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AT&T U-Verse Installation Disk for Xbox 360 Download

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Hoffman, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. epzelli

    epzelli New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I tried calling in to get it provisioned and Tier 2 told me they are not provisioning any more Xboxs until MS comes out with the upgraded software for the new Xbox dash. How did you have them provision your box?
  2. ralniv

    ralniv New Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Doh, wish I would have found this post before I found and purchased a Motorola HPNA 3.1 adapter. I hope they start provisioning boxes again soon! Which software needs upgrading (AT&T U-verse on xbox or the xbox dash)?
  3. billw5012

    billw5012 New Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Just had my house with 4 rooms wired for uverse but currently only using 3 uverse receivers. Do I still need to contact ATT to activate my xbox if I can get it hooked up to use in the 4th room?

  4. moses_373

    moses_373 Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    This is pretty sweet, thanks for the up!
  5. jvicker

    jvicker New Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Where to buy Motorola HomePNA adapter

    Hi, Can you let me know where you purchased the Motorola HPNA 3.1 adapter? I have AT&T Uverse internet service and would like to extend my wired-based connection downstairs where my TV and Wii console is by using this HPNA adapter. Thank you so much in advance for this information. I have been searching for a while now online to buy this adapter, and was not able to find an online web site that would sell this particular adapter.
  6. milesmcever

    milesmcever New Member

    May 9, 2012
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    What a journey getting this thing connected but I finally got someone on the phone yesterday that connected it right up. You do not need to talk to level two support to get connected the xbox is just like any other receiver,ill try and explain a little so you guys might have better luck in getting yours connected. Also dont be offended if you already know this stuff some people dont.
    Okay to be basic about this when you order Uverse service say two plain receivers they create your account and tie it to the router/modem then put in two place holders to allow the two receivers you ordered to connected it logs either the mac or serial not sure to those place holders. So when you put the disk in your xbox and turn it on it connects to their servers tries to register but since their is not that place holder setup for it, it gets denied but still shows up in their system trying to connect on your router. To fix this all the tech has to do is have you disconnect your xbox while they delete the current unprovisioned xbox entry then just add it back and yes they have a drop down that is for the xbox they will make sure you have a hard drive and xbox gold as part of the questions. Then it takes about 5 mins for this to replicate to their servers after which you can power on your xbox then this time when it registers their system is looking for it and allows it to connect and be provisioned. The first lever techs can do this but their documentation says to either send you to sales if your unprovisioned or to techs level 2 if you are provisioned.

    But as far as software upgrading the only thing I can figure is that it does not show up in the TV tab on the new dashboard it is under apps/my apps, so it does not stand our all pretty. But the current app is just fine its just a port from the windowsCE running receivers to the windows media center app on XBOX.

    One more thing I ran into what that ATT has some kind of box called Xbox and the sales/tech/everyone else at ATT thinks your taking about them half the time I spet over an hour monday fighting with them because I couldnt get anyone to listen, but thankfully I got a nice person yesterday.
  7. jud

    jud New Member

    May 12, 2012
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    I just tried to have my Xbox provisioned and got the same response as epzelli, with the CS person saying they weren't provisioning any more until Microsoft releases their next dashboard update. Milesmcever, were you able to get your Xbox provisioned recently?
  8. milesmcever

    milesmcever New Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Yes last monday but it all depends on who you get on the phone if you can just talk them into trying then it will work. I am starting to wonder now if they are going to have to send out new kits to people who have have their xbox provisioned or if it is just a cosmetics thing with the new update, not sure. According to the tech I spoke to on the phone the update should have been out either march 12th or april 12th cant remember, that was in their paper work too. Also it took me 3 tries you just get someone that even had a clue and decided to look as to if the xbox could be used as a receiver, the other two calls wasted well over an hour of my time.
    Last edited: May 15, 2012
  9. avanboekel11

    avanboekel11 New Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Okay, I just wanted to share my experience in trying to use my X-Box 360 as a set top box.

    I had no trouble writing the disk, and installing it on my xbox 360. That was the easy part. Getting at&t to provision the xbox as a set top box was difficult to say the least. So follow these steps, and you should get it on the first try (this is assuming you already have the disk installed).

    1) Call at&t and say "I am trying to use my xbox 360 as a set top box, and need you to provision the unit." The key word here is provision. They hear this and usually reply, "I cannot provision units, I will have to hand you off to our tier 2 technical support to do that." The lower level technical support is fairly clueless, so once you get them to forward your call to tier 2, you are golden.

    2) Ask them to do the same thing. They will tell you to turn off the xbox 360 while they provision the unit. It takes a while, so they give you the option to either stay on hold, or have them call you back when they are done. After that, you will be able to use your 360 as a set top box.

    A couple of notes...
    -You DO need a hard drive, and xbox live gold.
    -Don't give up, be persistent and they will eventually give you what you want.
    -DO NOT let them forward your call to 'att connect tech'. They will charge you $50, and won't be able to help you. Thankfully, I was able to get that money refunded.
    -The 360 controller kinda sucks as a remote. Buy an xbox 360 universal remote online.

    Good luck, and just go for it. There's nothing to lose.
  10. Converseallstar95

    Converseallstar95 New Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Does anyone have an update to this? I tried installing it on the latest dashboard (Metro) and it just crashes when I open it, yes I tried re-installing it. :P

  11. avanboekel11

    avanboekel11 New Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Mine was on the Metro dashboard on an old 360 pro (the white one). It worked fine. The only thing I suggest is to try rewriting the disk?
  12. McGuillacutty

    McGuillacutty New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    I just wanted to report that this still works. I installed software just as op says, then call ATT Uverse and ask for tier 2 support. Ask them to provision your XBOX. If they won't do it or don't know what your talking about don't argue, just hang up and try again. Eventually you will find someone who will do it. It took me 4 or 5 calls to get it done.
    Michael_T and InsaneNutter like this.
  13. J. A. Vipple

    J. A. Vipple New Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Hey folks, another update here. This still works as of 02/22/2013. I did everything the op said except I contacted AT&T through their live chat feature. You still need to be transferred to 2 tier support. Told them i had the kit, he said ok and made me wait while he activated it. The whole process took about 30 minutes. Another thing he told me was that AT&T was planning a relaunch of the program mid 2013.
    Michael_T and InsaneNutter like this.
  14. grpracing

    grpracing Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Ill give this a shot. looks like it would be a nice addition to my xbox system. Thanx for the upload!!
  15. Justin Hanke

    Justin Hanke New Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    I just had this done today. I downloaded and burned the ISO above, installed on my Xbox and had it provisioned. The technician at the house installing U-Verse said it couldn't be done, their Tier 2 support said it couldn't be done but it can. Talk to John at 210-882-3918 at AT&T U-Verse Social Media Escalations. He got it done it 5 minutes. My technician actually had ton of extra Xbox remotes too and was nice enough to give me one. Not sure if they all do, but be nice while they are there and maybe you'll get one.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  16. viking8811

    viking8811 New Member

    Mar 12, 2013
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    I have burned the iso to a cd and my xbox will not read the disc, do I need to burn the iso to a dvd to make this work?
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Have you just put the ISO on the disc so when you view the disc you see the ISO, or have you actually burned the ISO with ImgBurn for example.
  18. dj91402@gmail.com

    dj91402@gmail.com New Member

    Aug 17, 2013
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    does anybody know if this service can be used via wifi
  19. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Yes if you have a strong enough wi-fi connection.
  20. Corona

    Corona Addict

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Make sure that you are using the Wi-Fi from the att uverse gateway, not a access point as I could never get that to work at my buddies house

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