Question about Xbox 360 games?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ZionFreak, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. ZionFreak

    ZionFreak Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    I have downloaded a few of the demos on here. Resident evil 5, skate 2, etc... After a few hours I figured out how to burn them and play them on my Xbox 360. I think this is awesome. If these demos work why can't we just share our Xbox games, download them and burn them to a disk with out modding or flashing our xboxes? I mean someone will buy a game and share it and vice versa, so they will still make money. The Xbox games are way to expensive. I have a wife and 3 daughters to take care of and I just put a deposit on Res evil 5. Its gonna be 60 bucks. That is ridiculous when there are so many games I want to play that I can't afford. Why can't we burn, share and download games for to play? I bought the freakin' Xbox! There has to be a way to do this without opening up your xbox. Be it know I am gonna figure it out. All I want to do is play the freakin' things. I ain't talking about making a career out of selling pirated games. Xbox give me a break!
  2. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    No offence, but if you cant buy games you don't have the right to play them. Making games costs money and if everyone could pirate and share they wouldn't exist :P Really bad justification there.
  3. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    Also, despite the fact that that is very illegal, you also have the free rider problem, of people just downloading games other people have put up, but then not uploading any themselves.

    I'm a student and can't really afford games, yet I get by. Just outline the games you want in the year, put some money aside and buy them. Simple as.

    BTW, to any Mods/ Admins does anyone else think we should like, have an Xbox 360 help thread? I've noticed a lot of random threads with 1 or 2 posts in asking questions about Xbox 360 stuff, and it just clutters up the place. We could make it a STICKY and then any questions go in there? Just a thought.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you want the honours of creating such a thread I don’t see any problems with that, sounds like a good idea to me.
  5. ZionFreak

    ZionFreak Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    No offence

    So I guess if I don't buy music I don't have the right to listen to it either then. Since when did everyone make a market out of something that was initially gifted to them in the first place? Its the worshipping of the mighty dollar my man. Peace
  6. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    You don't actually. Unless it's free, you shouldn't be listening to it. This is people's lives we're talking about. Their blood, sweat and tears have gone into this work, and they should be paid for it. Agreed they are payed too much, but still, you wouldn't expect to walk into a shop and just take something for free, you wouldn't expect to be able to see a doctor and for them not to be paid. I'm pretty darn certain that if you were to make something or offer a service, you wouldn't give it away for free. You my friend, need to rethink your ideas.

    It isn't fair on people who spend their hard earned cash on things when you download things for free. Granted I do it a bit, but I also download A LOT of things legally and pay for them.

  7. ZionFreak

    ZionFreak Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Munki, honestly dude, I think you are taking this digithread blogging thing a little to serious. So I posted in the wrong section, geez. I just joined today. You guys seem like your in your elite little group the ones I hated in high school. Take it easy man. I am just a noob, lol :)
  8. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    Not at all my friend. I was merely suggesting that we have an xbox 360 help thread for eveyone's benefit :) Perhaps this should've gone in console gaming, but nevermind, no harm done.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    No such thing :), if you read the forums most people here are quite friendly and will help you out.

    Some people have strong views against piracy, some people don’t care, it can be a touchy subject.

    I was going to link you to the other thread on this subject but I notice you have already read it ;)
  10. ZionFreak

    ZionFreak Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Last time I paid for something to download was LimeWire years ago when I fist got a computer. You know what they ripped me off. I paid money for a program that I could have received for free. After I did a restore on my computer I lost the program and that 3rd party company never gave me the program back. I had all of my cds stolen out of car a few years ago. The only way I will ever buy another music cd is if I have to or I want to bless someone who has made music with a gift but by my free choice not because of music communism ,lol. You sound like Lars Ulrichs' brother as if the dude didn't make enough money. And yet they get up and sing.. "I don't give a f#@&", until it comes down to messing with them. The hypocrites Metallica were! What whiners! Then it was said that Lars was the one behind alot of the internet viruses in music files. Besides all that, downloaded music quality in mp3 format is usually inferior quality so if someone wants a better copy they will go out and buy it. I don't hear you harping on the people who rip people off and have a monopoly of things because of greed. And music is a gift that God made, if someone wants to give to someone who has made music thats cool but it was never meant to be a business. This is why their is so much drug abuse and suicide in the music business. But everyone wants their idols. Its called merchandising the anointing. :D
  11. Stealth Geek

    Stealth Geek Your Dad

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I've been here a month and haven't seen anything like that going on here. *-)
  12. ZionFreak

    ZionFreak Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    Ok sorry I come off kind of fiery sometimes. I know what you mean about it being a touchy subject. Hey its all good. I was gonna delete this whole thing but me being a "trainee" , I don't think I can, lol.

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