Required: 1.) 2 savegames of the same game ( Not to much different) 2.) Xport/Xplorer... 3.) Sata/Transfer kit/ USB... 4.) Hex Editor (Im going to use Hex Workshop Editor) 5.) Resign/Rehash => Modio... Some Quick-basics: Red Area: The read Area is the Adress/Offsets area. Yellow Area: This is the Hex Area, we are going to work with this. Green Area: This is the Visual Area, that means how it looks in a Notepad. Step 1: Get 2 (Not to much) different savegames, save them where you want. Im using Lost Planet 2 savegame, its quick and easy. Step 2: Open your Hex Editor.. (Im using Hex Workshop Editor) Step 3: Click on "Tools" => Compare => Compare File's or just Crtl + K Step 4: Choose your 2 gamesaves and click on Ok. Step 5 Now you can see what you need to change Green = matches (same) Yellow = replaced (not the same) Red = delete Step 6 Click on the yellow area (replaced) Step 7 That is the way, how you can find out which area is for what. I used in the both savegames 4 different abilities. In changing exp,lvl,money,wanted you need to convert your points like money/exp... to Hex, if you have 5000 money that would be 1388 in Hex, this is called Little Endian. Little Endian.: 5000 money/exp convert to Hex = 1388, then search for 1388 in your Hex Editor. Big Endian.: 5000 would be in Big Endian 88130000 This is just a Quick how to Turorial how to mod without Modio/Custom tools/Valhalla/Eclipse... You can also edit a savegame with Modio or Eclipse and compare it in the Hex Editor, then you can see what Modio/Eclipse changes And don't forget to Rehash/Resign your savegame file after editing. --End-- Sorry for my english fail I can't explain that, im going to make a video later.
Great tutorial, that actually looks a lot easier than I thought. Any games you recommend trying it on? I was thinking GTA 4 as you have money, ammo and so on. Ill give it a try when I get chance and let you know how it goes.
Nice guide . Handy if you have a Jtag & a Mac . On the Mac xplorer360 & Modio doesn't work , but if you have a jtag it doesn't matter anyway .
and they normally dont ban for this if your online what they will do is put a mark against your gamer tag and reset all your stats gamer points and everything. I had it happen to a friend a couple weeks ago
There might be a tutorial someplace else but can you change the ownership of a save game. For example. I have a number of games that I have burned on my jtag that I used to play on my xbox live profile. I really just want to be able to continue where I left off in some of these games instead of starting over on my Jtag. Any clues to changing the ownership of the save?
Ok, figure out how to do it using horizon. Its a pretty interesting app. Anyone know if I can get banned from live if I play a game on my jtag account and than change the save to my online account?
Read this on how to stay safe:
I'm trying to mod or file transfer for boom boom rocket to where it looks legit. I cant get spg method to work & I can't find the game save on my hard drive so I'm guessing it is linked some how to my profile itself. Any help?