Pokemon Go - How are you doing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by InsaneNutter, Jan 7, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    So if anyone is still playing Pokemon Go, how are you doing?

    I only need 10 of the original 151 you can actually obtain here in the UK, plus the other 3 region exclusives.

    A lot of is now is just going to be grinding for candy by walking, however ive been playing since last July and never seen a Chansey or Porygon, so their the ones i'm going to struggle with unless i get lucky and hatch them.

    Currently I need:

    Primeape [2 Candy]
    Machamp [12 Candy]
    Dodrio [29 Candy]
    Exeggutor [28 Candy]
    Gyarados [47 Candy] [Current Buddy]
    Omastar [40 Candy]
    Kabutops [40 Candy]
    Dragonite [77 Candy]

    Chansey [Win the lottery, aka super rare]
    Porygon [Win the lottery, aka super rare]

    Farfetched [Go on Holiday]
    Kangaskhan [Go on Holiday]
    Tauros [Go on Holiday]

    I wouldn't say i'm a hardcore player or anything, i've just got to level 26 this week. I only usually have Pokemon Go loaded on my way to work for around 45 mins, same on the way home. I have been out on the weekends with friends when it was warmer in the summer and when our towns local park was a Bulbasaur nest the other week. But in general it's too cold and wet at the moment to be out for ages playing it now were in the middle of winter.

    Some of my best Pokemon attached below, I walked around 150km in total for the Charizard, certainly the one i put the most effort in to getting!

    Screenshot_20170107-110645.png Screenshot_20170107-110658.png Screenshot_20170107-110709.png Screenshot_20170107-110730.png Screenshot_20170107-110721.png Screenshot_20170107-110822.png
  2. theSLAYER

    theSLAYER Active Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    Can't even hatch a Pichu. Or Togepi. Gah.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It's pure luck sadly, which is why i'm not really bothered about GEN 2 until they can be obtained in the wild.

    I managed to somehow get 2x 10k eggs recently and got two Pinsir's, I was hoping for some GEN 2 Pokemon if im honest though.

    So far I just have a Cleffa:


    Although i did finally manage to evolve the Magikarp today, around 340 candy from catching wild ones and 60 from walking:

    Screenshot_20170111-185339.png Screenshot_20170111-190536.png
    theSLAYER likes this.
  4. suloku

    suloku Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I don't think baby pokémon will ever be available in the wild. Maybe tyrogue (because they messed up and gave hitmonchan and hitmonlee different candy types and now they don't know how to solve that).
    Baby pokémon only available via eggs is something they can do as it's in accord with the games and a reason for people to buy incubators.

    Today I evolved Togetic :) (I was lucky enough to hatch 2 togepi and I only had to walk 60 km for the missing candy).
    Still missing cleffa and the 10 km babies (I have three 10km eggs, but only 2 are from when the event was up.

    Still missing snorlax, lapras, aerodactyl, shelder (12 candies) and electrode (25 candies or so), because I'm not going to put voltorb or shelder as companions...I'll eventually get them, they are not that rare. My biome has a very low snorlax spawn rate compared to other ones... but we have a zone wich spawns 2-3 dratinis each 1'5 hours or so, so it's something; I haven't been there since halloween ended (btw, I got like 250 dratini candy then...).

    That dratini zone also has like 9 magikarp spawns all the time...so gyarados overflows the gyms here (I have 5 and enough candies for another one...).

    By the way, after the halloween event, Mr. Mime became a LOT more common, like you can see 3-4 going anywhere. Did that happen to the other regional pokémon?

    Also, I've given up any SUMO-GO connectivity, but I think that if PoGo could generate rental QR codes it would be amazing and it's actually something they can do without much resource investement.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
    theSLAYER likes this.
  5. suloku

    suloku Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Just missing Lapras, Elekid and Cleffa (hope I get one before Valentine's event ends). I'd rather get a bunch of chansey candy though (I want blisseys for gym holders....).
    Also using the x2 candy to farm some dratini candy, not sure if I should set a different companion but...

    How's your catches? With the current egg changes people seem to be expecting some more gen 2 to be released soon.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This Valentines event has worked quite well for me, I got the two really rare Pokemon i'd never even see before, Porygon and Chansey.

    I managed to get both on the first day of the event, the Porygon was on a corner when my bus stopped on the way home. I happened to see Chansey was in the area just before going to bed that night, so I want out and it happened to be at the bottom of my street, so that was a really lucky catch.

    I have since got a couple of Porygons and just today got my second Chansey.

    Before the event I had one Lickitung, however those have been really common in my area. Likewise Jigglypuff and Slowpoke have been everywhere.

    I also managed to hatch an Igglybuff and currently have two 10k eggs, so i'm hoping to get something good out of those. Igglybuff and Cleffa are currently my only two GEN 2 Pokemon.

    At the moment Doduo is my buddy, i now need 10 more candy for a Dodrio. After that I only need a Kabutops, Omastar and Dragonite. All those three are going to be really hard to get as they never spawn, so i'm going to have to grind 5k per candy unless we get lucky and get a nest.

    I also caught a Mr Mime and a Jigglypuff trying to make an egg this evening:

  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I finished my UK GEN 1 Living Pokedex on 25/03/17, having started playing on 06.07.16.

    That took 8 months, 2 weeks and 4 days, aka 262 days.

    GEN 2 is progression is really slow as all I seem to find are the same common 10 - 15 Pokemon all the time, i'm still yet to hatch Elekid, Magby, Pichu and Togepi either!

    I have been walking my Cyndaquil for a few months now, totaling 249km! to finally have the 125 candy required to evolve it!

  8. Slaz

    Slaz Roast as you make toast!

    Aug 17, 2008
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    i too finished my GEN1 living dex last Sunday (that'd be 11th June 2017). Minus the non-Mr.Mime regionals and legendaries, that is. My last one was Machamp (Machoke was my buddy for the last 2 months or so).

    GEN2 is progressing okay for me. I got Elekid and Magby last December during the event, got the other babies later on when GEN2 fully released, but still need to evolve a Togetic sometime. I also got all the evolution items several times, and evolved all of them except Porygon which still needs around 25 candies. I got the gold medal for the GEN2 Pokédex though!

    Worst shame recently: last Saturday I came across a Meganium (the third form of Chikorita), but it ran away after 3 ultra curveballs)..
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    After almost a year i've finally made it to level 30!

    Looking at the 500000 xp required for level 31 I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon! On the plus side I finally have Max Revives along with 3x Lucky Eggs and 3x Incubators for the effort.

    pokego-1.jpg pokego-2.jpg

    I've also since hatched a Togepi so i'm quite happy about that, in addition I've enough Houndoom candy this event to get at 2 Houndour's. Only one of them has stats worth evolving though, i'm happy with the result as i'd never even seen a Houndoom before this event. I also have enough Cyndaquil candy to get two Typhlosion's now. I had enough before the event however decided to wait to see if I caught any better Cyndaquil's.

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