Stream Xbox 360 games over a network (SMB) to an Jtag / RGH360 running Freestyle Dash

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Stream Xbox 360 games over your network (SMB) to a Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360 running Freestyle Dashboard 2.2+

    This tutorial will show you how to stream Xbox 360 on your PC over your network to an Xbox 360 running Freestyle Dashboard.

    Below is a video of my 360 streaming a game from my PC to show what you can expect to achieve from following this tutorial:


    Note: the audio / video in this tutorial are about a second out of sync, that is not the case when streaming a game. YouTube appears to do that with videos filmed on my mobile phone.

    Why would you want to do this?

    You might have multiple Jtag or RGH hacked Xbox 360 in your house and want to keep all your games in one central location, such as your home server or NAS. You could also not have enough space on your 360 and want to stream games from your PC.

    Getting started:

    I would recommend both the Xbox 360 and the PC you are streaming on be wired up to your network to get the best results.

    You will need an Xbox 360 running FreeStyle Dash 2.2 with the connect x patch and connect x plugin installed.

    Download FreeStyle Dash 2.2
    Download Connect X Patch
    Download Connect X Plugin

    I will presume you have some basic knowlage of how your homebrew enabled 360 works, it is beyond the scope of this tutorial to explain how to get FreeStyle Dash on your Xbox 360. You could copy it from a USB hard drive using XEX Menu though just to point you in the right direction.

    You want to unzip and copy the Connect X Patch and Connect X Plugin to your FreeStyle Dash 2.2 plugins folder on your console.
    The plugins folder on your console should look like the screenshot below.


    For this tutorial I will be using a Windows 7 PC, this will work on a PC running Vista, XP and likley any other device that can host an SMB network share. Ofcourse the setup will be different for other devices / OS’s.

    First we want to click the Start Orb, select "Network" and click the “Network and Sharing Center” link as shown in the screenshot below:


    Then on the left menu select “Change advanced sharing settings”


    Here ensure all your settings are the same as mine in the screenshot below, and click "Save Changes".


    As we have enabled password protected sharing above you will NEED a password on the Windows account you wish to share with, i could not get this to work without a password anyway.

    Note: if you have a firewall installed that is not Windows Firewall this could cause conflicts, if you have problems i advise you to disable it. If you are behind a router you really do not need it anyway, Windows Firewall is more than enough.

    Now create a folder somewhere, this is the folder you want to keep your Xbox 360 games in. This folder name should NOT have any spaces in.

    Right click this folder and select “Properties”

    Click the “Sharing” tab at the top then click the "Share" button

    In the screen that appears enter the username you with to be able to access that share, in my example this is “Matty”

    Now click the Share button at the bottom, this folder will be shared on your Network and require the user account and password of the windows account(S) you gave permission to access this folder. For me this was the user account "Matty".


    Place your extracted Xbox 360 games in this folder (not ISO's), each game should be in a different folder.
    Have a look at this program if you would like to know how to extract ISO's.


    Optional step: Go on to another PC on your network and see if you can access the shared folder on the network using the username and password you setup earlier.

    Now back on Freestyle Dash go to “Setup” and click on “Settings”:


    Select "System Settings":


    Select "Plugins":


    Here you want to enter the computers name you are going to be streaming the games from.

    Note: The computers name should all be in CAPITALS when typed in to FreeStyle Dash

    If you don’t know your computers name name look at the screenshot below on how to find out:


    The “PC Share Name” is the name of the shared folder you have created, for me this was "360".

    The username / password are that of the account you gave access to your shared folder earlier in this tutorial. Again for me this was "Matty", the account i use to log on to my Computer. I'm not sure if this will work with an account that has spaces in its name, if you have problems later on you might want to try creating an account that does not have a space in its name.

    When you have entered the details here, save the settings and switch your 360 off.

    Power it back on and load FreeStyle Dash again.

    Now go to "Utilities" and select the "File Manager":


    If everything has gone well you should see the ConX folder, if not then the 360 is having problems accessing your shared folder.

    The best thing to do here is ensure it can be accessed from another PC on your network using the username and password, if it can then double check the details in Freestyle Dash. You have to re start your console when making changes to the settings in FreeStyle Dash.


    Select this folder and you will see any games you have shared on your PC:


    Go in to that folder and load the games default.xex:


    The game will load and be streaming over your network.

    Depending on the game it will probably take longer than usual to load, however should play perfectly.

    You will be able to see how fast your PC is streaming data at in Windows Task Manager (presuming you are not downloading or anything)

    The quickest speeds I have seen so far are about 60mbps, about 6% of a 1gbps connection.


    That it, enjoy having your games in one central location that can be accessed by multiple Jtag or RGH hacked Xbox 360's. If you are streaming to more than one Xbox 360 at once you will want to ensure the PC hosting the games has a gigabit network card in it, and is connected to a gigabit switch or router for best performance.


    Q: I can not get my 360 to connect to the PC

    A: Common problems to check:
    • The computers name is entered in CAPTIALS in FSD
    • The folder you shared on the PC should have no spaces in it.
    • The user account been used to share the folder must have a password
    • The account might need admin rights (the account i used did)
    • Disable any firewalls
    • You must re start FSD after altering any settings to do with streaming
    • Passwords are case sensitive.
  2. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    Even though i have no intention of getting my slim jtag/rgh this is truly a breakthru btw how fast is your wifi connection that is streaming it i guess wireless g would probably be a minimum as that goes up to 54mbps but then again if you have a wired connection it will be 1gbit

    im also guessing you could ftp the files directly to the harddrive like on ps3
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't think Wireless G would really work that well, especially if both the PC and 360 are wireless.

    Your never going to get the full 54mbps on wireless, plus when streaming over a wired connection i have seen it go as high as 60mbps+ anyway.

    A good Wireless N connection might work, however for best results you really want to use a wired connection. My 360 and PC are both connected to a gigabit switch. The pc connects at 1gbps and the 360 at 100mbps.
  4. sooperfly

    sooperfly New Member

    Dec 5, 2011
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    Got one to work but not the second...


    i was able to get my RGH Falcon 360 on 13604 to work perfectly using this method.

    However. my cousin has a second console a JTAG Zephyr on 13599 keeps saying "ConnectX Plugin Not Loaded."

    I have done everything exactly the same on both consoles.

    Can anyone help me???
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Are you connecting to the same PC? I ask as you say your are cousins. Could be some software installed on the PC or network if its different to yours.
  6. zOmBiEfReAkEr

    zOmBiEfReAkEr New Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    do you have to be directly connected to the computer or is it ok to go threw router i followed this tut exact and no luck seeing conx in file manager
  7. Kamar

    Kamar New Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Hi InsaneNutter could you please fix up this section "Here ensure all your settings are the same as mine in the screenshot below, and click "Save Changes". As there is no screenshot to check. Also I'm running windows 7 and when I click start I have to type Network for that section to appear is that correct?

  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Through the router is fine, have you tested another PC on your network can access your network share with the 360 games in?

    The screenshot is there, however here is a copy of it:

    Oh yes i forgot that is not there by default in Windows 7, you can add it by right clicking on the superbar, going properties then customise I think. Not on a Windows 7 based PC at the moment so I can not be 100%. However if you go to control panel you will also find all the network settings in there.
  9. Kamar

    Kamar New Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Ok Thanks InsaneNutter I have followed tut but I'm having problems I have set my sharing up my computer name is FAST but when I set it up the folder path always includes \\FAST\Users\USER\Desktop\360 so how do I go about getting rid of the file structure like that? I see you have \\Mininutter\360 how would I get \\FAST\360? any help appreciated. Cheers
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You just want to right click on the 360 folder, go properties, select the sharing tab and click share, you should then get \\FAST\360

    I believe you are just using the default windows user share which allows you to access your user folder from else where on the network using your log-on username and password.

    If that fails just move the folder to C:\360 and share it from there.
  11. Kamar

    Kamar New Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Ok Thanks for the help InsaneNutter I got it working I had to for some reason I had to set another user to get it to work I have my main 1 as Justin ( this account is administrator and has a password) and if I put the settings into xbox nothing , yet I set another up as kitkat ( standard user and password) and go to xbox and type in same computer name and same folder name with user name kitkat and my password and it works yet if I type in Justin and password with same computer name (FAST) and folder in same place nothing? maybe being administrator is problem? anyway I can run it like this no problem just strange. Thanks for all your help InsaneNutter

  12. Ihsan Akbar

    Ihsan Akbar Member

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    I have a problem with my connectx, everytime I click on default.xex for my games, it goes to black, then either returns me to the FSD start point, or says that "The game couldn't start. Try downloading the game again." Is there something that I am doing wrong? I have the connectx setup fine, I can see the pc shared directory in the File Manager, so why does it keep messing up?
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What dashboard version is your Jtag on? also if you have patched the default.xex's that can cause problems.
  14. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Looks like the old patched default.xex with a title update problem.

    Do the games work from your consoles hard drive?
  15. Ihsan Akbar

    Ihsan Akbar Member

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    InsaneNutter- I have the FSD 2.2 revision 725, and i haven't messed with the default.xex. I did remove the .rar files that they were packed into.
    MasterChief- I only have my computer's HDD to save the games on, my internal Memory for the xbox says I only have 284MB free; I can only play them through the connectx right now.

    If there is a problem with the default.xex files, what can be done?
  16. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    As you have downloaded the games the person who uploaded them could have modified them, you would have to get them off an ISO of the game or get someone to upload them who has not modded them.

    I think what InsaneNutter means is what version of the Microsoft dashboard is your Jtag on, if you are on an older version newer games will not work.

    What game are you trying to play?
  17. Ihsan Akbar

    Ihsan Akbar Member

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    InsaneNutter- I have the FSD 2.2 revision 725, and i haven't messed with the default.xex. I did remove the .rar files that they were packed into. <br>MasterChief- I only have my computer's HDD to save the games on, my internal Memory for the xbox says I only have 284MB free; I can only play them through the connectx right now.&nbsp; <br><br>If there is a problem with the default.xex files, what can be done?
  18. Ihsan Akbar

    Ihsan Akbar Member

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Sorry about the double-post
    Dashboard 2.0.14699.0 I'm trying to get Skyrim to work, I got it to work with another xbox I have, its a modded xbox with benq firmwave flashed, and has all the most recent updates. I burned it using imgburn and it works fine on that xbox, but for some reason not this jtaged one.
  19. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    do you have the new ihas burner modded?
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Hows your network setup, are both 360 and PC wired to your network?

    Have you tried some other games? i dont think compatibility is 100% when streaming games.

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