Fracture / XBOX 360

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by paardje, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. paardje

    paardje Addict

    Jul 25, 2009
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    OK, what can I say about this game... well, it's neither good nor bad, it is just in between. OK, the graphics on XBOX 360 look very nice indeed, but it misses something... I dunno... some jeu nes se qua like they say french. Here's the story: in about a few 100 years from now, the USA becomes divided in two classes. One wants this, and the other one wants that. Both sides to not mix with eachother and naturally: ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! You start with some very nice armory of weapons... that can actually lift/sink the ground! Yay! Other cool weapons include a vortex missile that sucks people in (no, not the LHC!) and some other stuff.

    The game is more like, get to point a, lift or sink some ground, shoot some baddies along the way, shoot, shoot some more and watch the awesome cutscenes (and MAN are they nice!)

    But then: repetivity starts to rear it's ugly head. Again you have to go from point a to point b. And did I mention that the whole game is so linear as... well... you know! And furthermore: lemme introduce you to my new best friend -- the invisible wall! Yup! When you stray just too close off the map you'll be stopped by a invisible wall in the sky. With some hundreds of baddies coming your way and your back against the wall you cannot go any further. No free roaming in THIS game, sorry! And the AI is sometimes really dumb. When you encounter a baddie it is possible to walk up to him and blast him to kingdom come without even running, same counts for the bosses in the game!

    Graphics are very nicely done, sound is very good (just listen to the Bratislava Orchestra!) but the game itself... just for keeps and just play it when you are bored! Or like we say in the Netherlands: this game is 'voor de heb'.

    I give it a decent 6 overall score. Like I said: it is not good, but it is also not bad. Just the middleman.
    KillerWhiteMan and Trebor like this.
  2. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    I downloaded and played the demo a while back. The ability to modify terrain with the use of special weapons was appealing but even in the demo you could tell how repetitive the game could become and the AI like you said was just as bad so I didn't end up buying it.
  3. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Salinas, California, United States
    I ended up giving this game a rent and got about halfway through it and just got bored. Like you said Trebor, the terrain modification was a decent idea at first, but lost its luster after a while.
  4. ShockResist

    ShockResist Resident

    Aug 11, 2009
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    ive played the demo and i didnt like it. i got bored of it after like 10 minutes.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Pretty much the same for me, the demo was ok at first but it soon got boring.

    If you’re in the UK you can buy this for £10 in Morrison’s at the moment, although I personally wouldn’t.
  6. paardje

    paardje Addict

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Well, I HAD the full game... now THAT was just.... |-)

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