How to backup (copy) GameCube games to your computer [Works on Windows 7]

Discussion in 'Console Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This is an up to date tutorial that will show you the best way to backup your GameCube games to your computer using your GameCube, Broadband Adapter, Phantasy Star Online and the web browser of your choice.

    I found this way to be the quickest way of backing up a GameCube game and the only way of successfully doing so on Windows 7.

    This tutorial will assume you have a basic network setup at home, this been a router with your PC and GameCube connected to it.

    To start with power the GameCube on and load Phantasy Star to the main menu and select options.


    From the options screen select "Network Option" followed by "Provider Option" then select "Yes" to go to the network setup screen.

    On the network setup screen select edit on one of the network options, it doesn't matter which. I used to have a connection for Playing PSO online and one for loading Homebrew.


    Click next when asked for the ISP's name.


    On the Ethernet settings select the options to "Manually set an IP address" and "Automatically disconnect"


    On the next screen assign the GameCube an IP address, this must be in the same subnet as your computer. In the screenshot below my GameCube has been given the IP address, for any IP in the 192.168.1.x range the subnet mask should be


    The "Default router" and "Primary DNS" has to be the IP address of your computer, to find out your computers IP address press the Windows Key + R and type CMD in to the run box and press ok. You should now see the command prompt.

    Here type ipconfig /all to find out the IP address of your computer


    As you can see my computers IP address is so that is what must be entered for the "Default router" and "Primary DNS" on the GameCubes network options.

    Next just leave the Proxy server settings blank.


    Finally save the settings, then return to the game.


    Now you are back on the main menu, select online game and select a character and confirm the selection. If you dont have any characters you will need to create one.

    Now leave the GameCube on the next screen.

    Download the Ripper Package and unzip it, if you plan to use PSO a lot to run applications such as NGCDEV Ripper on the GameCube it might be an idea to save your settings, if so just load "Save Username.bat" and select accept on the GameCube, it should then save your network access settings to the character so you dont need to go through that all again.

    If you have already done that open "ngcdevr02.ini"

    In here change GCIP to the IP address of your GameCube and the Gateway to the IP of your computer and save the settings.

    Next load ngcdev-conf.exe, a command prompt window should flash up for a second then close, dont worry thats updated the ip address settings of the GameCube ripper application.

    Now simply load "Load GameCube Ripper.bat"

    Your PC should now be waiting for a connection from the GameCube


    Select agree on PSO, the game will then load and the PC will send over the ripper application which will be loaded on the GameCube.

    When asked to "Press A to stop disc" do so and you will be asked to insert an original disc, this is the disc you want to rip to your computer, do so and press A again.


    You will now be given a link to download an ISO of the game from your GameCube


    Type that in to your web browser of choice


    Enter the name of the game and select save


    An ISO image of the game in your GameCube will be downloaded to your computer.


    It should take around 10 minutes for the game to download to your computer

    During that time a message saying streaming should be displayed on your TV


    When the backup is complete you will be told so


    That it you should now have a backup of your GameCube game that you can use with the Dolphin Emulator or simply burn and keep safe.

    You can then go on to backup more games if you wish, when you are done simply switch the GameCube off.

    Next time you want to backup a game simply load the GameCube ripper application on your computer and select Online Game on the main menu as Phantasy Star and go through the process of connecting to the internet.

    Attached Files:

    MasterChief and P.KID like this.
  2. Jourdan Cameron

    Jourdan Cameron Resident

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Dude! That's AWESOME!
  3. skcin7

    skcin7 New Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I created an account specifically so I could thank you for making this awesome tutorial with all the awesome pictures. Thank you so much.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2011
  4. skcin7

    skcin7 New Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Okay, so I finally had some time and decided to test out this method.

    It works as according to the tutorial, except for some reason I am downloading the ISO to my computer at 10KB per second, which means it'll take about 1.5 days to download the full 1.4GB file. It says in your tutorial that it should take about 10 minutes to download the game, so what would be causing me to download the ISO at such a slower speed?
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It's likely something to do with your network setup, are both the Gamecube and computer wired up to your network?

    If your using a wireless connection that would likely be the reason for the slow speed.
  6. skcin7

    skcin7 New Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I tried it using the Gamecube Ripper Package that you provided and I also tried it using the PSUL application as outlined in another tutorial, and it also began downloading extremely slow, so it probably is something about my network. Which is weird because both the Gamecube and my laptop were attached to the same linksys router via ethernet cables.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Try a different web browser and disable any firewalls that could be interfering with your local network.

    Have you tried a different game also? maybe the GameCube is having trouble reading the disc.

    If all else fails you could try directly connecting the GameCube to your pc with a crossover cable.
  8. skcin7

    skcin7 New Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I tried on Firefox and Google Chrome, I don't think the specific browser should make a difference in how the HTTP protocol is working. I have a feeling that it could be the firewall which is a concept I am totally unfamiliar with so I will have to figure out how to disable that in my Linksys router.

    One trouble I had with your tutorial is I couldn't figure out what the IP address of my Gamecube was. I eventually figured it out literally by trial and error. I plugged in another computer to the network and figured out that IP by typing "ipconfig /all" into a Command Prompt window which gave me, and since the Gamecube was plugged in before it, I tried and it worked. The crossover cable idea of yours seems like it would be a good one although I don't have a crossover cable right now unfortunately. The other tutorial I saw also suggested directly connecting via crossover cable as an alternative method but with that I also might have trouble figuring out what the IP address of the Gamecube would be.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I dont see the browser been the problem either, however it could have been a plugin or something causing problems. Easy thing to rule out anyway.

    Regarding the Gamecube's IP address if you have another look at the tutorial you will see i have you manually specifying an IP address for the Cube, no need to work it out then.

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