No this is not about Skinheads, Skins is a "British teen drama aimed at young adults which is at the forefront of Channel 4's quest to bring more British programming to Britain. Fast-paced and full of angst-ridden fun, this British drama is based on a group of Bristolian teenagers and their personal struggle with highly-charged issues of race, religion, sexuality, drugs and food disorders." More Probably one of my favourite shows on TV at the moment, I never thought series 1 and 2 were the best, I think they hit the nail on the head with series 3 though
I've been watching since the beginning. I thought Series 1 and 2 were great and I'm liking the new series as well but not as much. I think it's because I liked the original cast more than the new lot.
I download this when I remember, it’s not on TV over here I don’t think. British TV series are too short, I would love another 10 episodes of Skins. Fantastic show, I hope it will be on again soon.
I didnt watch the first two series they bored me so badly, But this series has been a lot better to my opinion