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Hexic HD Xbox Live Arcade Download (Delisted from XBLA)

Discussion in 'Delisted Marketplace Content' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    About the game:

    Hexic HD is a puzzle game where the player tries to rotate hexagonal tiles to create certain patterns. The game was designed by Alexey Pajitnov, best known as the creator of Tetris. The game comes preinstalled on all Xbox 360 hard drives, but anomalously, is only available for download from Xbox Live Marketplace by calling Microsoft's Service Center.

    The objective of Hexic is to rotate hexagonal pieces of various colours and clear them from the playfield by forming clusters or flowers. Clusters are formed when three pieces of the same colour touch each other. Pieces above the cleared pieces fall, potentially forming more clusters and causing chain reactions, and new pieces appear at the top of the playfield. Bonuses are awarded for clearing more than three pieces at a time, and some pieces contain bonus stars, which yield extra points and can clear larger groups of pieces depending on how they are cleared.


    Download Hexic HD

    How to use / play / unlock / additional information:

    This game will work as the full game on any Xbox 360, the console does not need to be modified.

    More information on delisted Xbox Live Arcade games

    Attached Files:

    m3rkster and gatekeeper1122 like this.
  2. Mr.Needlemouse

    Mr.Needlemouse Resident

    Aug 7, 2010
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    warning:the download version is console locked!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011

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