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Translated Gen 3 e-Berries

Discussion in 'User Created Pokemon Event Distributions' started by Wanderer1391, Nov 7, 2022.

  1. Wanderer1391

    Wanderer1391 New Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    Recently I translated the Gen 3 Japanese exclusive e-Reader Berries into English to be used with the English e-Reader with the help of Bulbapedia's translations for them as I realized no one had ever actually done so.
    Then I was recently contacted by someone named Grender who asked if it was possible to translate the e-Reader Berries into Spanish.
    With his help to take care of the translation side of things we did so successfully.
    Provided in this post are zip files that have the 6 English translated e-Berries and the 12 Spanish e-Berries along with save files for the e-Reader if you'd like to skip scanning a card in.

    Attached Files:

  2. Grender

    Grender New Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    Thanks for your work! :)
  3. Wanderer1391

    Wanderer1391 New Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    You're welcome and thank you for your help.
  4. ad2099

    ad2099 Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    Hello, thanks for your apprte
    I would like to create e-cards for the other languages eur and adapt the eon tickets and decorations

    I checked your VPK files that you shared and I found that in these bytes the language could be determined but as I understand it the language order is as follows

    01 01 Japanese
    02 02 English
    02 03 French
    02 04 Italian
    02 05 German
    02 07 Español


    What I don't understand is why for your modification to the Spanish versions you put 02 04

    Could you give me some help to determine in which section the language is controlled?
  5. Wanderer1391

    Wanderer1391 New Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    My apologies for the late reply but its been an extremely busy month.
    I tried to get the Spanish header to work right but it wouldn't work for some reason so I ended up grabbing the data from a vpk I knew would work, the Spanish Eon Ticket card with some modifications to account for the header needing to send a berry and not the Eon Ticket.

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