Easily update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Kernel / Dashboard 13604 with FbBuild 0.33

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Note, this tutorial still works however is quite old, read the Easy Jtag 2013 Update version of it

    This guide aims to cover everything required to update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to the latest 13604 Kernel / Dashboard. I have tried to make the guide as detailed as possible so people of all skill levels can follow it successfully.

    Since my last guide on updating to 12611 things have got a lot easier, it is also now a lot harder for you to mess anything up. So fear not if you follow this guide you should be able to updated without any problems what so ever.

    I have provided all the tools / files you will need to complete this guide, however there are a few things will you need to provide yourself as they are unique to your console, these are:
    • A dump (copy) of your current Freeboot nand
    • Your CPU key
    The four main parts of this guide are:
    1. How to dump (backup) your current Freeboot nand
    2. How to findout my consoles CPU key
    3. Building your new nand
    4. Flashing the new nand to the Xbox 360
    Quick Note: If you are upgrading from XBR 8955 you would be best off upgrading to FreeBoot 9199 first, people have had a lot more success updating to 9199 first, then going to the latest 13604 as covered in this tutorial. If you are on 8955 you can follow this tutorial here to update to 9199. If you are on 9199 or higher just proceed with this tutorial.

    1. How to dump (backup) your current Freeboot nand:

    We are going to take a copy of your consoles existing nand, FbBuild will now extract your current smc.bin, kv.bin and smc_config.bin straight from this backed up nand, it should also mirror any existing block remappings from the to the new nand you are building.

    This means you do not need to provide any additional files other than a backup or your nand, or worry about remapping bad blocks your self

    Basically if you have a working Jtag you should be able to update very easily by following this guide.

    To dump (copy) your nand from the Xbox 360, we will use a program called “Nand Flasher 360”

    Download Nand Flasher 360

    When you have Nand Flasher 360 downloaded, unzip it, then copy it to your USB drive


    Connect the USB drive to your console and load Nand Flasher 360 with your favourite file manager.


    When Nand Flasher 360 has loaded select Dump Nand / Flash on the right menu, the nand should then dump to your USB drive as a file called orig_nand.bin


    Note: If you are unsure if your console is an Xenon, Zypher, Falcon, Jasper 16mb, Jasper 256mb or Jasper 512mb now would be a good time to make a note of it. As you can see in the image below the revision of the console and nand size is displayed, you will need to know this later on:


    Once the dump has finished you can connect the USB drive to your computer and copy the orig_nand.bin off it.


    2. How to findout my consoles CPU key:

    You should already know your consoles CPU key, however if you do not it's pretty easy to find it out.
    1. First: Connect the 360 to the TV with the Component or VGA cable (Xell / Xellous do not not work with HDMI so you will just get a black screen)
    2. Power on the console with the DVD eject button
    3. Have a camera ready
    4. Wait until the fuse sets are shown
    5. Take a photo quickly as they will usually scroll off the screen fast
    6. Combine fuse sets 3 and 5 or 4 and 6, this will give you the consoles CPU key
    Fuse set example:


    (Image found on Google)

    Take line 3 and 5:

    3= E42D681ED06A6D1C
    5= 1FFD8E48C56A2058

    So my CPU Key is: E42D681ED06A6D1C1FFD8E48C56A2058

    Now you have your current nand and CPU key we can build an updated nand.

    3. Setting FbBuild up and building your new nand:

    You will need to download the following:

    Fbbuild 0.33 - this is the program that will build your updated nand

    13604 data - this is the data for the 13604 Microsoft Dashboard

    First unzip Fbbuild 0.33 – you should now have some files / folders like in the image below


    Now go in to the 13604 folder, you want to unzip the 13604 data in to this folder. You should have the files in the 13604 folder as seen below.


    Now in the fbBuild_0.33 folder, open the 1blkey.txt and paste the correct 1blkey in there. The correct key is: DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA


    Next go in to the mydata folder and open cpukey.txt

    You need to paste YOUR cpu key in here, it will not be the same as mine.


    Next copy the dump of your current nand in to the my data folder, this should be renamed to nanddump.bin

    FbBuild will now extract your current smc.bin, kv.bin and smc_config.bin straight from the nanddump.bin, it should also mirror any existing block remappings from the nanddump.bin to the new nand you are building.


    You are now ready to build your new FreeBoot nand, to do this you need to open command prompt (windows key + r, type in cmd and press ok)


    You need to navigate to the fbBuild_0.33 folder, in my case this was on my desktop so all I had to do was type cd desktop (as the command prompt opened in my user folder) then type cd fbBuild_0.33


    Once in the fbBuild_0.33 folder we can now build the nand

    To build your hacked nand type:

    fbbuild.exe -c <your console revision> -f 13604 -d mydata updflash.bin

    Type one of the following depending on which revision your console is, this can be: xenon, zephyr, falcon, jasper, jasper256, jasper512

    Note: if you do not know which revision your console is read the above part of the tutorial on dumping the nand for a way to findout, Nand Flasher 360 will show you the relevant information. Do not guess if you are unsure!

    As my console was a Jasper 512 I typed:

    My nand was then built without any errors:


    We are now ready to flash the new updated nand to the Xbox 360.

    4. Flashing the new nand to the Xbox 360:

    Download Nand Flasher 360 if you have not already, and unzip this to your USB drive.

    Now copy the updflash.bin you just built to the USB drive.


    Now we need to load NAND Flasher 360 on the console, do so using your favourite file manager, XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash will work fine.

    Simply browse the files on the USB memory stick and load Nand Flasher 360:


    On the right menu select “Write NAND / Flash”


    This will bring up a file browser, select the USB drive


    Now select your updflash.bin, you will be warned not to press anything on the console as it is flashing.


    Press ok and the nand will be flashed to the console.


    After the flashing has finished it will be verified, all been well your nand will have been flashed successfully.

    Press the on-screen button “shutdown” to turn the console off.


    Unplug the power brick and leave it disconnected for two minutes (or turn the 360 off at the plug)

    Re connect the power brick, power the console on and if everything has gone ok your console should boot in to the 13604 Dash.

    You can verify the console is on the 13604 by looking in system settings:


    Thats it your console should be updated! good luck and if you have any questions I will do my best to answer.

    5. FAQ:

    How do I restore the avatars?

    Restoring the avatars is simply a case of you running the official Microsoft 13604 update, only do this after you have upgraded to the 13604 dashboard using this tutorial. If you run an update on a Jtag with a higher dashboard than you are currently running you will find that you no longer have a Jtag.

    The Xbox 360 Kinect Dashboard Update 2.0.13604.0 With Avatars can be downloaded here

    Simply extract the $SystemUpdate a Fat32 formatted USB drive, the USB drive should look like this:


    Just insert the USB stick in to the 360 and you will be asked to update, say yes and the 360 will re start and your avatars will be restored.

    There you go, you now have the 13604 dashboard on your Jtag with working avatars.

    How do i format my USB drive to Fat 32?

    Go to My Computer, right click on the USB drive and select format


    Select Fat 32 and Default allocation size, then press start.

    Ajie Prahasto, knuckz, DvineD and 4 others like this.
  2. mrgb242002

    mrgb242002 New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Just a quick note, you forgot the part about extracting the kv.bin, smc.bin, smc_config.bin files and inserting them into the mydata folder.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you place a dump of your current nand called "nanddump.bin" in the mydata folder Fbbuild will extract all the relevant files for you now. It should also copy any block remappings over to your new nand.
  4. mrgb242002

    mrgb242002 New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    It didn't work for me, I followed your instructions to the letter. It worked after I extracted those files. Thanks for the tut. One more question, to get the avatars and kinect workinig, should I update to the ms 13604 files or use a generation that is older?
  5. nicho

    nicho Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    I follow yours 12611 guide and now I try to update my xbox kernel with new 13604 with this guide.

    My question is :
    1. Which nand backup can I use? The 9199 nand or 12611 nand? (since I don't have original nand before jtag, only working freeboot nand)

    2. This command :
    fbbuild.exe -c <your console revision> -d mydata updflash.bin


    fbbuild.exe -c jasper -f 13604 -d mydata updflash.bin

    why the 2nd line with -f and 1st line without -f?

    Can you explain -c -f -d meaning? I want to know what function it is.

    Thx for the answer.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If it would not build what error did you get?

    I'm guessing Fbbuild could not decrypt the files in your nand for some reason, as you found out you can supply the files in that folder too and it will pick them up.

    You have to run the Microsoft system update for the dash you are on to get avatar / kinect support back, if your on 13604 now then run that update and you will have it back.

    1. Read the first bit of the tutorial on "How to dump (backup) your current Freeboot nand" use the nand you obtain from doing this.

    2. That was a type-o it should have been "fbbuild.exe -c <your console revision> -f 13604 -d mydata updflash.bin" I have corrected that now, thanks.

    -f tells Fbbuild which data folder to use, example "-f 13604" would build a FreeBoot nand for 13604, where as "-f 12611" would build a FreeBoot nand for 12611.

    -c tells Fbbuild the type of console you have, e.g: "-c xenon" for an Xenon console.
    nicho and MasterChief like this.
  7. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    That's basically how i upgraded my Jtag, this guide is very handy for people less experinced with Jtag's and keeping them up to date.

    Can't really think of anything that is missing from this tutorial, even flashing with Nand Flasher 360 is covered. More people should be using that, especially people with bad blocks.

    I can confirm I did not need to provide my smc.bin, kv.bin and smc_config.bin, i copied my nanddump.bin in to the my data folder and Fbbuild extracted all the files fine, then made a good working image of 13604.

    Another great Digiex tutorial as always (Y)
  8. Cshoe

    Cshoe New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I followed the instructions and got an error when running ffbuild:

    C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\fbBuild>fbbuild.exe -c jasper256 -f 13604 -d mydata updflas
    fbBuild v0.33 (R:272)

    **** could not read smc.bin (-1) ****

    ******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!

    ***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image

    fbBuild Finished. Have a nice day.

    press <enter> to quit...
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  9. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Some things to check / confirm:

    What nand did you use? one you dumped just now or an older one?

    Did you enter the correct CPU key / 1bl key?
  10. Cshoe

    Cshoe New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Oops error went away when I removed ".bin" from nanddump... BUT... I now get another error.

    FYI I dumped the nand today and double-checked that I entered the correct keys.

    Here's the new error. Thanks in advance I'm new at this.

    C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\fbBuild>fbbuild.exe -c jasper256 -f 13604 -d mydata updflas
    fbBuild v0.33 (R:272)
    ***** WARNING: naddump.bin has a bad LBA at block 0x6 (raw offset 0xc6000), bloc
    k ignored

    **** could not read cb_6723.bin (-1) ****

    ******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!

    ***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image

    fbBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
  11. Cshoe

    Cshoe New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I also tried on an older nand and get the same error...
  12. mrgb242002

    mrgb242002 New Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    "If it would not build what error did you get?

    I'm guessing Fbbuild could not decrypt the files in your nand for some reason, as you found out you can supply the files in that folder too and it will pick them up."

    I received the same error code that Cshoe received the first time. Thanks again for your help!
  13. ayfkm

    ayfkm New Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    3 red blinking lights no Xell

    Hey There,

    I followed this tutorial to the letter and after flashing the new NAND to my xbox, unplugging and waiting a few minutes, my xbox now has 3 red lights blinking at me. I also cannot boot into Xell using the eject button.

    Did I just kill my XBOX?

    Is there anything anyone can suggest to help get this machine back from the dead.

    1 million karma points for anyone that can help.

  14. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject so I can't actually help you through it but at least for reassurance I can say you didn't completely kill your Xbox. You'll probably have to wait for Nutty to get on so you know how to fix it though. I know how it gets doing something and the results not working as planned and then feeling paranoid as hell that it's broke. :P
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It appears for what ever reason Fbbuild can not extract the files required out your current nand.
    If you have a look at my older tutorial here: https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/c...60-kernel-dashboard-12611-fbbuild-0-11-a.html

    You will see a section on "Obtaining smc_config.bin, a decrypted KV.bin and a decrypted SMC.bin"

    Do that and put the files in the mydata folder, Fbbuild *should* extract them from your nand, however you can do that manually.

    I think i'm going to have to add that step to this tutorial as so many people appear to be having problems there.
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nope your console is not totally dead, however you do need to re flash the nand using hardware, such as the Nand-X.

    You basically solder the nand x to basic points on the motherboard, then you can connect your 360 to the PC via USB to re flash the nand.
  17. unnamed

    unnamed Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Old xbreboot 8955 dash JTAG console

    I have a Jasper512mb Xbox with old xbrebootv3 dash8955, and I was looking for a way to update my jtag/custom dash.
    Would this method described at this tutorial work on my xbox? Can I follow these steps to the letter? I think I also have the original nand dump somewhere, would this be helpful for me? Also the JTAG method I use is the old one, using diodes, is this a problem? Please I am very short of free time to do this, this tutorial seems to be very easy and fast compared to the things I had to do to install xbr for the first time, but I want to do it myself, as here in Brazil people charges a very high price to do a job of this nature and I am totaly capable to do it myself.

    Thank you for your help
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I dont see why it would not work, how your Jtag is wired up should not be a problem as its using your existing config to build the new image.

    My Jtag is a Jasper 512 and thats exactly how i upgraded,

    If anything does go wrong you will need to re flash your nand with a USB or LPT flasher though, just to warn you.
  19. splatt

    splatt New Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    I followed the tutorial and when it came to building the new nand I got the foillowing error: could not open \13064\filelist.ini

    I am a newb at this. I am completely lost on this. What scares me even more is the guy with the RROD. How does that happen? And how can I avoid it?

    Anyway, if anyone can help me get this working I would really appreciate it.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    In the 13604 folder is the filelist.ini present? also i presume it goes without saying you copied the 13604 data in to it?

    If you flash a bad nand image you will get a red light error, or the console will simply power on but nothing will be displayed on the screen, you can recover from this, however you need to solder a USB nand flasher to the motherbord ans flash the nand via usb.

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