Now this is just in the planning stages but I halve talked with our beloved site managers and they have given me their permission to try to create this. Basically the podcast would be a bunch of News, Views and reviews of stuff, and maybe a couple of other fun features. Everyone on the board would have the chance to be a part of the podcast. You would be able to send me written feedback or reviews, or using a program that I will give the download link for to send your feedback and reviews in audio form. This is in the planning stages so there may be some hiccups but bear with me. How do I contribute? You can either send your stuff in written form for me or someone to read out or using a program called Audacity record yourself and send it to me. To use Audacity though you will need a Microphone that plugs into your computer. Here is the link for Audacity: Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder Where do I send my Feedback? If you want to contribute to the podcast please send it to: When you send I audio podcast please ensure that there is no Backing music since this will make the podcast more difficult to edit. If anyone is interested please leave me a comment.
What exactly are you wanting people to contribute at this stage, if anything? Is there a set theme for the first podcast? It sounds interesting, some more info could help as it would be hard to record something random then hope it fits in with your material. I wouldn’t mind hearing a pilot podcast to hear how things will be done.
This is what I mean by it is in the planning stages. Some of the things I am looking for at the moment Are: 1. Reviews (written or audio) 2. Feedback (written or Audio) P.S this will be easier once we have a show up and running 3. Ideas for features A typical podcast at the moment will consist of : 1. Opening song of the week and link 2. news 3. Feedback section 4. reviews 5. wrap up 6. end song I will be posting another thread about the first show soon. it will give all the detials and what I will need from anyone wanting to contribute. but for the most part what i want at the moment are reviews for anythig you want.