Wargaming announced that World of Tanks is coming to Xbox 360. You can apply to the beta here: http://wt360e.com/join_obt/new/ Source: Announcing World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition | News | World of Tanks
Thanks for the info, i signed up too. I got an email saying it would be US only for now, however rolled out to over countries at a later date.
I registered with my US account (as well as my real account), I just hope they won't use GeoIP WoT is really popular between my friends, I once downloaded it but never installed it. I'm not really a fan of war games.
As did i, but shh lol, thats not a gold account but its another chance to get in! I'll be honest i've never heard of the game, but it looked a lot of fun when demoed at the E3 Conference.