Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    The format doesn't matter, play around with the settings to see if it works.
    arphanquee likes this.
  2. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    yea i failed , all the updates went good but then a windows update came up so i turned my pc off tried the boot with the flash drive and the hdd my flash drive wont boot in fat format for some reason only fat 32, do you think that could be the problem ? and then after all the updates pc started crashing and blue screened had to system restore
  3. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Windows updates & drivers have no affect for hddhackr seeing your hard drive. If the settings in the bios won't make your hard drive show in hddhackr then you may need to use a different computer. Is the hard drive plugged in as port 1 and the only hard drive plugged in?
    For me i used my dad's computer, I didn't have to change any settings and it flashed fine.
  4. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    only hdd plugged in in the desktop and in the laptop, i have a sata adapter to plug the hdd via USB to a pc laptop or the xbox i was looking at the xecuterx360usb hacker but idk if that would work i wanted to try but no dl links
  5. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Try the other version of hddhackr. If that doesn't work then you may have to see if you can use a friend's or relative's computer.
  6. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    which one like 1.2.2 thats the one that supports the 09 hdds ? ill give it a try lets hope for the best. this wont get my console banned will it ? if i dont have any illegal content on the hdd
  7. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    ok so i got it to work got about 293 GB thats fine at first it didnt want to work but then i messed around in the bios more on the laptop and the bios forces it automatically into AHCI so i disabled that then it finally loaded but thanks you were very helpful, now all i need is the xbox hdd case and then ill be a very satisfied person :) 320GB WD3200BEVT hacked with a samsung laptop so, @Rick i did some reasearch and that might be the problem why hddhacker is 99% supported because of the AHCI is usually set to auto in bios on a lot on manufacturer laptops and gotta change it to manual and disable AHCI that how mine booted right away
  8. kimhdk

    kimhdk New Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Yes! and i still get the "file HDDSS.BIN is not present1"
    It look like yours when i look at the contents of the flashdrive ( exerpt the undo.bin)

    BUT when i check in dos mode, it looks like this... (see Photo) foto.JPG foto.JPG
  9. kimhdk

    kimhdk New Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    THANK YOU!!!!! that did it for me! (allthough i now have another message saying the LBA size is an unsupported xbox360 value..
  10. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    It should work fine on the xbox 360 after you flash it.
  11. ff2emtvol

    ff2emtvol New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    What about the number of blocks error. Does everyone get this or is there a problem with the 320 bin file?
  12. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    i think i had that problem but it flashed it fine, the plugged it in the xbox and it works bought a case for it from ebay for like 7 bucks with free shipping , you should make sure its the right BIN file for your drive or you can make your own
  13. Chris Bailey

    Chris Bailey Member

    Sep 16, 2012
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    okay I am using a laptop, HP Windows 7 laptop.. A Sata To usb Adapter. and a WD Blue hard drive. 320 gb..

    I followed the tutorial up to the part it told me to create a bootable USB flash drive, I went to boot into Windows Melleniium Emergency DOS mode. When I type hddhackr, it will just load for a while and nothing will come up at all.
    I downloaded a hexeditor and added the hddss file through that, that all worked completely fine. but when i hook it up to my xbox 360 nothing came up. I assume this is because there is no partitions.
    I cant find anywhere in BIOS about SATA and IDE.

    Any suggestions on how I can create the partitions or hddhackr 1.3 working for me?
  14. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    ok first when you create your boot flash drive make sure you choose the right file and the correct drive that your flash drive is plugged into, you need to take your laptop hdd out and plug in the 320GB sata into it , make sure your Laptop is completely shut off when you do that. After that let it boot from the flash drive and it should work if not , check your BIOS of the laptop to see what it boots it in "RAID " "AHCI" "IDE" if its auto that would be fine, if it enforces on of them you will probably have to change it to IDE. Good luck if you have any problems post more info and some pictures of it that will help
  15. Chris Bailey

    Chris Bailey Member

    Sep 16, 2012
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    Alright, I did what you said and its a no go..

    I took pictures with my camera while I was doing this so I can make it easier.

    So Heres what I did.

    I took a 2 gb flash drive, Using the USB bootable software I made the file format FAT and selected bootable from DOS. I took shut off my laptop, took out the battery and replaced the hard drive with the one i was going to use on my xbox 360 slim. I then pressed Esc key on boot up and it brought me to a menu about system information, system diagnostic, boot options, BIOS, and system recovery. I pressed Boot Options and it asked me what i wanted to boot from, I pressed CD/DVD as the flash drive never came up. I typed hddhackr when the windows mellenium emergency mode came up. nothing happened. so i tried it from booting from the new hard drive, same thing nothing happened.

    I then restarted the computer, I pressed esc key on start up again. I clicked BIOS now. InsydeH20 Setup Utility came up (I took pictures of all the pages I thought was relevent). I believe this is BIOS, I cant find anything else about it. I can't find anywhere on there about RAID, AHCI, or IDE.

    I did some research, The menu i went into "Insydeh20" is the BIOS for my system. I guess it does not have the feature to change from SATA to IDE or to change RAID, AHCI, or IDE. If this is the problem, I would have to figure out how to replace this BIOS with one that has this feature.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2012
  16. ganjamonster

    ganjamonster Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    you can't replace the bios, you can update the drivers for it, is your model of the WD a 3200BEVT and what year is made? You might have to use a different computer for this like a desktop or a different laptop, and whats in the notebook hdd option ? and enable the internal network adapter boot as in picture 8 it is disabled that might help if not restart and go back to bios and turn it off
  17. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    You can try the other version of hddhackr to see if it works.I have also edited your picture containing serial numbers & uuid.

    Network adapter boot won't change anything.
  18. helpme12

    helpme12 Member

    Sep 19, 2012
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    Can i do this with a OFFICIAL XBOX360 FUJITSU 120GB HDD, If so what format should my HDD be before i start this TUT???
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    No, its for western digital hard drives only.
  20. DpwnShift

    DpwnShift Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Xplorer 360 320gb Error

    Wow Rick and InsaneNutter, you have helped people through 49 pages of questions! ...And I have another one for you (or anyone knowledgeable):

    I bought a non-Microsoft HD - that contains a WD drive inside - for my non-Slim Xbox 360, formatted it on the 360, restored Partition 2 using Xplorer360 Extreme2, and finally formatted it again on the 360 and copied my 360 saves over and re-downloaded Market content. Okay, so everything was (and still is) working perfectly including 360 and Original Xbox games, but when I connect the drive to my computer using the transfer cable and open it using Xplorer 360 320gb version, it gives me a "Failed to read cluster chain map!" error, and won't show Partition 3. Like I said, all functions work on the 360, but I want to be able to backup saves to my computer- mostly for Xbox 1 games that can't be copied any other way. I have MANY hours invested in original Xbox saves and don't want to reformat the drive until at least I can backup/restore the saves! Especially if it wouldn't even fix the problem.

    And just so you know, I was able to Xplorer my old 20gb drive with no problem or error (using the Xplorer360 20gb version). Any fix or possible diagnosis of the problem would be much appreciated... Thank you in advance!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012

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