Moments in your gaming career which made you go wow?

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by InsaneNutter, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Topic idea stolen from another forum but shh.

    For me:

    Half Life: The introduction when your on the train in Blackmesa, well to be honest I was amazed by the whole game... I had never seen anything like it back then!

    Unreal Tournament: The gameplay was so fast and the graphics were amazing at the time.

    Gears of War: Having played so many games over the years I don't really get amazed by them anymore, but i remember thinking the graphics amd amount of detail in GOW was just amazing. It was also the first game i had played with co-op over the internet, i remember thinking it was great how i would be playing and a person on my friend list could come online and join me.
  2. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Salinas, California, United States
    Uncharted 2: Really the whole game made me say WOW many times over. There is one particular level where you are on a train speeding around a mountain and you are being attacked by a helicopter. The amount of action and bullets in that level was truly amazing.

    Modern Warfare 2: Again, this whole game gave that WOW factor. I was shocked when I played the level called 'No Russian' and had to murder everyone in a Russian airport; it left me speechless. I was also impressed when the Russians attacked the United States directly and the players got to see the amount of destruction that would occur if a war hit US soil.

    Killzone 2: When first seeing the graphics on this game, I was really stunned. At 60 FPS, 1080p resolution with an HDMI cables, I have rarely seen a game that looked that good.
  3. Puff3r

    Puff3r Member

    Dec 31, 2009
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    The first time I played Kings Quest I from Sierra. Up to that point it was mostly DOS based text games or simple BASIC graphics.

    When I first got a 360, my initial purchase was Oblivion. I think I drooled at the screen for a good 4 hours over that release.
  4. Xalan

    Xalan Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
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    Hull, Yorkshire, UK
    honestly, final fantasy 8.haha.when i 1st saw quetzacotl get summon'd i was in awe.haha. then ff 9 and then . . . sonic adventure on the sega dreamcast :P
  5. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Final Fantasy VII. It wasn't because of the graphics or anything but it was the fact that the final boss took over 3 hours to defeat, that happens when your only level 64 or so when your trying to fight the last boss.
  6. Xalan

    Xalan Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
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    Hull, Yorkshire, UK
    i made the mistake of the pther day or trying to fight emerald weapon around that lvl.haha.epic fail :/
  7. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
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    The Land of Ice and Snow
    This might sound kind of lame, but I gotta say, Assassin's Creed II. I just loved that whole fast paced intro scene!
  8. BonezOz

    BonezOz Addict

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Sydney, Australia, the greatest city in the World
    Had to be the intro to Metal Gear Solid for the PS1. The whole movie style intro with credits rolling and back then the graphics were absolutely stunning. Plus the whole game was fun and challenging making it really well worth it, then the chance of multiple endings, awesome.
  9. DJMadMax

    DJMadMax Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Near Frankfurt / Germany
    Well.. i have LOTS of that "wow" moments that i remember - and even more that i (fortunately for you - so i wont type as much as i would like to :D ) dont remember at all...

    In 1989 i startet playing on my dad´s Commodore C64 but that wasnt when i had that "being carried away" by a game. The first time i felt like that was in 1993 (little Sven was just 10 back then ^^) when i got "Secret of Mana" from my parents on xmax for my SNES. That game was (and still is) just an epic story - as i am used to when its a game from Squaresoft.

    When i bought my very own computer game out of my own money in 1995 (i was 12 at this point) it had to be Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness. The gameplay was so impressive and even today i get goosebumps when i listen to the great orchestral score the game used as CD-Audio.

    I think i can fullquote the following:
    Nothing to add except: I would be the FIRST ONE who buys a PS3 if Square releases a Final Fantasy VII Remake.
    For every Final Fantasy VII (or generally games soundtracks fans) i just wanna give you the surftip in my signature, the great site OverClocked ReMix - Video Game Music Community - if not already known by all of you (i wouldnt be surprised if that´s so ^^)

    Does anyone of you remember the first time he (she?!) played the very first Unreal back in 1998? Wasnt that astonishing? The graphics, the sounds, the ambience, just anything. "Prisoner 489 escaping" :) The texture resolution was just peerless. In every other 3D(fx) game you played until then, you were used to the extremely smoothed textures when you walked up to a wall or looked down to the floor or random objects. Not in Unreal, the mipmaplevel of the textures was something that could never be seen before, even today i´m so impressed by that. I think, Serious Sam (The First Encounter) was the first game that cought up with the texture quality of Unreal (about 2 years later)!

    Here are two FullHD Screenshots i made right now. The second screenshot is made "nose to wall" - just look at those detailed textures - back in 1998! That was - and still is absolutely unbelievable :)

    And of course the first real 3D(fx)-game i ever played right after i bought my (crappy ^^) Hercules 3D Stingray with VoodooRush chipset - it was Jedi Knight - for me as a fan of the starwars saga a very special experience at that time.

    Cya, Max
  10. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    If you liked that one you should try Secret of Evermore, its even better in my opinion, its even offered here as a download from digiex, though you'd need a SNES emulator to play it (obviously).
  11. DJMadMax

    DJMadMax Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Near Frankfurt / Germany
    thx very much for mentioning :) i have played many RPGs on the Super Nintendo (Terranigma or Chrono Trigger)...

    Funny trivia about Secret of Evermore "German Release" might be, that it starts in the City "Gross-Ostheim", not only a real german City but also Nintendo´s Main Corp in Germany! :)

    Cya, Max
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I must admit i never really played Unreal, it was all about Unreal Tournament for me, I think i got the game in 2000 (only got a PC back in 1998) and all what you say applies to me, i was just blown away by the atmosphere of the game, I loved battling it out DM-Morpheous with its low gravity, DM-Pressure was a lot of fun, i used to be amazed by the pressure chamber on that. CTF-FacingWords is still my all time favorite capture the flag level on any game, even today!
  13. DJMadMax

    DJMadMax Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Near Frankfurt / Germany
    In case of multiplayer-action I was more addicted to Quake (1,2,3) as to Unreal (Tournament). But anyways on private lanparties etc. I used to play it with my buddies and yes, unreal multiplayer was a lot of fun! The first Unreal Tournament technically was 100% based on the first Unreal engine so i was very familiar with it. For example, I loved to play hours of botmatches on Deck 16 in the first Unreal.

    Hmm... somewhere i also have the first "Unreal Tournament Beta" - if it´s (still) working, maybe this should be my next upload for the forum :)

    Cya, Max
  14. BabaJaga

    BabaJaga Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    i remember this game. beautiful. played it on a pentium 2 400mhz and 128 mb ram! graphics were astonishing - even the ventilators casted moving shadows! i remember 2nd level escaping from vortex rikers. and suddenly this beautiful music began . i got all tracks as mp3. just incredible!
  15. sethz

    sethz New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, got the game on release, as an 11 year old or something, the game was SO AWESOME!
  16. taleheart

    taleheart Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Crysis - I was absolutely amazed by the detail and reality of the game.

    Anarchy Online - My all time favorite game, blew me away (And still does) with a huge amount of stuff to work on.

    Runescape - Yeah yeah, I look down on this game now but I still remember the fun I had on it as a kid. Being able to level skills the way runescape let you was amazing. So much to do with every skill.

    Call of Duty 4 - I believe this was the first high graphics game I really played on the computer. Didn't really have the computer to play games like this few years back. One scene amazed me though, the second level after the training, on the boat with all the lightning... wow.

    Sim City - First time I play any of the Sim games. Sim City 2000 on ps2. Being a mayor sure was fun... xD

    I could probably go on and on about a lot of games but there are a few of my WOW moments =)
  17. Wandsbek

    Wandsbek Resident

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Hamburg, Germany
    -Final Fantasy VIII-
    This was/is the first WoooooooooooW game.
    I spent first time over 120 h and couldn't beat it, now im one of the fastest FF VIII games :D, im playing this game all 2 month's.

    Best Storyline... little bit confusing, best gameplay (if you know how to use the junction system) best music & charas.

    I beat Omega in some min. at lvl 30 ~ 40... got my Lionheart on Disc 1 ^_^
  18. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    lol I was playing that yesterday. Got everyone's last weapon on disc 1 'cept for Irving ofcourse, for the lack of moon stones. I thought I would of felt better about doing this but I actually was just annoyed at the end and said "about time" when I finally did get all of the weapons.
  19. cardo69

    cardo69 Addict

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
    My WOW moments were only recently, (even tho i've been gaming for quite some time now)..
    I've had mini WOW moments, with games like Super Mario on the Wii, it reminds me alot of the old Mario on the old Golden China Machines, but alot better then the old 1, like the cool new abilities and so on, and Zelda also was kinda mini WOW...

    But my real WOW moments happened recently when i finally got an HD 40inch TV, got the HDMI Cables for my 360, and Got my 1st WOW moment with Gears Of War 1, the graphix are just so much more amazing in HD, (also GOW 2 looks pretty amazing)

    Then the 2nd 1 was playing Darksiders in HD, (that was pretty amazing 2) but the gameplay of Darksiders is what really WOW'ed me, the game itself is such a cool game, the graphix is actually just an added bonus....

    Then last but not least, PROTOTYPE, i know its kind of an old game, but i only recently got it, the Graphix is cool, but the gameplay is amazing, the ability to absorb another person and change into that person! it just WOW'ed me for real, the fact that he can run up buildings, in fact all the crazy things he can do is just amazing!

    EDIT: My bad, it didnt know this was post was PC games only..... i only now saw that its in the PC section, i dont really play pc games, just XBOX360...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  20. Wandsbek

    Wandsbek Resident

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Hamburg, Germany
    Yeah, the game is pretty easy, the GF abilities are uber !!!
    You just need the Lionheart on Disc 1, then you can rush the game :)

    Btw. Triple Triad is the best card game ever!!

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