ScummVM 0.12.0

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by Assassin, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Today a new version of ScummVM was released! If you don't what what ScummVM is, it's a program that allows you to run old point&click adventures. If you have any of the games supported by ScummVM, you can simply add them to the list, click the link and play them without having to mess with DOSBox or anything. The great thing is, you don't even have to install the games, the program can read them from the CD. I personally have copied all the CDs of the games I own supported by ScummVM to my hard drive so whenever I want to play any of the games, they're just one click away.

    This is anything fine example of the future of gaming. If you look at Steam, they support newer games with a nice list of all your games and they're all just one click away. The same goes for ScummVM, you don't have to worry about installing, just point the program to your game and you can run it whenever you want. If something like this could be added to Steam, so old games could be played like this, that would be a great step forward. The problem is though, a lot of these games have to be reverse engineered, taking it quite some time before a game is supported. Still, with some effort, I can see a future with one huge list of all the games I own, also the older ones, with one big community attached to it.

    Get the new ScummVM here: ScummVM :: Downloads
    The great thing is, it's not just available for PC, it's also on other platforms, like the PS2, PSP, and best of all, on DS and the Wii. What's better than playing old adventure games with your stylus?

    If you use ScummVM, show your gamelist. This is mine (I own all these games original):
  2. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    Very nice and usefull programm but not for me. I don't have any old games anymore..
  3. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    The Official Abandonware Ring. Go there for some old games that might work with ScummVM Safinn. It's legal as the publisher/licencee/owner has giving up the rights to the game etc.
  4. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    The Netherlands
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I’ve just been looking at the downloads page on the ScummVM website, is there anything it’s not available on? :O Just from looking at that list I could get it on my PC, PSP, Nokia N95 (Symbian) GameCube, Xbox (seen a port on Xbins) and DS!

    I was going to download the DS version, however it says it’s an older unsupported version. Are there many improvements in the newer version? I was hoping to play Day of the Tentacle with the DS stylus.

    Also what games do people recommend? the only one on the list I have played before is Day of the Tentacle, I’ve heard of Monkey Island but I here its stupidly hard.
  6. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    If you look at this site, you'll be able to get more information on the DS version. Day of the Tentacle should be fully working.

    Monkey Island 2 is incredibly hard indeed, it's near impossible to finish that without any help. The first Monkey Island game is very do-able though so you could give that a try. Personally I like the Simon the Sorcerer games a lot, but those are pretty hard as well, since there's a lot of pixel hunting going on. Apart from those, you should try Beneath a Steel Sky, which has more of a comic book style going on, and the Legend of Kyrandia trilogy. That last one is really nice imo, it's not too hard, since there aren't any options like pick up or look at you have to use. You just click on an item to pick it up and click it on something to use it. Also, since it was done by Westwood, the studios that also did the first Command & Conquer games, the main character of the first Kyrandia game has the voice of Kane. If you're looking for some nice adventures that aren't too hard, you should go for those. I don't believe they're compatible with the DS version yet though. The other games I mentioned should be though.

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