Hello, 29% of free applications on Android have the capability to access a user’s location, compared with 33% of free applications on iPhone Nearly twice as many free applications have the capability to access user’s contact data on iPhone (14%) as compared to Android (8%) 47% of free Android apps include third party code, while that number is 23% on iPhone Introducing the App Genome Project | The Official Lookout Blog Gorge
I recently got an Android based phone and have tried to be careful with what I installed, there's been a couple of applications i've not installed as they have wanted access to my phone book / text messages and the internet for no obvious reason. I think just like a PC you need to be careful, most of my apps are from respected developers though, I do have a few random apps although they don't have access to anything important. I do like how you are at least warned about what the application can do once installed on Android.
I always ignore that screen when I am installing an app on android. I should probably keep and eye on it from now on.
Hello, First SMS-sending Android Trojan reported First SMS-sending Android Trojan reported | InSecurity Complex - CNET News Gorge
wow those are some scary facts i should probably be more careful but i do have lookout antivirus on my phone though