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Pokemon GEN3 Fire Red Legit Complete Save Download

Discussion in 'User Playthrough Saves' started by arjunnnn, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. arjunnnn

    arjunnnn Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    1. This save file is completely legit, no cheats are used.This save file is my friend save file from GBA SP which was dumped in to computer. This save file has Auora ticket from Pokemon Center New York City with the wonder card.
    2. All pokemons got via legit means.
    3. Ccelebi got from Japanese bonus disk thanks to project pokemon for proving Japanese Colosseum disk. Jirachi got via my us Colosseum disk, they are got by this.no cheats used.
    4. Added all 10 anniv Pokemons from 10 anniv distribution catridge again thanks to project pokemon. Aura mew received from aura mew distribution system from my friend. Space center deoxy found on a Emerald cartridge I found then traded to fire red. Deoxy from birth island I got from Auorara Ticket thnks to Pokemon Center New York.
    5. Gold trainer card with 4 stars.1 gold sticker.1 normal sticker.1 blue sticker.those are really hard to complete.so I stopped.
    6. Four berry fix shiny Zizagoons there.
    7. All main quest and sub quests completed, Pokedex completed, some shiny Pokemon including Zizagoons from different save files.
    8. Got exclusives, some shines, some traded Pokemon from other save files created and played by me. I had a Eon ticket scanned in my Ruby save file, I got Latias from it and trade over.
    9. More u can see by yourself

    This is not 100% compeleted because still I need to get stickers which is horrible tough so its 95% completed save file.

    Requirements to get full stickers:
    • Beat the elite 4 200 times
    • Hatch 300 eggs (more than 120 eggs hatched)
    • Won 100 link battles (63 won)
    This save file was created by my friend, so a big thanks to him for giving me this save file, I hope u all enjoy it.


    Pokemon Fire Red Legit Complete Save (.sav) Download

    Pokemon Fire Red Legit Complete Save (Gameshark) Download

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    PawsofHorror and gatekeeper1122 like this.
  2. wrathsoffire76

    wrathsoffire76 New Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    This is in the wrong forum
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I've moved the post to the correct place and attached the save file to it and have also provided a version which has been converted to a .sav save file.

    A very nice save indeed, I shall certainly have a look at this when I have more time.
  4. This is the most interesting part...
    PawsofHorror and fabio00 like this.
  5. SWAMP.N

    SWAMP.N Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    This is a great save. Tons of hard work
  6. arjunnnn

    arjunnnn Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    an updated to this save file.added mystery mews (thanks to deoxyz) and more auras mews from distribution cart provided here

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    PawsofHorror and InsaneNutter like this.
  7. arjunnnn

    arjunnnn Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    update:- 10)added more events pokemons in box 14 pokemon list in box 14:-

    10 aniv 2 celebis:-1 obtained from a gam faqs pokemon save file.other fron insane nutter pokemon fire red gen 3 legit event pokemon save here:- https://digiex.net/threads/pokemon-ge... thanks to them

    aura mews and mystery mews:-aura mews obtained from aura mew distribution provided by deoxy.a big thnaks to him and mystery mews are from specific catridge used by nintendo to distribute back in 2006 toy rus store again thanks to deoxyz who made the save file frpm catridge public

    rocks metank(metagross evolved):_got from a class mate who actually went to the event pokemon rocks america back in 2005 in chicago.the event had demo of pokemon xd gale of darkness.the players who completed thye demo has recieved some kind of card for exchange of metang in counte.the metang lvl is lvl 30 whwn it was received and has a special move refresh.my friend actually recieved it in his fire red catridge(which he no longer wanted).thank god he didnt trade it to further generation.i traded it to this save file .it evoled to metagross and now lvl 84.

    jeremy gengar:-a jeremy pokemon gengar was found in insane nutter pokemon fire red gen 3 legit event pokemon save.traded directly from that to this save file.

    colosseum jirachi(shinies and non shiny)recived jirachi from my colosseum bonus disk.shinies 1 shiny received myself from a specific save file of sapphire which only only gives shiny which was uploaded by project pkm and 1 from insane nutter save file.non shiny jirachi recived from my coloseum disk.

    10 aniv alakazam:-seen on a random fire red catridge that i purchased.i traded from that save file to this.

    10 aniv 2 blastoise:-there is 2 10 aniv blastoise traded from insane nutter save file 1 is part of decade blastoise and other is jouney acroos 10 anniv blastoise.both was found in insane nutter save file.

    10 aniv moltres and zapdos:-this 10 aniv pokemons foinded from insane nutter save file.simply direct trade from that to this save file

    channel jirachi:-got from my european pokemon channel to my ruby.traded from ruby save file tothis save file.trained to lvl 100 now.

    lugia:-got from a pokemon xd gamefas save file as i do not own that game.its lvl 51.and purified.

    ho-ho and colosseum pokemon:-got mattel ho-ho and colosseum pokemon from my colosseum game by completeing it and those were traded from pokemon colosseum direcly to this save file.

    shiny rayquaza and regice:-got by rnging shinypokemon in ruby save file(dead battery) and traded to this save file.

    download link:- media fire:-http://www.mediafire.com/file/3i15hhv... http://www.mediafire.com/file/qyc7dug... format)
    project pokemon download link:- https://projectpokemon.org/home/files...

    I hope u enjoy this save file enjoy it:

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    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
    PawsofHorror and InsaneNutter like this.
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Do you happen to have a copy of a save or this Pokemon before you evolved it? The Rocks Metang we have has recently been confirmed a hack, so unfortunately will be removed from my save when it's next updated.

    Either way it's very nice you have an evolved version of it! It would certainly be nice to try get a version of it that's legit before its evolved.

    Keep up the great work on your save game :)
    PawsofHorror, Invader TAK and Deoxyz like this.
  9. arjunnnn

    arjunnnn Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    Nope,he already has it in lvl 82 when i was trading it and i lvled it up 2 more lvls.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
  10. BioENG

    BioENG New Member

    Mar 20, 2022
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    Is it possible to open a save file on a flash card like the EZ Flash Gameboy Advance so I can transfer Pokemon from this save file to my Authentic Pokemon Cartridge?

    I have an Authentic Fire Red copy and would like the event Pokemon like Celebi & Jirachi if possible. Thank you for providing it for us!
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes this save works on other flash cards so i dont see why it would not on the EZ Flash Gameboy Advance.
    BioENG and AlamosIT like this.
  12. BioENG

    BioENG New Member

    Mar 20, 2022
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    thank you! I will be trying it soon once I buy myself a DS lite

    also, would you know if I need to have fire red to open this save file, or can I open it on my Leaf Green cartridge?
  13. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    You can't use a DS lite, because with DS/DS lite you can use neither GBA game link cable / Wireless Adapter nor emulate those using DS connection.

    You have to use a GBA/GBA SP with a GBA flashcart (and yes, you can use this save file with both LeafGreen and FireRed)

    If you only own a DS flashcart (like R4) and a DS/DS lite, you can use GBA Backup Tool to extract your save file from original cartridge, then add the mons you want from this save file with PKHeX and finally restore the save in your cart.

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