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Request: Dual slot dustributions (Pokemon)

Discussion in 'Requests' started by SilverTheGamer, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. SilverTheGamer

    SilverTheGamer Elite Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    There were some little-known dual-slot Pokemon distributions that i can't find anywhere. They should be dumped by whoever has them now, but it's nearly impossible to find a list of them.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Their not dumped, that's why certain people have recently been purchasing the NDS distributions and kindly dumping / releasing them for everyone to enjoy.

    I don't think anyone we know of has any Slot 2 distributions at this moment in time, the best you will get for now is the Unreleased Pokemon Slot 2 Distribution [decchi.bin] Azure Flute / Arceus Distribution [JPN].
  3. SilverTheGamer

    SilverTheGamer Elite Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Yeah, there's barely any info on them. But hey, the Muricain version of Mother was found, so i guess anything is possible. And i don't just mean their dumps, i mean just a complete list of all of them.
  4. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    We can't really gather much information on these carts in general when we have nothing to document in the first place, other than the few things we already know.
    We don't really have a list since we don't know what exists, but reports have said that VGC events in the US and Europe were Slot-2 distributions.
    Of those we've actually seen, we know that Japanese Slot-2 carts exist for the Shiny Beasts distribution, the movie Regigigas, the movie Deoxys, and a Magmar/Electabuzz distribution. No roms are known to have been dumped, though presumably some of the Japanese carts are possibly in private hands outside of Nintendo, but I've never seen any proof of that. I think people assume they are in the wild just because the pictures exist.

    Due to the rarity, we'd have to be very lucky to ever have one of these pop up. The best we have for now is the decchi.bin debug/proto/test Slot-2 rom.
    It's totally possible some VGC carts will leak one day, since a few GBA distros have slowly gotten out over the years. Japan has a pretty much flawless record for distribution carts never leaking from Nintendo, so I don't expect any of those, but perhaps we may see roms one day from the carts that supposedly already got out.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  5. SilverTheGamer

    SilverTheGamer Elite Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Well yeah, i saw a few photos of them clearly in some guy's hands. I guess we will have to wait.
  6. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    It doesn't mean it wasn't being held by an employee, or even being held by the person just to take a picture. Items/scenery in the background of a picture could help determine whether or not it is in private hands or not. I haven't seen anything concrete proving there are any out of Nintendo possession.
  7. SilverTheGamer

    SilverTheGamer Elite Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    on the photo i saw there was a bed, a gba, the cart of the deoxys, overall not professional looking. i doubt it was from an employee

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