I have been playing a lot of MW2, and wow it sucks bad now. Ive been in so many games that are just full of cheaters, people hacking or using rapid fire controllers. Lately ive noticed some pretty serious stuff like hacked games where anyone on the opposite is just frozen and carnt move for the entire match, or one team is maxed out on the other has a basic pistol and thats it. I dont see why people feel the need to hack in public games by all means do it in private games just dont ruin the fun for everyone else. /rant
really? i've been playing a lot the last couple of days and not come across any cheaters? unless ur on xbox as i play on the pc
Not the video I wanted to link to but a good example of what a lot of people are complaining about on the 360 version. [ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABojzt5fxYI]YouTube - MW2 Xbox360 New God Mode, Wall hack, Unlimited Ammo, Online Ranked After **Patch**[/ame]
This is exactly why I don't play MW2 hardly at all anymore. I am waiting for Bad Company 2 to come out. I find that BC2's multiplayer mode is much more enjoyable than MW2's. Plus you don't have all the hacks and mods that MW2 has.
The Xbox 360 appears to be in need for new security, as MW2 is not the only game troubled by cheaters. For example, look on YouTube for the strangest cheats for Gears of War 2. I came across a cheater's match one day, and those cheaters somehow made their firing speeds insanely fast and made it so that they got 1000+ EXP for each kill. Thus in other words: play online games on your 360 to use your sniper as an assault rifle..
I've had such an thing as well. Though much worst. It was like 1 billion exp. per kill / down. Plus all the weapons was modified and the mortar was so nasty...It had many more bullets that rained down and a larger range. You could even run quickly, be on the over side of the map in 2-3 seconds. Not to mention, some characters having a increased health. Some of the mods was actually fun, such as larger hordes to kill, largers parties, 9 person Horde. It was caused by editing files within the .iso then as long as the person with the modified game was host, then those hacks would be in effect. Though it's been patched now. After the patch if the game loads up and detects its modified it would crash, stay at a black screen upon inserting the game. However with this new JTAG hack, I'm sure hackers may of found a way around that.
Probably not, last time I got into a cheater's game in GoW2 matchmaking was months ago, and I've been playing the game almost weekly since it's release. But yeah, you'll never know what to expect in the near future of the 360 with this JTAG..
Game programmers are going to have to start presuming people can exploit 360 games like on the PC and build anti cheat protection, something like punkbuster for example. It carnt be hard to detect who is running a modified game on a system like Xbox Live.