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Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc (Tokusei Disc) Download [NTSC-J / JPN GameCube]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    At the top of the thread click "Thread tools, then subscribe to this thread".
  2. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Yeah I found it eventually, I just really wanted to keep in contact and let you know I still want to help over A year later.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  3. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Sorry to double post but I wanted to give an update and have anybody subscribed to the thread notified. I have 30 or more Shadow Pokemon caught, and 20 or more Purified. I'm gearing up to take on Realgam Tower.

    Talking to Insane Nutter through PM I learned how he/anybody else will use my save. I found A video somebody edited the ISO's of the Jap PKMN Colo to load up an English save so they could get access to an un-released room. If somebody was able to do that they could use their English game to load my Jap save and I could leave A Jap Mt.Battle Ho-oH, Surf Pichu egg and copies of my own two Celebi. PM me and I'll link you to all the resources I can.

    I backed up my Gamecube Mem card using my Wii, I'd like somebody to assist me in making sure they can use it. I need A place to upload it as well. I don't know if we're allowed to link to other sites or I'd just upload it to my own forums and link to that thread. I used the software Insane Nutter linked me to to backup my save. I don't know if it will overwrite your save data so be sure to back it up just in case. Not everybody has A modded Wii, that's why I need help from somebody who can test out how else we can get my Mem card data on yours. I think the backup tool from Datel might work but I don't have one yet. If anybody could test this you'd be doing us all A huge favor.

    If anybody else is keeping up with this thread and could reply that would be great, I'd like to post more updates but can't/wont keep double posting.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I have one of these GameCube USB memory cards which you can just backup and restore saves to with ease using a PC: GC USB Memory Adaptor 64M | Buy GC USB Memory Adaptor 64M for Gamecube (GC)

    I think you should just be able to dump your save at any time and restore it to any memory card and use on any GameCube from what i remember. It has been a long time since i did anything much with my GameCube but i dont think you will have any problems sharing your save.

    From what i remember my GameCube has trouble booting burned discs now, i need to look in to adjusting the pot on the DVD drive sometime so i cant boot the disc anymore, however i do own a PAL copy of Pokemon Colosseum so can try your save sometime.
  5. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I have A modded Wii and A Freeloader. I shouldn't have trouble boosting burned disks. I just can't make them and don't have any blank disks anyway. The only file on my SD card that I think could be the save is under MCBACKUP. It was created 11-17-13 so that fits with one of my posts. It's only one file which leaves me to believe it would over-write your whole Mem card. I was expecting it to make individual files for all my saves. I also used A 1019 block mem card.

    How exactly would I upload my save to the forums? I'd like to add my mem card backup for testing now, I'll upload/update again when I'm done. I'll also post it A third time when I've got the Mattle Ho-oH and other Pokemon stored on the PC.

    Sorry I kept you waiting so long InsaneNutter. One of the reasons I changed my signature and wanted to post these updates was to let you know I'm serious about helping. It's bugged me ever since I first posted that I couldn't upload my save. I bought some third party GCN-SD card adapter and even found A topic on how to make your own. In one of your older posts you said some thing like "Maybe someday someone will post A complete save. It took, what 4 years? But someday finally came. I'm trying to get this done before the end of the year. That's my goal. Please be patient A little longer.

    Soon as I beat the game I will bring in super strong Pokemon and start beating "The Under Colosseum" to get the last few Shadow Pokemon and make lots of money to buy the Cologne to massage Pokemon and purify them. Last time I imported A Lugia and Ho-oh in the mid 70's. Lugia got to 100 and Ho-oH to 99. I'm looking forward to doing that again and to keeping in contact.

    P.S. I read my messages several times afterward, bear with me if they're hard to understand what I'm saying. I have A hard time getting my thoughts out in A way that makes sense and is easy to get my meaning. If you're ever not sure what I mean on something feel free to ask me to clarify, I'll do my best.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  6. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Insane Nutter, I just found out you were an admin. That's so awesome. I also REALLY hate double posting but at this point I figured I would've been banned or warned I was doing it too much. Note I do not intend to make A habit out of it either, I would like to update this and nobody else is posting. I also don't know if you've been getting my private messages.

    Originally I was going to message you this.

    "Just thought I'd give you yet another Colosseum update, I have 6 shadow Pokemon left to purify! The last two are the problem. I am nearly done with Mt.Battle (Fight 100 battles) I'll get the 3rd and final Time Flute when I'm done. I'll use that on one of the worst Pokemon Metagross. The last two (Shuckle & Togetic require A few/tough fights just to reach.

    I was hoping to stay up late again and try to finish it, the problem is I literally sent my GBA games to have their batteries replaced earlier today. I still have 1 of my English Emerald versions which I found out won't connect to the Jap Colosseum. If I don't finish this tonight/tomorrow it will only be A few more days. hang in there and thanks for the patience and support."

    Wish me luck everybody, I'm nearly done. Hold out for A few more days.

    Here is my memory card data V 1.0. This doesn't have Colosseum anywhere near beat yet but you can tinker with it to find out if/how you can write it to your card. I used the program GameCube Mod Manager that InsanneNutter so graciously linked me to. I backed it up using my modded Wii.

    When I'm done with Colosseum I'll be posting A link with the completed save, I'll titile it Memory Card Data V 1.2 or Complete Japanese Pokemon Colosseum save 1.0.

    In my Save file update 1.2 I'll be leaving 5 presents on the PC for anybody willing to go through the trouble. A surf Pichu egg, Jap Mattle Ho-oH, Legit WISHMKR Jirachi and my 2 Ageto Celebi. My Pokemon Box save with all 386 Pokemon stored in order will also be with my mem card data.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    We dont like to make a big deal about who is staff and who isn't, but yup i am and i'm not going to ban you for double posting. You have contributed a lot to this thread (Y).

    That is pretty awesome indeed, congrats on all your hard work! Also sorry for the slow replies i have been a bit busy lately, however i keep checking this thread dont worry.

    I have attached your 1.1 save to the first post, thats quite a collection of Pokemon you have included with it too. I really need to get my GameCube and GBA setup and running again so i can have a play about with your save. It has been around three years now since i really played Pokemon, however you have kinda made me want to get back in to it now.

    Always great to have sometime thats been done legit too! I never thought anyone would actually take the time and do that (Y)

    So have you managed to obtain the Celebi from the bonus disc i presume?
    HaxAras likes this.
  8. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Thanks, I really appreciate that! No worries about the replies, I was just eagerly awaiting your response. At first I thought you were not posting because you were just waiting for the save to be uploaded vs checking in every day. I still need to post the V 1.2 save with all the extra's though. I'll try to get on that, I've just beaten Mt. Battle 3 times since I started this and because of that have been slow on getting Ho-oH.

    I always preferred legit Pokemon. I felt the urge to help you because I didn't think anybody else ever would. I was uniquely able to help and it felt selfish to not do so. I have obtained 2 legit Ageto Celebi from my own bonus disk. I never would have used it had I known it was 'new' in used condition when I got it. I've been internally battling myself ever since on weather I would/should use it again.

    I got out of Pokemon myself back in 2010. I've been trying to get back into it since late 2012. The third generation of Pokemon was always the best for me.

    (Posted on another forums by me)
    "I'll try to help in any way I can.

    I have lots of resources, 2 GCN - GBA Cables, Datel Freeloader, English Gamecube & Gameboy Player, Japanese Gamecube & Gameboy player, GBA - GBA Link cable & Several Gameboy advanced's & A GBA Action Replay, E-Reader and Ruby Saphire E-Reader cards. For games,

    [English] Pokemon Colosseum (Open and factory sealed!)
    [Japanese] Pokemon Colosseum (Open and factory sealed!)
    [English] Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (Open and factory sealed!)
    [Japanese] Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (Open and factory sealed!)
    [English] Pokemon Ruby
    [Japanese] Pokemon Ruby
    [English] Pokemon Saphire
    [Japanese] Pokemon Saphire
    [English] Pokemon Emerald
    [Japanese] Pokemon Emerald
    [English] Pokemon Box: Ruby & Saphire
    [Japanese] Pokemon Box: Ruby & Saphire
    [English] Pokemon Fire Red
    [Japanese] Pokemon Fire Red
    [English] Pokemon Leaf Green
    [Japanese] Pokemon Leaf Green
    [English] Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disk (Open and factory sealed!)
    [Japanese] Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disk (Open and factory sealed!)
    Gamecube interactive multi-game demo disk. (Gives out A shiny Zigzagoon)

    You'd be hard pressed to find something I don't have. If you need something tested I'm probably your guy.

    Seeing my save linked at the top of the thread made all the hard work worth it!! I'm so happy to help and really amazed I was able to do it in maybe 35-55 hours. The in-game time is exponentially higher than the real time. I fell asleep with my GameCube on the night before I beat it. I also just left it on for long amounts of time.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That is quite a collection you have, do you have any other games in the series?
    The Gamecube interactive multi-game demo disk sounds interesting, where did that come from?

    I have my original PAL GameCube, original Gameboy Advance and an Nintendo DS Lite. We do have a Wii in the house, however thats not mine. I am thinking about getting a 3DS for Pokemon X and Y.

    I own at least one games in each generation from the original Gameboy ones up to present.

    Off the top of my head i have:

    • Red
    • Yellow
    • Trading card game
    • Gold (My play time is something crazy like 180 hours, need about 9 Pokemon to have all 251)
    • Ruby
    • Fire Red and Leaf Green (Great remakes!)
    • Diamond
    • Heart Gold (Probably my favourite game in the series, i loved the original)
    • White (Still need to finish this, kinda got out of Pokemon again by then sadly!)
    So im presuming with your save all i need to do is load up the Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc and transfer a Celebi to one of my GBA games?
    Can you confirm if it works with your English GBA games? or will i need a Japanese GBA game to transfer it to?

    Also can you trade between English and Japanese GBA games. I have the feeling you can however its been so long i honestly cant remember. It amazing how much you forget having not played a game for so long. I do want to get back in to the games now, you have re sparked my interest.
  10. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I've got A lot of hours into the Pokemon games, my parents only used to have about 1 console. shared between my dad, brothers and I so I was big into handhelds. I have A handful of consoles and A LOT of games. I'm also A collector. I was always just big on the third generation Pokemon games. I like getting special Pokemon on the third gen games because I can always move them forward but not back. My favorite is hard to pick between Emerald and Platinum.

    You do need A Jap GBA game or you'll have to mess with those hexidecimals which just gave me A headache. I tried connecting my English Emerald and it wouldn't connect. I might not have been saved in A Pokemon Center though. I can try again. All my other Pokemon games were having their batteries replaced so I couldn't even transfer stronger Pokemon to beat Colosseum faster. (once I beat the main story.) When you insert the bonus disk it deposits A Celebi on the Colosseum save, I think you then repeat the process to get on on your GBA game. You can trade from the Jap GBA games to the English. Your English Pokemon's names will look really bold and be temporarily shortened to 5 letters. One thing I liked about the later generation Pokemon games, if you evolved an English Pokemon on A Jap game it got A Jap nickname.

    The demo disk comes with A few different demo's, I don't remember what they all were. It fixes A glitch in Ruby & Saphire and gives you A free shiny Zigzagoon. There's A video on YouTube.[h=3]Pokemon Berry Patch Upload Demo Discs- Shiny Zigzagoon![/h]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Y3DqOIVBQ&list=PL67160A0031285E4E&index=9

    Somebody actually used the link to get A Celebi, I asked them to re-upload my save with the Celebi on the save and they did! I haven't got to test it myself, going to when I get my GBA games back.
    Pokemon Colosseum Jap. with Celebi in Party
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Ah thanks for clearing a few things up. I do have an old GBA flashcard somewhere which i could always put a rom of a JPN GBA Pokemon game on. Either way i'm set to sort something out.

    Ill certainly have a mess about this Christmas anyway. That demo disc look interesting too, it appears that can be downloaded. Something else for me to check out at some point :)
  12. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    One more thing I wanted to add, apparently you get 48 Celebi every time you beat Colosseum so it has an infinite number of Celebi. I was led to believe it was limited to 49. Good luck with the Jap Rom Idea, I really hope that works. You could beat the rom, backup your save and get Celebi. Trade it to the English games then write your pre-Celebi save to the flashcard and get another.
  13. FiringTyphoon

    FiringTyphoon New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Can you provide the modified iso?, I modify it but it doesn't seems to work ;/
  14. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Hey guys! Hope I'm not too late to the party! I read this whole thread yesterday because I'm also looking for the Ageto Celebi to put onto my Emerald and mass-clone it along with WISHMKR Jirachi. InsaneNutter THANK YOU for putting up the Bonus Disc ISO you're great, and HaxAras (who is also great), I used your save in the Dolphin Virtual Memory Card but the Bonus Disc ISO kept giving me this message about Memory Card A or something. Luckily, I was able to convert that save over to American (which I WILL need to do even after I get Celebi in order to trade it over) because I still can't find the Japanese Colosseum ISO (the actual game), but I saw that there was 6 Pokemon in your party, so I deposited one into the PC, saved, exported the GCI, converted it back to Japanese, Imported it into the Memory Card, ran it through the Bonus Disc, but alas, it gave me the same message, which is weird. I had a friend who knew sone katakana but he said the message was mixed katakana with hiragana and all we got was something about the Agate Forest and excessive and Memory Card Slot A. I hope you guys still read this thread because you've all been such a big help in getting Celebi! Thanks!
  15. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I don't know jack about the memory card or ISO's. I have no idea why it's giving you that message. If I have to I'll just boot it up on a spare mem card, get the Celebi from the disk as well as my Japanese Emerald since I beat the story a few days ago. I could put the two Celebi on the PC. Despite having 5 Celebi in gen 3 alone it would be awesome to have 2 more. If that still doesn't work I could just send them to my English Colosseum save. A friend and I were giving each-other Pokemon by trading them to my Colosseum save and sending it back and forth.
  16. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Hiya, Hax! I made some progress. I found a Japanese ISO of the game and used it to read your save and deposit the pokemon into the PC. I booted the Bonus Disc and it worked! I then checked if Celebi was there, and it was. I saved, converted to American, and it still worked. So I did some stuff with DIOS MIOS (not getting too in-depth into that) and now the American version and the save were on the Wii. So I hooked my Emerald which IS American and I tried trading. It gave me an error that my cart was NOT American. And now I'm stuck. I guess it's because the region is hardcoded into the save or something. If you could put the Celebi on an American save, that would be great! Thanks so much, Hax! You and InsaneNutter really helped a lot!
  17. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I don't know what DIOS MIOS is, the rest is really interesting. Do you have the unmodded Jap save with the Celebi and the modded one? I wanna play around with those, see if I can connect either of my Emeralds to the modded one. If I can I will trade the two identical Celebi to my English Colosseum, receive one on my Jap Emerald and clone and trade that too. Do you have an Advanced Game Port by any chance? It lets you take "Snapshots" of games and you can use them to backup and restore saves. We could literally trade and give gamesaves.

    That or I could just give you my Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire save. It has all 386 Pokemon in order* and a few extras, WishMaker Jirachi, my in-game teams, egg move Pokemon, tons of Synchronyze Ralts, Gale of Darkness Johto starters, English and Japanese Mattle Ho-oh's and 5 legit Celebi. I'd just prefer if we do that, just don't give it out to people.
    * I am missing Wartortle and have several Espeon that all belong to my in-game teams.
  18. PK Sync

    PK Sync Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    That works too! Whatever is easier. Just a quick question, are you posting the save in the thread, or PMing it? Just curious since you don't want to give it out. Thanks again though. You're a lifesaver!
  19. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I'd just send you the mediafire link, as soon as you've downloaded it I'll removed it.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I wouldn't mind a copy of your save to play around with if you were ok with that too :)

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