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Request: Pokemon Oak's Letter and Membership Card Rom

Discussion in 'Requests' started by Sasukemontes, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Sasukemontes

    Sasukemontes New Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Good evening Professor Oak I write in this message to see if you can do the Roms of the objects of Darkrai and Manaphy, which are Oak's Letter and Membership card,also the functions do 23 to 25 of the Poke-Reloj. It does a little time I did the unload of this Rom:
    Pokemon Toys R Us Shaymin & Regigigas Distribution NDS Rom Download [USA]

    Thinking that it was the object of the event of the Oak's Letter, Thanks to I you have a Manaphy of Event since I tape-worm thanks to the Cheats of one R4. Thank you so much because finally be over Pokemon Perla with Newmoon Island andFlower Paradise.
  2. thaleskpl

    thaleskpl Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Those event where via wi-fi, so there's no know distribution cartridge for them. Also, they were for Platinum only, so it's not possible to get to those locations legitimately on Diamond and Pearl.
    The pokétch apps 24 and 25 were not distributed at all, if I'm not mistaken, and the 23 was only distributed in japan.
    You can edit your save with PokeSav for the poketch apps and inject the wondercards in PkHex for Oak's Letter and Member's Key, but the captured will only be legal in Platinum.

    Translated to Spanish, since you seem to natively speak it:
    Esas distribuciones ocurrieron por Wi-Fi, por eso no hay ningún cartucho de distribución conocido para ellas. Además, tu no puedes ir a esos locales en Diamante y Perla, pues ellas solo ocurrieron en Platina.
    Los apps de poké-reloj 24 y 25 nunca fueron distribuidos, y el 23 solo fue distribuido en Japón para Diamante y Perla.
    Puedes editar tu save con PokeSav para tener los apps del poke-reloj y inyectar los wondercards para la Carta de Oak y Llave de Miembros, pero Darkrai y Shaymin atrapados por essa manera solo serán legales si atrapados en Platina.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I'm not totally sure what you are asking in your two messages. You can get both legitimately by injecting the wonder cards, that would be the same end result as obtaining the event from Nintendo Wi-Fi.

    Obviously Nintendo Wi-Fi is no more and the event is long since over, however injecting the wonder card gives you the same end result as obtaining the event from Wi-Fi, so would be legit.
  4. Nightwing13666

    Nightwing13666 New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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  5. Twilight91

    Twilight91 Elite Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    How do you inject the event items/wondercards?
  6. Twilight91

    Twilight91 Elite Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Hello. I am trying to obtain the Member Card, Oak's Letter, and other event Pokemon on my Japanese Platinum. I have the things downloaded on my R4 device and I have the Mystery Gift option activated on both cartridges. I managed to get the event content on my English Platinum cartridge but it won't let me get any of the content in the JPN Platinum cartridge. What's going on?

    Edited: Nevermind. I fixed it.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020

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