GTA IV problems

Discussion in 'Computer and Technology Discussion' started by xXTacoGuyXx, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. xXTacoGuyXx

    xXTacoGuyXx Addict

    Sep 18, 2011
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    South West Australia
    Ok, so i've tried getting help from people over at gtaforums, and it slightly helped, but not much. Basically, that fixed it a fair bit, but i still get this really annoying stuttering.
    Please refer to this thread for more info. It's easier to do this than re-type it all. Btw, if you couldn't figure it out, my username there is the same as here.

    Anyway, any help?
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I've heard GTA4 is a really bad port on the PC, however you have a monster of a PC so i cant see the hardware been an issue

    Is anything else running in the background? e.g. antivirus, it shouldn't matter however if that is scanning as your playing it could slow things down as it would be really intensive on the hard drive.

  3. xXTacoGuyXx

    xXTacoGuyXx Addict

    Sep 18, 2011
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    South West Australia
    Hmm... i dunno. I think it was just GTA IV being shitty. I changed the commandline.txt, specifically the availablevidmem and i can now run it with everything except for shadows on high/very high, and draw distance at 30, vehicle density at 100. This is what i used in commandline.txt:
    -memrestrict 3145728000
    -restrictApp 0
    -availablevidmem 40.0
    It runs much better, still a little stuttering, but not as bad, and i can run it with it looking better too :P
  4. Corona

    Corona Addict

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I recently just bought a fx8320 and a 7870 from MSI and I had the same issue. My resolution was to send back my AMD board and get a Haswell system because AMD boards do not support PCI-E 3.0 and I'm guessing that's why it didn't work as on my first system that was a fx-8120 and a gigabyte 990fxa-ud5 and it did the same thing. My Haswell system worked so much better but still had a little lag, so I had it auto configure it and I have not had any issues yet, Also My copy is a legit copy off of steam. I used to be a AMD fan boy, but with them halting making any new Enthusiasts Class CPU's That aren't a Fail-Dozer, I'm going stick with the over priced Intel CPU's. Not be choosing a side but c'mon AMD, This isn't 2010 anymore.

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