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Xbox Video Archive - View and Download Old Xbox Videos

Discussion in 'Media' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    What is the Xbox Video Archive?

    This is a collection of HD videos I downloaded from Xbox Live during the early days of the Xbox 360. This content was downloaded from the Xbox 360 dashboard from 2005 to 2009 ish.

    Some of this content such as the E3 coverage was only available for a very limited time. What is pretty unique is that all this content was available in 720p HD. High definition content was pretty scarce on the internet back in 2006, i'm pretty certain back then even YouTube only supported very badly compressed 360p flash video. Video quality on gaming websites such as IGN and GameSpot was not that great either from what I remember.

    How did you get this content?

    I used to download content from Xbox Live on to my 360's 20gb hard drive to watch it, you couldn't stream video on the Xbox 360 dashboard back then, it had to be downloaded. My internet was only 2mb back then so even downloading these videos that we're several 100's of mb took a while at the time.

    I remember my 360's hard drive gradually filled up with this content, I then used the Datel XSATA to extract the content from my 360.

    Once I had the content on my PC it was extracted with wxPirs to reveal the WMV video file. I kept these video files and burned them to a DVD-R once I had enough to fill a DVD on my PC. I'd actually forgotten about this until recently when I was randomly asked if I had any old video content from the early Xbox 360 days. I managed to find these DVD-R's after not using them again for over 10 years.

    I guess you could say this content is becoming "retro" now with a lot of it been over 10 years old. As I was asked to share this I thought i'd try and do my bit to keep it available.

    Where can I watch / download this Xbox Live Video Archive?

    At the moment i plan to upload these videos to YouTube as I believe that will be the most accessible way to watch them. I've setup a new YouTube channel called Xbox Archive to make these available. I don't really want to flood the Digiex YouTube channel with this content.

    After these are uploaded to the Xbox Archive YouTube channel i'll likely create a torrent with all 104 videos available in their original format.

    What videos do you have?

    Video content i downloaded was limited to the few games I was really interested in at the time and the E3 events.
    • E3 2006, 2007 and 2008
    • Crackdown
    • Gears of War 1 & 2
    • Halo 3
    • Halo Wars
    • Tomb Raider Underworld
    • A few more random games, full list below:
    Army of Two Gameplay Trailer 2
    Army of Two Gameplay Trailer
    Bomberman LIVE HD
    Bringing it Home Halo Wars Trailer
    Burnout Paradise
    Crackdown - Keys to The City
    Crackdown - New Equipment
    Crackdown - New Game Types
    Crackdown - New Vehicles
    Crackdown - Street Racing
    E3 06 Backstage Pass - Friday
    E3 06 Backstage Pass - Thursday
    E3 06 Backstage Pass - Wednesday
    E3 06 DDR Universe Trailer
    E3 06 Gears of War Trailer
    E3 06 Gears Of War
    E3 06 Shadowrun Backstage Pass
    E3 06 Showfloor Behind the Scenes
    E3 06 Xbox Press Briefing
    E3 07 Games For Windows Montage (HD)
    E3 07 Stage Demo
    E3 07 UT3 Trailer
    E3 07 Xbox 360 Games Montage (HD)
    E3 07 Xbox Live Arcade (HD)
    E3 08 Gears of War 2 Reception
    E3 08 Trailer Rendezvous
    Epic Studio Visit
    Family Guy Vol. 4 DVD Sneak Peek
    Gears of War - Garden Gameplay
    Gears of War - Marsh Gameplay
    Gears of War - Process Gameplay
    Gears of War - Subway Gameplay
    Gears of War - Top 5 Achievements Trailer
    Gears of War - Top 5 Battles Trailer
    Gears of War - Top 5 Locust Trailer
    Gears of War - Top 5 Weapons Trailer
    Gears of War 2 - Delta Blues Trailer
    Gears of War 2 - Duel Trailer
    Gears of War 2 - Enter the Horde Trailer
    Gears of War 2 - GDC 2008 Unreal Engine 3
    Gears of War 2 - Last Day Trailer
    Gears of War 2 - Never Fight Alone Trailer
    Gears of War 2 Demo Trailer
    Gears of War 2
    Gears of War Map Pack 1 Video
    Gears of War Promotional Ad
    Geometry Wars 2 Retro Evolved
    Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2
    Golden Axe Beast Rider Trailer 3 (US)
    GOW2 Campaign Gameplay Reveal
    GOW2 Trailer Every Gun has a Story
    GOW2 Trailer Touch the Sound
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    GTA 4 Trailer 3
    GTA IV - Exclusive Xbox TV Campaign
    GTA IV - Trailer 4
    GTA IV Box art unveiled
    GTA IV Trailer 2
    Halo 3 1st TV Commercial
    Halo 3 Announcement
    Halo 3 Believe Ad
    Halo 3 Believe TV Ad
    Halo 3 E3 2007 Trailer
    Halo 3 European Premieres
    Halo 3 In the Beginning
    Halo 3 KEEP IT CLEAN
    Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack ViDoc
    Halo 3 Legendary Pack Darkness Trailer
    Halo 3 Making of the Diorama
    Halo 3 Multiplayer Vidoc
    Halo 3 Our Favorite Things Video
    Halo 3 Recon Trailer
    Halo 3 ViDoc And on the Seven7th Day...
    Halo 3 ViDoc Cinema Paradiso
    Halo 3 ViDoc Et Tu, Brute
    Halo 3 ViDoc Journey's End
    Halo Arms Race
    Halo Landfall
    Halo Wars E3 2007 First Look Trailer
    Halo Wars Trailer
    Halo Wars
    Microsoft Booth Tour
    New Xbox Experience (HD)
    On10 E3 07 Wrap Up
    PSA Halo 3 Beta
    Quantum of Solace - Exclusive Bond Trailer
    Red vs Blue Holiday 2006 Video
    Red vs Blue Out of Mind Part Five
    Red vs Blue Out of Mind Part Four
    Red vs Blue Out of Mind Part One
    Red vs Blue Out of Mind Part Three
    Red vs Blue Out of Mind Part Two
    Red vs. Blue - The Full Circle
    Red vs. Blue D.I.Y.
    Sonic Unleashed
    The Orange Box E3 2007 Trailer
    The Simpsons Movie
    Tomb Raider Underworld - Beneath The Surface - 1
    Tomb Raider Underworld - Beneath The Surface - 2
    Tomb Raider Underworld - Teaser Trailer
    Unreal Tournament 3 Gamers Day Trailer
    UT3 Exclusive Launch Video
    Welcome to Emergence Day
    Xbox LIVE Arcade Montage

    View: Xbox Video Archive on YouTube

    Download: Xbox Video Archive on Internet Archive

    If you are interested in downloading the untouched video files then click "Windows Media" on the internet archive download options and you will be able to directly download these. Internet Archive seems to be gradually converting these to Mpeg 4, which is a more universally supported format. Either way you have options now on how to watch these videos.

    Clicking the "160 Original" should download everything I originally uploaded in a zip file which is 22.7GB:


    RGHdemon, piskimojoso and Gunz4Hire like this.
  2. Gunz4Hire

    Gunz4Hire Exotic XeX Hunter

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Some Interesting videos uploaded so far!
  3. StijnRaedts

    StijnRaedts New Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    Hey, I have been searching all over for posts like these. I have been collecting a lot of the old Gears of War 360 trailers myself. Do you still have these WMV videos themselves? I am missing the 720p Marketplace version of the E3 2006 trailer.
    I'm in the process of enhancing 27 Gears of War story / cinematic trailers and going to upload them in 8K.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes I should still have these, I can check when I'm home.
    StijnRaedts likes this.
  5. StijnRaedts

    StijnRaedts New Member

    Nov 5, 2021
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    That would be amazing.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Here you go! <link removed>
    StijnRaedts likes this.
  7. StijnRaedts

    StijnRaedts New Member

    Nov 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Thanks, I got it! Now my collection of high quality sources is consisting of 27 story focused trailers. You are the man, thank you so much.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2021
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  8. Heyjax778

    Heyjax778 New Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Hey, im looking for a viva piƱata promotional video from 2007, it was promoting it to adults which was most likely on xbox.com.
    If you have any information on it please share!!!!
  9. ohhai8

    ohhai8 New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Could you please re-upload the original .wmv source files please? There is no download link it was removed. Do you happen to have any more as well not yet shared? Thank you for you hard work!
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I still have all the ones listed in the first post. Give me a week or two and i'll upload them all to the internet archive. Then people can download the original wmv's and do whatever they want with them.
  11. ohhai8

    ohhai8 New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Thank you so much! Looking forward to it :D
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Everything is finally uploaded on both YouTube and Internet Archive, so you can easily stream these on YouTube or download the original WMV video files.

    Xbox Video Archive on YouTube

    Download: Xbox Video Archive on Internet Archive

    If you are interested in downloading the untouched video files then click "Windows Media" on the internet archive download options and you will be able to directly download these. Internet Archive seems to be gradually converting these to Mpeg 4, which is a more universally supported format. Either way you have options now on how to watch these videos.

    Clicking the "160 Original" should download everything I originally uploaded in a zip file which is 22.7GB:


    ohhai8 likes this.

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