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Pokemon GEN2 & 3 PCNY Distribution Machine Save Downloads

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by Professor Oak, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town

    About the Pokemon Gen 2 & 3 Pokemon Center New York (PCNY) Distribution Machine Saves:

    This page contains several savefiles dumped from cartridges that were distributed a plethora of event pokemon directly from the Pokemon Center New York PCNY distribution hardware that recently surfaced. Hopefully it provides enough public satisfaction for everyone, while the preservation team undertakes this grand and lengthy task of hopefully enabling the software to become usable via emulation, as well as hopefully producing hardware mods for a publicly feasible physical method of distributing. This is our most major project by a long shot and will likely take quite some time, however now that everything is permanently in Project Pokemon's possession, any roadblocks toward the final goals would be on the technical side. Luckily the best minds are at work on each aspect of this project, so without revealing any further details in regards to that, have patience and remain optimistic.


    For Generation III, a full box per campaign was distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00030. The Ruby savefile is a male trainer so the OT names are all blue colored, and was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. The Sapphire savefile is a female trainer so the OT names are all red colored, and was loaded using the PCNYd memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Seven Gen 3 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box in both savefiles have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns.

    For Generation II, three full boxes per campaign were distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00060. This Gold savefile was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Four Gen 2 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box will have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns, even those with normally extremely rare unlikely odds.


    Gen 3:

    PCNYc - Ruby (PK3s)
    PCNYc - Ruby Save
    PCNYd - Sapphire (PK3s)
    PCNYd - Sapphire Save

    Gen 2:

    PCNYc - Gold (PK2s)
    PCNYc - Gold

    Distribution Campaign Info:

    Generation III:

    Evolution Stone Campaign:
    30 Aug 2003 - 4 Sept 2003

    • Pikachu Lv50 - Thunder Stone 25%
    • Gloom Lv50 - Sun Stone 25% / Leaf Stone 25%
    • Staryu Lv50 - Water Stone 25%


    Monster Week 1 Campaign:
    18 Oct 2003 - 24 Oct 2003

    • Cacturne Lv50 - 25%
    • Duskull Lv25 - 25%
    • Shuppet Lv25 - 25%
    • Shedinja Lv50 - 25%


    Campaign 1:
    15 May 2004 - 22 May 2004

    • Houndour Lv5 - 50%
    • Mareep Lv5 - 50%


    Campaign 3:
    31 July 2004 - Aug 6 2004

    • Azurill Lv5 - 20% / Soothe Bell 5%
    • Wynaut Lv5 - 25%
    • Gorebyss Lv20 - 25%
    • Huntail Lv20 - 25%


    Campaign 4:
    7 Aug 2004 - 13 Aug 2004

    • Zangoose Lv18 - 20% / Quick Claw 5%
    • Seviper Lv19 - 25%
    • Milotic Lv35 - 25%
    • Kingdra Lv35 - 25%


    Campaign 5:
    14 Aug 2004 - 20 Aug 2004

    • Armaldo Lv40 - 25%
    • Sableye Lv18 - 20% / Bright Powder 5%
    • Mawile Lv18 - 25%
    • Cradily Lv40 - 25%


    Campaign 6:
    21 Aug 2004 - 27 Aug 2004

    • Machamp Lv30 - 20% / Choice Band 5%
    • Ludicolo Lv20 - 25%
    • Shiftry Lv20 - 25%
    • Golem Lv30 - 25%


    Generation II:

    Silver Cave Campaign:
    1 Nov 2002 - 7 Nov 2002

    • Synthesis Tangela Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3%
    • Low Kick Ponyta Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3%
    • Low Kick Doduo Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3%
    • Hypnosis Misdreavus Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3%
    • Rage Larvitar Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3%

    Union Cave Campaign:
    8 Nov 2002 - 14 Nov 2002

    • Twister Staryu Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5%
    • Metal Claw Krabby Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5%
    • Sharpen Onix Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5%
    • Swords Dance Goldeen Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5%
    • Future Sight Lapras Egg - Normal 11% / Shiny 2%

    Johto Legend Campaign:
    15 Nov 2002 - 21 Nov 2002

    • Shiny Raikou Lv40 - 33%
    • Shiny Entei Lv40 - 33%
    • Shiny Suicune Lv40 - 33%
    • Shiny Lugia Lv40 - 0.5%
    • Shiny Ho-oh Lv40 - 0.5%


    Celebi Present Campaign:
    22 Nov 2002 - 28 Nov 2002

    • Celebi Lv5 - 98.5%
    • Shiny Celebi Lv5 - 1%
    • Shiny Mew Lv5 - 0.5%

    All credit to @Deoxyz for this amazing contribution.

    Attached Files:

  2. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Deoxyz likes this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Post updated to reflect @Deoxyz labour of love for getting the Gen 2 PK2's and save files completed.

    Do send some love and thanks his way as this is one amazing contribution for Pokemon event preservation, which took a lot of time and had various issues along the way.
    PawsofHorror, fabio00 and Deoxyz like this.
  4. suloku

    suloku Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I've just come to know about this and I'm astonished. Really impressed this was able to be retrieved. Many thanks to all people involved, actually having access to a gen 2 distribution machine is amazing. Confirmation of Gen 2 Mew and Celebi being able to be shiny is even more amazing. Having them is like a dream come true.

    I'm really curious about how the shinies were generated, and also really curious about the inner works of RNG in the sofware used, since in gen 2 DV were random. Also, do we know if the Mew distribution had fixed dvs? If it had, the shiny mew shoulnd't be able to exist... In any case this is really amazing.

    EDIT: I checked the saves, and I have a doubt. Mew had a 0.5% of being shiny. Why isn't there any normal mew from this distribution? Did the other mew have random DV like celebi?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
    Deoxyz likes this.
  5. north13

    north13 Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Really amazing work, especially your willingness to come back once more even post-retirement.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  6. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Here's a screenshot from the distribution data of the Celebi Campaign:


    Each PKM1 is a pokemon in the campaign. Mew is highlighted. First offset is species, followed by level, then the four moves, then the rarity/odds/weight of being distributed out of 1000, and then the last byte set to 1 means it will be shiny.

    The campaigns are stored in memory card save data. DVs are random. For the inner workings of the actual distributions discs, you should get with Sabresite.

    I balanced the odds in each campaign for Gen 2 so the rarities could be provided to everyone in this compilation, because who knows when the software will become publicly usable. Otherwise, we would have no samples of the rarities. Especially with needing to dump the save to clear Gen 2's unique footer flag after each distribution, to allow me to receive another pokemon from the same campaign, the time involved would be sadistic going with regular odds. Luckily the odds do not effect the legitimacy in how they are generated for Gen 2. Gen 3 on the other hand, it does. Luckily Gen 3's campaigns already have balanced odds.

    We speculate perhaps it was meant to be a normal Mew, but they made it shiny by accident. Who knows. Being 0.5% rarity it was definitely not intended to be obtained easily, even less than the shiny Celebi. It is more of an easter egg if someone were to get so lucky and get it when the campaign is supposed to be specifically for obtaining Celebi. Like how Ho-oh and Lugia are in the Johto Legend Campaign.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  7. suloku

    suloku Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Thanks for your response, I was just watching both videos at hard4games. Really intersting stuff, I always pictured PCNY using "celebi machines" as seen on european celebi tour campaing, but I guess they were more elaborate than that. I speculate celebi (and mew) machines

    Only doubt remaining is that I guess Mew was never intended to be released in generation 2 as this is the only distribution, so a generation II non-shiny mew doesn't actually exist. Previously I recall bulbapedia listing mew as a PCNY distribution in generation 2 and it being NON-shiny. I wonder were that information came from because mew was really rare to get at a 0.5% chance and if it was always shiny...why would anyone say the mew distributed was non shiny? Probably missinformation and we will never trully know, but I really feel curious.

    For shiny celebi, I did see some reports on several sites some years ago claiming they received a pink celebi, but at a 1% chance that seems more reasonable, still finally having confirmation is great.

    Really amazing job everybody involved.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  8. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    What may interest you is that we now have a better theory how Mew/Celebi machines are built. Instead of a Super Famicom & Super GameBoy 2 linked to a GameBoy Pocket, the reality is it was probably a Super Famicom with a regular Super GameBoy containing the distribution software, with an earlier verison of the PCNY writer linked to Port 2 of the SFC. The PCNY writer has "Pokemon Machine 2" printed on the PCB in two locations. So what is Pokemon Machine 1? What else distributes pokemon with TIDs that increment from 00001? What else supports hot-swapping cartridges without needing a system reboot each time? What else visually appears to be a GameBoy as the cartridge slot? Mew and Celebi machines. :)

    If I recall correctly, a long time ago there was documentation on the old official PCNY website for a Mew event, something about a "normal" Mew. I can't give the exact details since I can't remember, but I think that was why it was theorized this Mew being shiny was a mistake, but it happened. Sabresite even said he knows a few people who obtained the shiny Mew back in 2002, not many of course. You can probably get your answers by talking to Sabresite.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  9. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    That'd mean the SGB would have had to been modified to detect the cart reader. Or it was a special SGB-like cart. Still hard to say.
  10. Is there a thought towards leaking the original distribution machine (with no modifications) you have now even if it doesn't work with emulators and so on? How people like Deoxyz and Sabresite and many others on Project Pokemon make these saves available then? Later, if anyone wants, can still share the functional, modified distribution device.
    Just asking.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2020
  11. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    The problem is the iso does nothing without the proper save files. One of the save files was over written but I suppose the others could be given out. I really hope we can use some advanced data recovery techniques to get the missing save file.
  12. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    @ronaldo99 @Lexi
    I'll try to explain the whole ordeal here seeing as it probably hasn't really been specifically explained in detail. I'll try not to make this into another one of my essay posts.

    Dolphin emulators will load both the Gen II and Gen III isos, and will load all the Slot A and Slot B memory card data accordingly, and will boot past the green screen menu into the graphical distribution screen if your PC date is corresponding with the original distribution period. You can connect Dolphin with a VBA-M in Port 3 for the "Pad" display, and VBA-M in Port 4 where the writer is supposed to go. The problem is the writer is a unique modification of a regular GBA, so a regular GBA and therefore regular VBA-M can not be used. So you can not distribute any pokemon, at all. The writer supports hotswapping carts, which means you can insert/remove carts constantly without needing to turn off the power. Can't do that with a regular GBA. Even if you were to reboot a GBA after each distribution and holding start and select ready to enter multiboot mode, it does not work. I tried. There's more to the writer than just supporting hotswapping.


    The writer also has some other oddities as far as the communication aspect goes with GBC carts, as the isos both specifically are sending GBA multiboots to the modified GBA/writer, so no one understands how the GBC communication works. The writer's bios is identical to a regular GBA, which made it even more confusing. The only thing so far that we can see is unique (other than not having buttons or screen) is this unique Altera chip on the PCB. That is what we are planning to attempt dumping, dissect, document, and ideally use to modify VBA-M to act as the writer acts when connected to Dolphin's Port 4. And this is all assuming the Altera chip is the key to all of the writer's oddities. If not, we have to keep researching. Theoretically the isos themselves could probably be modified as another resort to get it working, but ideally it'd be nice to get emulation working identical to the real thing. The Altera chip also goes hand-in-hand with our plans for a hardware mod so people can do it physically. Modifying the way the iso works also potentially alters the legality of how the pokemon are generated, and we do not want that. These PCNY programs generate pokemon differently than the way the GBA distributions do.

    As I wasn't initially involved at the beginning due to my retirement, the plans to not release the data we currently have were already made among those who had the dumped data. In the past something like this just wouldn't be publicly known until we have it ready to release. It is different in this case since everyone knows about it and is expecting the data to be uploaded. Therefore in cases like that I'm one who would upload it anyway, seeing how other communities do these bait-and-tease methods for garnering attention, and I don't play that game. However I've come to understand why it is best to attempt to have the public upload be completed and ready to use for everyone. If it is released now, only certain types of people will care, but ultimately will not be able to do anything and not touch it again after a day or two, and when the solution is ready, it may be overlooked. Think of it as a releasing a project/game when you are only half finished. Our reverse engineers don't feel right releasing things before the project is completed. Look at what GameFreak does. It'd better to attempt all or nothing.

    Don't misunderstand me. This data will become public regardless of if we can get it working or not. I will make sure of that. Hopefully sooner than later, as I don't want to keep people waiting, but do understand this is a lot of stress and work even for our best reverse engineers. That's why I took the time to distribute hundreds of pokemon in these public savefiles to help entertain people in the meantime. Like with this post, and the post above with the hex screenshot, I am open to sharing any information to answer questions if it is something I am able to answer among what I have knowledge of. Some things such as the iso functions are beyond me and I have not looked into it.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  13. @Deoxyz Thank you so much for taking the time in order to write this detailed explanation. We (I guess I can speak for the majority of us) appreciate it. I wasn't demanding anything or something like that, was just curious about what hold you all back and asked that question. I hope that when it's ''fully'' functional you will release the ''untouched'' distribution machine (saves and so on) in their original state as well. I guess keeping the ''original'' (unfunctional) material is also important even if the majority of people wouldn't care about it. Sorry for my english.

    Thanks everyone involed in this!
  14. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Like I said, ideally nothing with the distribution data will have to be modified other than modifying a version of the VBA emulator when the public release comes. I don't want to edit the isos either, but if we run out of luck and do have to modify them, of course the unedited data will be uploaded alongside it for preservation purposes. Just like we did with Doel Deoxys. No worries there, I would always make sure to archive the original data.

    I appreciate the questions because I want to have transparency with this. We never had to hold something back from a public release when it was already widely publicly known, so it's not exactly a comfortable position. Though we will release everything, as we always have in the past.
  15. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    When one of the GBA events are selected is it like wishmaker jirachi where if you were to copy a save file of Ruby or Sapphire and leave the copies untouched it'll distribute the same pokemon every time to each copy? If not what affects the pokemon being distributed(besides gender affecting color of trainer id)?

    Also some games on GBC for example Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons can recognize that they are on different hardware(GBA). Maybe somewhere hidden in Gold Silver and Crystal there is some flag that activates if its being used by this distribution machine hardware.

    Another thought I have, maybe this extra chip is storing ram and enabling the quick switching of carts. I know in gen 1 glitching when you cart switch you have to be quick due to how ram works on the system say you're using f8 glitches to speed run another game. I think this chip is storing ram about the distribution in some form.

    Also thank you for the quick response.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  16. north13

    north13 Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    @Deoxyz given your impeccable track record, any reasonable person would trust your judgement and the judgement of the folks you are working with. Thanks for your willingness to come out of retirement for this.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  17. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    This is really a question Sabresite could answer, as he explained it to me before in precise detail, but I can't remember the exact details. Though he doesn't have an account here so I can't direct him to answer the question. From what I recall, the software uses various bits of data from your savefile to generate the pokemon, but not in the same way as Wishmaker Jirachi. He went as far as saying it was impossible to make custom tools to generate these pokemon without the official software. As for if using identical copies of a savefile would result in clones of the same pokemon, I am pretty sure the answer is no. This thing is pretty weird and random. It generates some data itself, and some from the savefile, if I recall correctly. I wish he could clarify.

    The GBC communication has nothing to do with that. It is more of, with the machine itself being a GBA (regardless if a GBA can enter GBC mode on boot), which boots in standard GBA mode and receives a multiboot from either GameCube disc to establish communication between the software and writer (only GBAs can receive multiboots, think of the GBA roms when you hold Start+Select), how does it after booting THEN switch over to communicating with GBC cartridges? Does that make sense? I find it confusing myself, maybe @Gridelin can explain it a bit better, although I know he's confused as well.

    We really have no clue what the Altera chip does. What we do know is something about this writer is unique to allow it to do all the things I mentioned, so theoretically the chip SHOULD be the key to this.
  18. Boyki

    Boyki Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Quick question regarding gen 2 on homebrew. So I am using a supercard SD to play all my GBA games on my GBA and never really had issues with GBC games. Now i never tried playing the gen 2 pokemon games on my Supercard SD but for me it would be the only way to get the pokemon on my legit gold cartridge (getting the sav on my supercard and then trading them over). However, I have issues getting this done as the supercard does not recognize the save or keep savegames that I create in-game. Any thoughts you guys have on how to make it work?
  19. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Someone was having the exact same issue with crystal extremely recently like within a week or two ago. I tried finding the thread about it, but can't seem to. Anyways someone extremely knowledgeable said to change some of the bits to make it compatible, I think they were suggesting the use of some kind of hex editor.
    Deoxyz likes this.
  20. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Something I had trouble with when rewriting Gen 2 saves to my retail carts was caused after using the saves with an emulator. You need to delete the last few lines of hex following the footer in the savefile before writing it back to the cart, otherwise it won't work. It was the same when transferring saves to 3DS VC. I think it has something to do with the RTC data.

    Hopefully that fixes your problem. Actually, we should probably reupload the save with those last lines cleared. If you run the save in an emulator, it will just add them back.

    @InsaneNutter can you update the download in the first post?
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020

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