "Install" now push the home button and it should install fully to your phone. Once installed you're phone should boot into Android (PSFreedom), now you need to exit Android (PSFreedom) by holding the power and home button's in until the phone kicks off.

    • When you power the phone on you will be greeted with the boot menu, choose the apple logo which will put you back to normal iOS, you will find you're now stuck in recovery so go back to iPhoDroid and this time instead of hitting "Shoot" you need to hit "Exit out of Recovery". You're iPhone OS will now boot as normal from now on.

    Note: If you receive a error after hitting "Exit out of Recovery" Then download TinyUmbrella above and use it to kick you're device out of Recovery mode.


    For those who has chosen to manually SSH the file's you're self, you will now need to copy the file's to you're iPhone

    • Unzip the PSFreedom for iPhone 3G/2G onto your Desktop. (Note: Do not extract "Android.img.gz" It is suppose to stay that way.)
    • Make sure your iPhone is booted into it's normal Apple iOS.
    • Launch Filezilla and connect to iPhone. Navigate to private/var
    • Copy the 2 files from within you're PSFreedom extracted folder on you're desktop to private/var, it should then ask you if you want to overwrite, hit yes.

    • Then right click on the file's and change the file permission's on them both to 777.

    • The Jailbreak should now be on you're iPhone and ready to be loaded up via you're PS3.

    Step Two Using The PSFreedom Jail-break

    • Power off iPhone and launch the Android icon from the new boot menu, your iPhone will have load's of text line's appearing, wait for the "INIT" text to appear (the phone is now ready)
    • Connect the iPhone to you're PS3
    • Flick to power switch (on the back) of the PS3 to off then on. (FAT) If slim then plug the the power cable to the back of you're PS3. (Slim)
    • Push the power button (on front of console) and straight after push the eject button.
    • You will notice the text on the iPhone start's scrolling again.
    • Your PS3 should now be booted jailbroken (you should now have 2 folder's within the game selection screen)


    Q: I am trying to boot PSFreedom / iDroid but at the very first screen it get's stuck at the "radio: reading baseband nvram... done" line; why?

    A: You may have uploaded the PSFreedom / Android images onto your iPhone with WinSCP which does not alway's work. We suggest that you instead use an ftp client (such as FileZilla). Once you have uploaded the images into the folder /private/var you must also set the image permission's to 777. If everything fails then maybe you need to redownload the PSFreedom image files and try again. If still nothing, uninstall Openiboot and boot into iOS, then redo Step Two above.

    Q: I am trying to boot iDroid and after some loading it gets stuck at the "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)" line; why?

    A: The files you have uploaded are corrupted, just reupload them as described above.

    Note: Should you require more assistance, please look below at my signature.

    Attached Files:

  2. ht888

    ht888 New Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I’m running iOS 4.0 on an iPhone 3G. I’ve tried to install iPhoDroid, but when the iPhone reboots it comes in iTunes Recovery. I can’t choose to boot android or iOS. What is going on? Can anyone please help!?!?
  3. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    When it says loading Quadro, not unhook anything or mess with anything. It should boot into recovery and then shortly after load up openiboot.
  4. NeoDiamond

    NeoDiamond New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Hi There!

    Nice tutorial Congrats!!

    I have a doubt, about which method I will use, if I install iphodroid with the psfreedom patch I have to skip the third step?

    Another question this will work with the 3.40 ps3 firmware? I can't find where to download the v3.41 :S

  5. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Yes, if you used the patched version then yes, you can skip step three. You can also download 3.41 here

    I'm not sure that it will work on 3.40. The jailbreak does for sure work with 3.41. You're not losing anything by upgrading, I'd suggest you do that.
  6. Zerokool

    Zerokool New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Top Tutorial

    Hi everything went smooth, i installed the ps freedom already patched file, clicked install on the iboot window, all goes fine, install gets to the IMIT and stays forever, so i restart follwow the rest of the steps, get to the ps3 part (slim) all seems to go well, ps freedom script stops @ unregistered gadget ps freedom?
    PS3 then boots but no new folders.
    Tried it aprox 30 times.

    Thanks again.
  7. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Mine also stops at unregistered gadget or whatever, though it works. You may notice from the video above. I think that's normal. Are you certain you're running 3.41 on you're PS3?

    The fact that you've managed to even see that screen means the iphone is done correctly. The only thing I can think of is the PS3 firmware or perhaps you're trying from a iPod?

    Heres some helpful information:
    • Once you're ready, turn the switch off in the back of your Playstation 3 or unplug the power cord.
    • Make sure there are no other USB devices plugged into the PS3 (USB Stick, Sixaxis Controller, etc.).
    • Then plug in your device and plug in the power cord of the PS3 or flip the switch back on.
    • Once you have that done, quickly press the power then immediately after press the eject button (as fast as you can).
    • You will know it work when it takes a slightly longer time (about 5 seconds more) to turn on.
    • The PS3 should boot up and you will see two new options in the games portion of the XMB (cross media bar).
    • That's it, you've rooted your PS3, and you are ready to install Homebrew applications!
  8. NeoDiamond

    NeoDiamond New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Hi There!

    Man I have a issue, I downloaded the patched version, I open it and hit shoot, everything goes well but when the iphone reboot's in the screen shows "loading quadra" (PC), and in the iPhone shows "recovery mode" and iPhodroid closes, and then i have to use TinyUmbrella to close the recovery mode, and when it does there is no boot menu, I rebooted a lots of time the same no iphodroid menu, what I am doing wrong?
  9. NeoDiamond

    NeoDiamond New Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Finally psfreedom is working, but not thanks to iphodroid, instead I used openiboot, but another issue comes out, I am using a iPhone 3G and a ps3 slim, was not working, it took me hours but I find a solution, when in the terminal says "Psfreedom..." unplug the iPhone from the ps3 and plug it back and it's done! yahoo! lol
  10. ht888

    ht888 New Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Hi thank you very much for the tutorial!! i running 3.41 with iphone 3G ISO 4.0.1. I followed every steps you wrote but still can't boot up and you no see two new folder. i had a erorr message on android: "/bin.shi"can't access tty:job control turned off" what is wrong?? please help!!
  11. EcoFreak

    EcoFreak New Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    I'm having a problem with the jailbreak, i do it correctly and i install Backup Manager.
    But when i restart the console, when trying to enter in backup manager, it gives me an error message, error code 8002951.

    What do i do?
  12. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    You must run the hack! It must be runned each time booting the PS3. Else, the backup manager won't work.
  13. EcoFreak

    EcoFreak New Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Does this happen with PS Jailbreak dongle?
  14. 57413

    57413 New Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    Will this process wipe all my current data from my iPhone?

    I mean installing the other OS....
  15. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    It's not OtherOS, it's openiboot (iPhoDroid modified version) and no it won't erase anything.
    57413 likes this.
  16. maleman46

    maleman46 Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    when i try to use filezilla i put in my ip address it comes up but that it i dont see my iphone or the files in the root of my iphone is there something else i should be doing
  17. 57413

    57413 New Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    Is there a guide to remove this? How do we uninstall openiboot, or idroid?
  18. maleman46

    maleman46 Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    yes at the bottom of your openiboot screen on the leftside it should say install and on the rightside at the bottom it should say uninstall
    57413 likes this.
  19. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Well if you use the already patched version of iPhoDroid you won't need to use Filezilla. Though if it's not showing anything, I suspect it's cause it can't connect. Make sure you have OpenSSH installed on you're iDevice.

    This is a guide to install. However, to install / uninstall just hit which ever you want to do while at that menu.
  20. maleman46

    maleman46 Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    hey thx for answering my question i have just one more when iam tring to jailbreak my ps3 on my iphone i dont get the "NITI" or what ever those letters are i dont get that one my phone is something missing

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