Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    No you do not need to restore the Xbox Classic emulator, all i can think of is trying to re-hack the drive. It's not an issue i've ever heard someone having before.
  2. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Ok so it was my mistake, because I have internal memory storage I thought that this was the actual hard drive. This in combination with the fact that the hard drive connector didn't quite connected the first time made me think that the hdd was not correctly recognized. So now the xbox 360 recognizes the hard disk with capacity of 480 GB. So I immediately installed my first game which is Metal Gear Solid the phantom pain.I thought that after installation of each game I would be able to play the game with out the actual dvd on the dvd drive, isn't that correct???
    I can not find anywhere on the dashboard a way to begin the installed game directly from the hard drive. So is it also necessary to have the dvd on the drive?
  3. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    One more thing, now that the xbox360 recognizes my hard disk I want to transfer the saved games and Profiles from my old hdd to the hacked new one, in order to do so I tried to run the "Xplorer 360 Extreme 2"
    (with administrator rights) but I get the same error every time "The program cant start because msvcr71.DLL is missing from your computer.Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
    Do I need a specific version of that program depending on the capacity of my hdd ( 500GB) if so could you please upload the link, as the ones that you have uploaded are for 250GB and 320GB.
    Thank you!
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    No you need the DVD in the console to prove you own the game. Installing the games just allows them to load quicker and shuts up the extremely loud DVD drive after a couple of minutes.

    As for transferring saves you can use Party Buffalo Drive Explorer.
  5. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    ok so now I get the concept of how the installed game works (just uses the dvd at first but then continues from the hdd).
    So now that I had my hard drive up and running for the xbox360 the next step was to transfer my saved games and Profiles from my old drive to my new one.
    So I tried to use the "Xplorer 360 Extreme 2" but because of the load error that I mentioned I was unable to so I used the Party Buffalo Drive Explorer as you suggested.
    Because the program would give me an "unhandled exception has occurred in your application" when I tried to access the hard drive (File-Open-Device Selector and then selected my hard drive from the list) then I tried to use an older program which is called "USBXTAFGUI_v44" at first what i did was to "dump the Drive contents" in my laptops hard drive then just to be sure that I v got backed up everything from the original xbox360 hard drive, I selected "Back up Raw drive" this process also completed successfully. So now that I had by backup I removed the "source" hdd and placed the "destination(hacked hdd) and then attempted to "restore the disk image" although I would expected only 20 GB (capacity of original hdd) to be restored on the 500GB destination drive the whole process took all night and after it finished I took the hdd out and placed it in the xbox360 well unfortunately the xbox no longer recognizes the hard disk. I would therefore like to request your help since I have the "back up of the original hard disk on how to restore it in the destination hard drive. Sorry for this long detailed explanation but I had to explain what I already did so you know were we stand. Thank you for your help Insane Nutter.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You will have to re hack the 500gb hard drive, you have overwrote the security sector on the newly hacked hard drive by restoring a clone of your old hard drive.

    If USBXTAFGUI works for you then i'd suggest extracting everything from the content folder on the old drive, (save it to your desktop or somewhere) then injecting everything from the content of the old drive in to the content folder of the new drive.

    Dont backup the raw drive as that's really only any use for restoring to the same hard drive as you have found.
  7. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Hello so I hacked again the xbox360 hard drive and now I want to find a guide in how to transfer the save games from the old hdd to the new with the use of USBXTAFGUI_v44 I just want to be sure that this time I wont bust my hard drive again and need to re-hack it your help will be appreciated.
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Extract the content folder, i think you can literally drag and drop it from what i remember, or right click and extract it to your PC

    Then simply right click and inject it back in to the new hard drive.
  9. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    ok so I have in my computer a folder called content which has subfolders inside o f the following naming E0000A5948C4F14A etc.
    So these are the saved games and Profiles of my old hdd correct?
    So how do I "inject" them to my new hdd ?
    Do I have to use the USBXTAFGUI_v44 cause windows can not recognize this hdd as it is formatted for xbox360 fatx I presume.
    So from USBXTAFGUI_v44 what commands do I have to give firstly to view the content of the hacked hdd and then to "inject" the folder with the saved games and Profiles?
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    File > Open Device Selector and choose the hard drive. If USB Xtaf wont show the 500gb hard drive you need to use Party Buffalo Drive Explorer as it's a much more modern tool.

    If it doesn't work for you then you need to try get that working, were you running it with Admin rights?
  11. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Ok now when I do File-Open Device Selector I can see the hard drive but as soon I select "Open Drive" the program loads "forever" and does not display any visible indication.

    When trying to use the program "Party Buffalo Xbox 360 Drive Explorer" and as soon as I select File-Open Device Selector and then choose the hdd I get the error "unhandled exception has occurred in your application".

    I am using a laptop Aspire 5740G with windows 10 Professional 64bit.

    I have captured print screens of the steps that I have done as well as the errors that I meet, I just don't know how to send them to you here.
    If it is possible and if it is allowed if you provide me with an email address I will sent the to you.
    One more thing I am running both applications with administrative rights and I also try to run them with various compatibility settings for Windows Vista & Windows 7 but still nothing works for me :-(
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If your using a laptop the only thing i can think is the Xbox 360 hard drive must be in a caddy, which for some reason it might not like. For example it might not be giving the hard drive enough power or doing something that is conflicting.

    If you have any antivirus software try disabling that too, as it's not exactly a normal activity trying to read / write to a FATX formatted hard drive, so they could also be interfering / blocking something.

    Also ensure you have the .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 Installed, follow the screenshots below on how to do this:



    As you can see Party Buffalo does work on the latest version of Windows 10 x64 1607 at the time of writing, so hopefully trying the above might get it working:


    I hope that's some help anyway, if not you could try buying the Official Xbox 360 Hard Drive Data Migration Transfer Cable - the official one works on the 360 so you can connect your old hard drive via a USB port and transfer data to the new hard drive in the 360.

    For that to work the hard drive you are connecting via USB needs to be from the original Phat 360 as it's in the shell capable of been connected to the Data Migration Cable:

  13. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    First of all let me say that you have my respect and my gratitude for persistently trying to help me solve this annoying issue.
    So I want to confirm the following :

    1) I have disabled the Nod32 Antivirus for the following hour so I could conduct my tests without any issues.
    2) I have net Framework 2 & 3 Installed
    3) I have connected the hard drive to my laptop through a usb hdd case ( to this case all other hdd's are recognized by windows).
    4) As soon as I connect the hdd to the laptop and open the power button windows makes that distinct sound "like it recognizes a new device" Although it can not be seen in windows as it is formatted in Fatx.
    5) I am running windows 10 Professional version 1607 (OS. build 14393.576) (hacked Operating System)
    6) I have an original xbox360 Fat with Jasper Motherboard (to avoid an other RROD). :-)

    It must be something elseconflicting with the hard drive or the Party Buffalo software. I will continueto search and try as I would like to manage to do so without buying the xbox360hard drive transfer cable. I am posting pictures showing all the above :


    Attached Files:

  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The only other thing i can think is Party Buffalo might not like the folder it's saved in, as it's quite a long file path. Maybe copy the .exe to the root of your C:\ drive and try it from there.

    Their's also an app called FatXplorer which is a pad for app, however you get a 7 day trial. All I can think of trying that and see if can get the data copied across with that. I don't own the app so can't really provide any help with that, but the 7 day trial should easily be enough to copy your data across presuming it works.
  15. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I have already tried to put the .exe of Party Buffalo just under the Root ( C:) and then run it with administrator rights but it did not work (meaning that it still crashes with the same as always error).
    So I have downloaded the FatXplorer as you suggested and I am trying to find of how I can inject the saved games to the hdd without damaging the hdd (so I will not need to rehack it) I know you already said that you do not know the program but I was just wondering if you had an idea of how this could be achieved with the use of FatXplorer.
    Thank you.
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    All you need to do is esentially extract the Content folder from the old hard drive and paste it in to the new hard drive. I presume you can view the data on your old hard drive with FatXplorer?
  17. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I wanted to say that I managed to extract the saved games and Profiles from the original hard drive to the Desktop in my Laptop and then from there to the hacked xbox360 hard drive.
    Then I connected the hard drive to the xbox360 and first of all recognized the hdd (460GB) and then I was able to see in the contents all my Profiles as well as saved games, then to be sure I installed on the hdd one game (Metal Gear Solid the Phantom Pain) and then was also able to continue from my last saved game.So I am excited to see that finally everything works exactly as I imagined it to be, having huge space to install games but also All the saves that I conducted in the past in my old Hdd as well as the ones from the memory stick (256Mb).
    One last question, do all different Profiles see the same saved games, and if yes could I delete all my old profiles and just keep one Profile but able to see All the saved games in the Hdd?
    Sorry if it is a silly question but I need to know.
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Im glad you finally got the content on the new hard drive! (Y)

    Each profile has its own save data, in the "Content" folder you copied across the "0000000000000000" folder contains the installed / downloaded game data and DLC, then each other folder relates to a different profile you have.


    Now it is possible to move save games from one profile to another, however you usually have to mess about re signing the save game. Another side effect of this is that I can cause you to unlock achievements out of order, or even unlock some achievements without having others unlocked. e.g. finish level 4 without having the achievements for levels 1,2 and 3.

    If you play on Xbox Live i wouldn't do this, as people have been banned for achievement hacking in the past, which is what it will look like your doing if you end up with a situation like i described above.
  19. panosb

    panosb Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I wouldn't be interested in the achievements as I do not play in Xbox Live at all. I did not understand what you said about "you usually have to mess about re signing the save game".

    I do not exactly know what folders to I have to copy from each Profile and to which exactly place to paste them on the one and only Profile that I intend to keep.

    If this is not something that you would propose me to do then that's ok I just don't do it and I am sure that I will not mesh anything on the hard disk or the Profiles.
    One more thing, is there a Hack for a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 1 GB ? If yes could you please sent me a link to that.

    Thanks for the help and support.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Sometimes moving saves between consoles / profiles you need to re sign them to work with that profile.

    Personally as you have everything working i'd leave it at that, you can't hack any larger hard drive unfortunately, however you can use up to 2TB USB drives with the Xbox 360 now.

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