Xbox One System Update with a USB Memory Stick

Discussion in 'Xbox One Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Updating the Xbox One with a USB Memory stick is a very similar to updating an Xbox 360 with a USB memory stick. You might wish to update your Xbox One with a USB memory stick if you have an unreliable internet connection, or are behind a strict network e.g at University and are unable to access Xbox Live easily.

    Preparing the USB Memory Stick:

    To begin you will need a USB memory stick that is at least 2gb in size, this this USB memory stick needs to be plugged in to your computer.

    Next in My Computer (Or This PC depending on your version of Windows) you want to find the USB drive and right click on it. Now select format, this should bring up the options on how the drive can be formatted.


    • For the file system you want to select NTFS
    • For the allocation size simply select “default allocation size”
    • Finally select quick format, the drive label does not really matter. It will simply help you identify the usb drive if you have a few connected to the computer.
    • Click start and the drive will be formatted.

    Downloading the system update:

    Now the drive is formatted we need to download the system update and copy it to the USB drive.

    To start with you will need to download an Xbox One system update, the latest available system updates will always be posted here on the Digiex forums: Xbox One System Update Downloads.

    Once you have downloaded the system update, you then need to open the zip file and extract the $SystemUpdate folder, if you need a tool to do this WinRAR works well.


    It’s now simply a case of copying the system update to the root of your USB memory stick, the contents of your USB memory stick should look like the screenshot below. Basically a folder on the memory sick called $SystemUpdate, which contains the update files.


    Now you have your USB memory stick prepared with the system update on it, the Xbox One can now be updated.

    Installing an Xbox One system update with the USB memory stick:

    Follow the simple steps below to update the Xbox One with a USB memory stick

    1. Unplug the network cable if using a wired network connection.
    2. Power off the Xbox One and unplug the power cord to ensure the console has been completely switched off.
    3. Wait for 30 seconds, then plug the power cord back in.
    4. Plug the flash drive into a USB port on the console and press and hold the Bind and Eject buttons, then power the console on.
    5. Continue holding Bind and Eject for 10-15 seconds and listen for two "power-up" tones a couple of seconds apart.
    6. Release the BIND and EJECT buttons after the tones to install the update.

    Note: If you don't hear the power-up tones, it means that the process has failed. Likewise you hear a "power-down" sound it means that the installation process has failed.

    Once the Xbox One restarts remove the USB memory stick, the update is complete and you can get back to some Xbox One gaming!
    EL DeLino, ZimHB123, cmac86 and 4 others like this.
  2. cmac86

    cmac86 Member

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Thanks for this. nowadays I travel to my holiday home with my xbox one and the internet is really terrible at certain periods, so i cannot leave the xbox on overnight as it keeps disconnecting. so downloading during night via pc then updating via usb is my only option when im away. Thanks for the tut.
  3. cmac86

    cmac86 Member

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Thanks for this. I think I made a post but it didn't go through. This is a great guide for me as my Internet disconnects every time I download something via xbox. So I have to download the updates manually until I get the problem sorted (think it's a faulty router) any ways thanks alot. Bookmarked will come in handy.

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