Which Xbox Dashboard Do you Prefer?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Corona, Nov 24, 2010.


Which Dashboard Do You Prefer?

  1. PRE-NXE(Blades)

  2. NXE (New Xbox Experience)

  3. KXE ( Kinect Xbox Experience)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Corona

    Corona Addict

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Hey everyone,
    Do you remeber the blades dashboard, then cast your vote on which xbox 360 dashboard you like!

    PRE-NXE (1888-6717) November 22, 2005 - November 19, 2008


    NXE (7356-9199) November 19, 2008 - November 1, 2010


    KXE (12408-12611) November 1, 2010 - Present Day

    In Memory Of the BLades and NXE
  2. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    The Blades easily take this one, the only customizable one. Then they went to the pathetic colors you have to have and get no say about it.
    Corona likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Each have pro's and cons

    Blades was good because you got more customization options and was a lot more simple to use. However i remember it got to the point it was so slow for the 360 to display all the content on the hard drive and the marketplace ended up as a total mess with little info about the item you were downloading.

    NXE did a lot for the 360, party chat, game installs, fixed all the slowness issues (in the end), avatars and gave everything a fresh new look. However it took away the few customization options we have, and the majority of themes looked pretty rubbish on it. So Microsoft decided to make loads of money selling premium themes... oh and avatar items.

    Kinect dash - I love the new sounds... thats about it to be honest lol. In some ways the market place is easier to navigate however I still get lost when venturing away from the My Xbox tab or what ever you want to call it. I like how it is when your not signed in to live, you just have the My Xbox and Xbox Live tabs. It really would be nice if you could change all the white and square edges in this dash though.

    The NXE Dash with the Digiex theme i created and the sounds from the Kinect dash would be my ideal dashboard, but if you want to play the latest games and use Xbox Live we dont really have a choice.
    Corona likes this.
  4. robert_kendo

    robert_kendo Active Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    i like the blade one
  5. The Blades For Sure Loved The "Games" Blade How It Displayed How Many Arcade Games You Have Where As NXE & KXE Dousent Wish I Could Go Back To The Blades
  6. BlackTitan666

    BlackTitan666 Elite Member

    Apr 17, 2010
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    Bronx, New York, USA
    the blades where the best cause they were customizable.Kinect dash is why better the that shit nxe dash that lagged like a bitch
  7. JafriZin

    JafriZin Active Member

    Sep 9, 2009
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    I liked the NXE one better because you can customize your own avatar using your rewards that you collected. Too bad for Kinect one though (W/O XBOX live but modded).
  8. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Kinect Dash lags just as bad if not worse for me and a few of my friends. Sometimes i would literally have to wait for my guide button for over 5 minutes before it felt like responding, didn't have near as much trouble on NXE and the people that actually have a Kinect have to wait longer for pretty much everything, just seen that at my friends house. He has to wait 3 times longer to do pretty much anything just since he got his Kinect.
  9. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I prefer the PRE-NXE dash in almost any fashion. I just loved the simple feel, the swift tabs, and how user-friendly it was. I mean, the whole system was based upon 4 tabs (later 5 with the stand-alone Marketplace tab). From the start, you always knew where to find what without a learning curve. In the NXE & KXE dashboards however, I sometimes find myself browsing through chunks of big square buttons before I found what I was originally looking for. And the overall thing feels a bit like those classic dated iPod menu's.. Not that it's bad, it's just a menu anyway, but if there was a way to go online using the original dashboard, I would definitely do so!

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