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Digiex.net Xbox 360 Demo Pack #2

Discussion in 'Demos' started by Digiex Bot, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Digiex Bot

    Digiex Bot Resident

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Digiex.net Xbox 360 Demo Pack #2

    At Digiex, over the past year we have ripped over 200gb of game demos and content from Xbox Live and put them up for others to download, who for whatever reason dont have access to Xbox Live to download them. We have limited space on our Download Box so after 6 months of being up, they are moved into a public torrent created by us. All staff actively help seed these torrents using seed boxes located across the world so the downloads should be at a reasonable speed.

    If your only after a demo or two out of this whole pack, you can use your torrent client to only download certain files from this pack, each demo has its own folder.

    This demo pack contains the following Xbox 360 Demos:

    • Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
    • Call of Duty 3
    • Call of Juarez
    • Call of Juarez Bound in Blood
    • Castle Crashers
    • Call of Duty 5
    • Condemned
    • Condemned 2
    • Conflict Denied Ops
    • Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena
    • Crackdown
    • Darkest of Days
    • Dark Sector
    • Dead or Alive 4
    • Deadrising
    • Deadspace
    • Def Jam Icon
    • Devil May Cry 4
    • Dig Dug
    • Dirt
    • Dirt 2
    • Double Dragon
    • Dragon Ball ZBL
    • Ethernal Sonata Trusty Bell
    • ET: Quake Wars

    To download, simply download the .torrent file and load it up in your favourite torrent client. Once downloaded, all we ask is that you can at least please seed it back to a ratio of 1.0 or above, as to make it fair on everyone else downloading. We do pull details off trackers, so people who repeatly leech without sharing back at all will be blocked from future torrents.

    This post contains a link to download all demos in the pack without torrents. Digiex demo pack 2 (Filehost)

    Torrent file Download
    Download Digiex.net Xbox 360 Demo Pack #2

    Useful Guides:

    How to download Xbox 360 Demos from Digiex with uTorrent

    Burn Xbox 360 Demo ISO's to a CD or DVD
    Burn Xbox 360 demos to a CD or DVD with Windows
    Burn Xbox 360 files and folders to a CD or DVD with ImgBurn
    How to extract 360 demos from an .ISO
    How to extract 360 demos from the Xbox 360 hard drive

    Note: Remember there are many downloads pack released by Digiex, as well as new demos being added every day, so check back here at Digiex.net for new content as it appears.

    Attached Files:

    splendididea likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    In a months time we are going to have to stop seeding the original 7 demo packs.

    By then Myself, Nimrod, Trebor and Digiex web server will have been seeding them 24/7 for almost half a year. A lot of the demo's were direct downloads for many months before we started the torrents. We created the torrents in advance knowing we would eventually run out of room on the Digiex servers.

    Each of the torrents looks to have at least 3 other seeds without us seeding it so hopefully they will live on for many months or years to come.

    We will always aim to keep the demos as direct downloads for at least 6 months, then seed the torrent of the demo for another 6 months.

    That will be least a year where you should be able to download the demo, after that its up to the community to keep the torrent alive. Im sure you will agree thats more than fair, by then a lot of the games in the demo pack should be pretty cheap to buy anyway. I know quite a few games we have demos for you can now buy new for £6-7 and second hand even cheaper.

    Thanks to the original unloaders of the demos to anyone else who is helping to seed the demo packs, im sure its been appreciated by many people looking at the amount of data has been seeded in to each demo pack by Digiex alone.


    If anyone else reading this had bandwidth and hard drive space going to waste you can always help seed the demo packs too, i'm sure it would be appreciated by many.

    Here's to many more new demos in the future :)
    sniper5406 likes this.
  3. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Thanks again for this Demo Pack, I'll be uploading Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit demo to MediaFire, here and elsewhere. :)
  4. Dane Lackhart

    Dane Lackhart Member

    Nov 13, 2011
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    Mandaluyong, Philippines
    can you give me direct link for Def Jam? thanks.
  5. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    I've sent a PM to Chandlier whom posted a topic (Chandlier's Xbox 360 Demo Pack Collection) with the demo, but the torrent is missing the tracker(S) address so it's unable to download or start.

    What I've asked him on the message sent was to upload it to HotFile/etc, as the rest I also have (DBZ Burst Limit Demo + Sonic the Hedgehog 06 Demo).
  6. Dane Lackhart

    Dane Lackhart Member

    Nov 13, 2011
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    Mandaluyong, Philippines
    oh yeah, its not starting. hope he can upload it sooner!

    add Def Jam on your request dude. thanks. :)

    i've got it all wrong. hahah it was already uploaded. gonna download it now. thanks dude!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2012

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