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Download Sophos Anti Virus (SAV) Classic Edition for Mac (Non-Home/Cloud) - Free

Discussion in 'Applications' started by Nimrod, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom
    When Sophos AntiVirus first launched on Mac, it provided a free version for home users which contained the same feature set including Adware / Threat Detection which is used in the Enterprise Version.

    However over time, Sophos quietly withdraw this when their new Sophos Home product launched which is Cloud based. Sadly on Sophos Home, a lot of features which were provided for free were withdrawn and pushed onto a premium home plan like for example:

    You can still download the 'Classic' version, but it's download is mostly hidden as Sophos wish to push people into their cloud offerings and up-sell features. The Classic version is still receiving updates all the time, however the installer hasn't been updated to support High Sierra without workarounds detailed here. Once installed, it will update and be fully compatible.

    To get started, you can download Sophos Anti Virus 'Classic' for Mac from the following URL:
    Sophos Anti Virus Classic for Mac

    During installation, you will likely get the following error:
    The Installer Cannot Continue - The "Sophos Installer Components" folder is missing required files. View install.log for more information.

    To resolve that, you can use the workaround detailed here to resolve it:
    MacOS 10.12 Gatekeeper Can Cause Installation Failure

    Complete this on as many Mac's as you need :)

    That's all there is to it, enjoy Enterprise level security on your Mac's for free.
    InsaneNutter and Gunz4Hire like this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nice find, I've had Sophos installed for years on my Macbook Air, it seems to just update and keep working with newer versions of OSX. I Never really notice it's there, however it's good to know it can be re installed.

    Pretty handy especially as free Sophos Home Cloud accounts are now limited to 3 devices instead of 10 like they used to be.

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