Teen Girl Jess Jones assaults old man in Liverpool, UK, gets floored

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MasterChief, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    These stupid pointless parodies really have no good purpose or any fun whatsoever, but judging from the ''real'' parts of the video, the girls sounded like they were having "fun", still, she going against him like that was rather, in a way, soft, of just punching her once than a fist full of punches and kicks.

    Michael_T the thing is, this really isn't funny at all, it's actually a serious issue and should be dealt with serious, not lame bullshit remix videos.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Satisfy my curiosity, why is this girl and a group of people chasing after the man if you just wanted him away from you?

    He is trying to get away from your group in the video, not the other way around...
    Michael_T and Rick like this.
  3. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    I rest my case.
  4. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    xbox360nps3: am just stating what has actually went on, rather than everybody gang up on jess, when they don't know the complete side of the story, and i know jess took it a bit too far, however her started it by picking on a gang of girls, yet shes getting the blame.
    Insane nutter: Well basically, he kept on coming back? like this is how it started i'll explain the complete story in full; there was about 5of us standing in a little circle and everybody else was darted around the place, the man comes up and started touching chloes hair and talking/mumbling to her. (chloe is jess's girlfriend).
    Jess see's the situation and walks over and simply asks the man, what is going on? and he ignores her and started to tap chloe on the shoulder, jess removed his hand and tells him to step away from chloe, the man stands back and backhands Jess, then his face looks at us all in horror as he see's Jess is a girl, then he goes "oh oh oh your a girl? Jess replys "yeah am a girl and what?". He goes and trys to walk to chloe again, this is where Jess pushes the man back and he swings for her again, jess hits him back and he stumples about 10-15steps away and stands with his mates, we all try and leave it and where having a laugh and joke about it, then he comes back over, and then thats when jess gets angry and loses her temper, this is when the video is being took, her pushing him back and punching him, then he swings and jess lashes for him again.
    The second time he came over (the time it was recorded), was the time she lost her temper at the man, and was basically trying to get the point across to him. Thats why on the video she looks like the one in the wrong, when he's hit her 2ce before hand, and she's ignored him, trying to protect chloe.

    micheal t: Well please answer me this question? if a man came up to you, turning you around drunken? keep in mind your an attractive girl? what would he want from you? and he's stroking your hair? what first comes to your head when you imagine this?
  5. Michael_T

    Michael_T Addict

    Dec 21, 2009
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    I would take my phone & call the police .
  6. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    i know, but what would you thing is going to happen? this is exactly my point..
  7. premuk

    premuk New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Instead of backing her up in a small forum, how about going to the news and getting her to tell her side of the story? The whole world is against her, surely she would want that.

    Why did one of your friends happen to be filming this?
  8. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    She should of firstly went to the police, but she didn't, she tried to take the matter in to her own hands and it didn't go well (it figures), secondly, now that almost everyone that saw the video is against her (or just hates her for what she did during those seconds) she should, as someone said, report the story to a news channel / journal and they'll know why she did what she did.

    If I were there alongside her:
    1) Push him away from trying to rape her
    2) Call the police
    3) Block the perv from escaping until the police arrived (handcuff him somehow)

    She should not have tried to get him back, that was very silly of her, even though, he was supposedly drunk, though it didn't look much like he was actually drunk.
  9. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    She has done, she has got the police have got involved due to the fact she has randomer's threatening her and there looking at the security camera's in that area for that night.
    Firstly, she was drunk. and there was a load of underage people there drinking and doing what not, it's not the best idea to ring the police in that situation?
    She did push him away and he swung for her, i said this is the detailed paragraph up there on what had gone on, and how could we handcuff him? we don't have nothing?
    He was drunk, he could rarely stand up? he was wobbling all over the place.
  10. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Self defence, using X person to hold his arms, or this:


    This is useful to organize cables by putting all of them together, handcuffing people and etc, but the metallic version is better, though, for handcuff purposes.
  11. 8th wonder of earth

    8th wonder of earth New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Firstly you and I both know samm ur bullshitting why would u laff on a vid when u were just getting as u quote "raped" also why film it clearly all your group wanted to do was cause trouble I'm glad he knocked ur mate on her arse if it was me I would of done the same then DDTed the rest of ya.

  12. 8th wonder of earth

    8th wonder of earth New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Also I know it's bullshit because working with drunks on a regular basis a bloke this size and stature wen his head went down and he backpedalled he would of ended on his back if he was as drunk as you say he was. Samm just admit it was you lot who started it and by way yes you may have been underage drinking if ur story is plausible and if it was attempted rape the police will always deal with the most serious allegation first.

  13. benno8036

    benno8036 New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Sorry but from a neutral reading this for the first time and seeing the video, Its a happy slap gone wrong for me !
  14. scarrballz

    scarrballz New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Just saw the video this morning. Going viral at the moment (im in Dublin, its on an Irish forum), the phrase "got what she deserved" flying about (both on the forum and the various youtube re-ups). The vid is also being downloaded like mad because of supposed removal orders being sent. Anyway, I think your version of events sounds like bull, it seems like everyone was having a good laugh until Jess hit the deck. Happy slapper not so happy now?
  15. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Whether Samm's saying the truth or lying, the one person who'd clarify every would be Jess herself, but I suppose her side of the story will eventually be available.
  16. confusedaboutjess

    confusedaboutjess New Member

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Digiex, sorry to invade your forum, but I was Googling for background info on this and would just like to ask Sam for some clarification (if she is still reading).

    Sam, you say that

    So was it a Sunday, because the video shows it to be quite bright for 10pm, even considering that it is summer. Of course, that you
    means it can't possibly have been 10pm (trust me, I know. You're accent gives away where you are and I am not far away from you. I regularly finish work at 10pm, I know how dark it is, we ain't in a liktle pocket of lattiudianal anomily.

    Now, why really does it make a difference? Well...

    Drunk at 10am? You're profile says you are 22 yet you were hanging out of the street with loads of people some of whom you admit are no older than 17?

    I'm not saying you're lying (explicitly anyway)... I just don't believe you one little bit.
  17. samm

    samm Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    i've entered my age wrong in my profile then accidently, i am 17years old.

    and i've given up, i have told my side of the story whether yous'e choose to believe it or not it's up to yous'e, but all am saying is i know am telling the truth and you'se are siding against me and teaming up on Jess? If you was in this Jess's situation and you had did nothing wrong? and practically everybody is up against her? it's not fair is it?
    Yes i know the video shows a different side to the story, and i can honestly say it was bad timing, But that is not what happened at all, and all i am trying to do is get that point across, but how can i, when i have people like yous'e picking on everything i say? when i know am telling the truth?

    and yeah i know its light out thats because if you have ever bin in liverpool, st johns shopping centre it has lights all along the cealing? so obviously it's going to be light?
    And for the other person: since you work with "drunks" on a daily basis then, your obvously not very good at your job? and how can you even tell from the video the man did not talk, or rarely move?
  18. XBL.Merseyside

    XBL.Merseyside New Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Well that is obviously a lie, look at the reflection in the shop window, you can clearly see the sky, and it clearly is not dark. As people have clearly stated in this thread, why all the laughing. I do not know of any people, having had a drunken old man try to sexual assault a friend, laugh about it. I have seen that area at night, and it is a lot darker than the video, and the video looks like it was filmed with a poor camera/phone so the video would have been darker too.
  19. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Yes, the laughing is really strange and awkward in such situation, the time they should've attacked him was when he tried to rape her not afterwards.

    If this were my gf I'd probably forget calling the cops and beat the crap out of him for violating her. Scum like this and whatnot does not deserve to be out on the because they could be harmful for the society, or even alive.

    Death penalty's a bit too much perhaps, but 10-20 years behind bars would serve him right.
  20. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    The guy didnt even do anything, are you really going to go over to a group of 5 girls and try to rape one in a public place, in a street full of shops with people around?

    It sounds ludicrous... its a happy slap gone wrong, IF the guy had done anything the girls would not be laughing, they would be pissed off shouting abuse at him in the video... which there not.

    Its a gang of kids trying to beat an old man up for a laugh / happy slap.

    Women just shout rape these days because the guy will always be guilty until proved innocent, i don't believe what this girl is saying for a second.

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