Download BBC iPlayer content with no DRM using Get iPlayer (Windows / Linux / OSX)

Discussion in 'Media Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    The problem:

    So you have seen something you want to watch on the BBC iPlayer but don’t want to watch it on your PC? or stream it on a mobile device due to bandwidth restrictions.

    The iPlayer uses DRM, which means anything you can download will only play on the PC that downloaded it, not very useful if you would like to watch it else where at a later date, or on a device that does not support the DRM the iPlayer uses.

    The solution:

    Not all is lost, Get iPlayer will allow you to download MP4 video from the iPlayer and MP3 audio with no DRM, basically meaning you can play back anything from the iPlayer on any device capable of playing MP4 / MP3 content. This is done by tricking the iPlayer in to thinking your computer is an iPhone, this works because the iPhone content on the iPlayer has no DRM.

    To do this you need to install Get Iplayer, an application for Windows, Linux and OSX.

    Download Get iPlayer for Windows

    Checkout the Get iPlayer website for Linux / OSX installation help.

    Get iPlayer has PVR-like capabilities (like Sky+ / TiVo / Series-Link); You can save lists of programme searches which are automatically recorded when they become available so that you can watch them when you choose and on devices that cannot run Adobe Flash Player - even if you don’t have adequate broadband speeds or if your broadband streams too slowly at peak hours when you want to watch a programme.

    When installed:

    You need to load up the web pvr maganger, this will usually be found in your start menu. If on Windows 8 just search for web pvr on the start screen. The screenshow below shows what you will basically be loading up.


    This will basically start a server running on your PC which will pull data from the iPlayer, you should see that your web browser also opened the web interface for get iPlayer, this is where you will control everything from.


    If you close your web browser after loading Get iPlayer you can simply access the web interface again from your favourite web browser by going to http://localhost:1935/

    Tip: It might be useful to add the Get iPlayer web interface to your factories for easy access.


    To download something select record, you will find this under the action's section next to the relevant program. A new tab will open showing you the downloads progress.


    The end result will be MP4 files with no DRM, that should play on a lot of media players.
    Note: Files are saved in your downloads folder by default, as you can see in the screenshot above for myself this was C:\Users\Matty\Downloads\file-name-of-download-here.mp4


    Quality sample, the end result is quite good as you can see.


    Refreshing the Get iPlayer cache

    If you don't see a new episode which is on the BBC iPlayer chance are you will need to refresh the cache, this is done by simply clicking the "refresh cache" link at the bottom of the main page on the web pvr.


    You should then see that any new iPlayer content is then added to your web pvr page, allowd you to download it if you wish to.


    Note: The BBC iPlayer TV only works in the UK

    Attached Files:

    GILLY and MasterChief like this.
  2. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Passed this on to my friend in the UK, he has managed to download episodes with no DRM and watch them fine on a Linux machine.
  3. GILLY

    GILLY Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Thanks very useful :)
  4. Skeven

    Skeven Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Blah, where was this guide when I was trying to set up iPlayer a couple months back. Read a shoddy site that didn't say much and spent a good while getting it to work (after I finally got TOR running)
  5. GILLY

    GILLY Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Hi, InsaneNutter can you upload the attachment again as I'm getting this message when I try to download:

    Thanks ;)


    Never mind, didn't realise it had it's own dedicated site to download from, got it now :)
  6. womble dung

    womble dung New Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    what relief!!!

    all of the above info, was concise, relevant and straight forward, step-by-step. wonderful.
    i had been googling all afternoon for any way to use the device, and now i can. thank you...
    be nice if the other apparent instructionsa onloine for this device wernt so into using terms that a basic user wont undersatand, and cammands that are meaningless to us.

    nicw work. and thank you very kindly. will be saving this page to post to freinds. !!!!!! great job
  7. Xad

    Xad New Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Can you download HD versions of videos with this? I can only download standard versions so far?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't believe you can download the HD versions at the moment.

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