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Requiem 4.1 - Remove iTunes DRM (FairPlay) from music, video and books

Discussion in 'Applications' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. KiTsunE-XT

    KiTsunE-XT New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Thanks you again! I try it. I don't have a new version of Requiem.:( In last message I'm talk about new version of iTunes.
  2. DukeNukem

    DukeNukem New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Just wanted to confirm to everyone that Requiem 4.1 still works with iTunes 10.7 (64-bit) on Windows 7 (64-bit).
    I recently ripped the FairPlay3 DRM from a 75-year-old movie (both 1080p and 720p versions). If Paramount would just release the movie on Blu-ray, I wouldn't need to do this.
    Question... If Apple and Paramount charge me $14.99 + tax for a film, shouldn't I have the right to watch it on my TV without having to buy additional hardware (Apple TV)?
    Just my 2 cents.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Great to hear that Requiem 4.1 still works, I try my best to avoid buying content with DRM unless I know the DRM can be removed.

    I do totally agree with you, credit to you for actually buying the movie and jumping through hoops just to be able to watch it on your TV.
  4. vice86

    vice86 New Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Also just joined to post up that Requiem 4.1 and iTunes 10.7 on Windows 8.1 (64-Bit) works for me! I had iTunes 12.x installed and just followed the following steps to remove iTunes


    Then installed iTunes 10.7


    The only issue i had was when i started up iTunes 10.7 it said I had a newer file that it couldn't open, i believe it was iTunes Library.itl...all i did was search for it and deleted it. Opened up iTunes 10.7 and it created a new one.

    If you had a movie/tv show you downloaded with a later version of iTunes...it doesn't see it and you need to redownload in 10.7...at least for me that's what I had to do.

    Took an average of about 2 to 2.25 minutes to strip the DRM from each average 44-47 minute tv episode.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  5. paikinho

    paikinho New Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Requiem 4.1, Win 10 iTunes 10.7 Works Kind of.

    On my Mac I made a Virtual Machine in Parallels Desktop. I was having trouble with iTunes 10.7 getting my Full 1080P movies to download. What I ended up doing was dragging my movies from my Mac into my Windows 10 VM from my Mac

    I could then link them to iTunes by adding the movies via the add folder option under File in iTunes or simply dragging them onto iTunes.

    Out of the 71 movies I purchased from iTunes, 18 were not recognizeable for some reason. I have tried various ways to import them, but they don't even show up except as non-movie data. Most are more recent purchases and I am wondering if the DRM is maybe tied to something else that when moved from the iTunes folder where they were initially imported something renders them incomplete.

    Anyhow, I have tried various methods to get iTunes 10.7 and Requiem 4.1 to pick them up to no avail.
    Perhaps I will try a few more things, because I really find it annoying that I can't play movies I purchased by any means I want to.
  6. Lee99

    Lee99 New Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I had just purchased a video from itunes and wanted to play it as a dvd on my tv. I was surprised to learn that I couldn't make a dvd from the itunes video due to the DMR. Am glad I found Requiem 4.1! I used it on an old toshiba mini netbook that I had with windows startup 7 on it. I hadn't turned this netbook on in several years so it still had an old java version on it. Installed itunes 10.7 and Requiem 4.1. Initiated Requiem by holding down the shift key and then dropped my video into the program. It immediately began working. Took about 5 minutes to rip the REM off the video and then I used DVD Flick to make a DVD. It worked and didn't cost me anything other than my time tracking down my mini-netbook! Thanks again for all you posters encouraging us newbies to explore. I will never buy another itunes video though if I can help it!!!
  7. mcclain

    mcclain New Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I just spent the whole day trying to get Requiem to work.

    So far I've tried:

    1) On mac, itunes 10.7 and requiem 4.1
    2) On a windows 7 via virtaul box, itunes 10.7 and requiem 4.1
    3) On a windows server on amazon, itunes 10.7 and requiem 4.1 as well as itunes 10.5.3 and requiem 4.1

    In all cases, Requiem gets stuck on a screen where it shows the name of video xxx.m4v and the message "Looking for DRM".

    I've seen some folks suggesting to use requiem 3.3.5 but I can't find it anywhere even through tor.

    I was wondering if someone that has a link to Requiem 3.3.5 or 3.3.6 that works could post it here.

    Thank you!
  8. NicoleChen

    NicoleChen New Member

    Apr 28, 2016
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    requiem doesn't work anymore

    Requiem has been abandoned by Apple Inc since 2012,so it could work with our iTunes 12.3 or higher version. I also searched for many ways to make it work for me, but all my work are fruitless. After that,I found a useful article by google: http://www.m4vgear.com/topic/best-alternative-to-requiem-to-remove-itunes-drm.html
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2016
  9. abvgd

    abvgd New Member

    Jun 20, 2016
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    I decoded an (epub) iBook using iTunes v10.5.3 and Requiem v3.3.6 (Windows version, I can also provide an OS X link if needed) on my Windows 8.1 laptop. Later versions than iTunes v10.x probably won't work and Requiem v4.x probably won't work at all with any version of iTunes, so your best bet will be using this combo of iTunes v10.5.3 and Requiem v3.3.6. Now, in order for me to buy the iBook that I later decoded, I first had to upgrade to the latest version of iTunes but once bought, I could downgrade without problems to v10.5.3 (see here for instructions how to completely remove the current version of iTunes and you might also need to manually delete or rename any leftover old *.itl iTunes library files for the installed older version to launch properly) and simply let the program automatically redownload the book. Once the book is redownloaded, simply close iTunes, start Requiem and the book will be automatically decoded... I first tried this with Requiem v4.1 but it failed to locate any DRM in the file, while Requiem v3.3.6 automatically detected and removed the DRM from the file.
  10. mcclain

    mcclain New Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Thanks for sharing, abvgd.

    Are you using windows 8.1 64 bit or 32 bit?

    I have tried to remove the DRM for movies or tv shows using windows 8.1 64-bit, iTunes 10.5.3and Requiem v3.3.6 as you suggested but Requiem gets stuck in the message "looking for DRM" and never goes past that point.

    I am using Java 1.5. What version of java are you using?

    Have you tried to use it on movies / tv shows instead of only epub?

    Thanks for the help again.
  11. abvgd

    abvgd New Member

    Jun 20, 2016
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    I use 64-bit Windows 8.1, Java version 1.8.0. I haven't tried decoding anything else for now, so it's possible there could be some discrepancy between the way iBook DRM is detected/decoded compared to how DRM is detected/decoded on music and movies. I rarely buy things on iTunes so I cannot unfortunately give any clear answer regarding whether my setup would work on iTunes movies and music but given your failure it's plausible that it might not.
  12. Aragarna

    Aragarna New Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    I did everything as explained. I successfully installed iTunes. 10.7 and Requiem 4.1 - I'm on a Windows 7 system.
    I downloaded my video file, but when I run Requiem I get a message that says "failed call a458f619" and it cannot remove the DRM of my file.
    Can anyone help me?
  13. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Hey there!

    I've used Requiem from around Sept. 2016 to Dec. 2016, but sometime in the last month (I think sometime in Dec., 2016), I am suddenly unable to download videos through iTunes 10. No updates have come through and nothing has changed on my system that I'm aware of. I've tried a full reinstall of iTunes to no avail.

    When I try to download a video in iTunes, I get this error message: "We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An unknown error occurred (11111).".

    Is this the end of iTunes 10 and Requiem? :(

    (Can someone out there who still uses iTunes 10 to download video check to see if it's still working for them or if Apple has discontinued support of downloads through iTunes 10?)

  14. Réjean94

    Réjean94 New Member

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Hello everybody,

    i am taking some time to let you know the result of my recent experience with Requiem.

    Recently I have downloaded the very good TV series"The night of" from iTunes. It consists of 8 episodes of about one hour. Due to DRM I could not watch the series on my TV. After some Google-ing I found this discussion that helped me a lot.

    I downloaded Requiem 4.1 and iTunes 10.7 on an old Vista 64 bit PC that I do not use any more. I then transferred the 8 episodes of the series in the iTunes library. I made sure the transferred episodes could on this computer. I closed iTunes, started Requiem and loaded the episodes in Requiem. BINGO : It took about 45 minutes to decrypt more than 8 hours of video !

    Maybe only a small glitch. After decrypting each episode Requiem displayed a message saying "DRM removed". But short after this message was replaced by another one : "java.lang.NullPointerException". I absolutely do not know the meaning of the message but the point is that all the decrypted episode could be read in VLC.

    Finally I am able to watch the series that I paid on my TV set !

    I hope this contribution may help somebody and I want to thank those who already put useful info on this discussion.

    Hoffman likes this.
  15. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    I remembered I have a friend IRL who has also been using this process. iTunes 10 seems to still be downloading for him, so thankfully it looks like something is just messed up on my configuration. Need to figure out what...

    Let me know if anyone has any ideas what could be causing the 11111 error...
  16. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    I feel like I might have got this error when I accidentally open two instances of Requiem at the same time. To be honest, I actually completely forget what the error message was, just that I sometimes get an error when I do this.

    I find that, for whatever reason, my Start Menu shortcut for Requiem can be pressed multiple times before the start menu disappears, meaning that I can accidentally double click it and open two instances. Windows 10 is weird. o.O
  17. Squirty

    Squirty Member

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Alright, I finally figured out what the problem was: Uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes didn't fix it -- instead I needed to simply sign out and sign back into iTunes to fix the problem. I had previously changed my iTunes password, so instead of prompting me to re-enter my password, it gave me the cryptic "11111" error instead. >.>

    Anyway, it's working again!
  18. Ziy

    Ziy New Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    It looks as though Apple is now limiting older iTunes versions to maximum 720p quality:

    I just tried to download a title today and can confirm I can only get 720p.
    Any workarounds would be greatly appreciated
  19. InanimateCrbnRod

    InanimateCrbnRod New Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I can also confirm 720p only, tried a couple workarounds to no avail. I tried downloading from a different computer and then importing, but Requiem won't work because itunes can't ply the file anymore. (How they are doing this with an old version of itunes makes no sense to me. I even tried disconnecting internet and reinstalling itunes,still no luck) I then tried to use hexedit to make itunes think it was 720p, but to be honest I didn't really know what I was doing. Requiem was the only reason I purchased things from itunes so I'm quite angry this happened before the season of tv show I purchased was over. If there was a way to trick itunes into playing the file, then I believe Requiem would work again. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Dogbertd

    Dogbertd New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I'm glad I found these posts: I was beginning to think I was going nuts: Requiem worked a couple of weeks back, but now it doesn't. So this is Apple's method to get us to shift to iTunes 11 - which as we know doesn't work with Requiem. I think Brahms (the dev for Requiem) got fed up of playing keep-up with Apple (or they got to him and threatened him with legal doom), and I don't blame him.

    This is a pity both for me and for Apple, because I'll never again buy a movie from them. I refuse - point blank - to buy a movie that is restricted with DRM, and I've bought quite a lot of movies over the last few years only because I know that Requiem would strip the DRM from them. No more, it seems. I guess I'll just have to spend my money on Blu-rays in future.

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