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Request: .Exe file launch for xbox one.

Discussion in 'Requests' started by GRLM3X, Jun 26, 2020.


Do we even need a j tag for this? Is it possible to stream my PC through my console? Or vice versa

  1. The console is a PC just saturated for money.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Everything still cost as well as repairs there shouldn't be any barriers.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. GRLM3X

    GRLM3X New Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    Hi , I'm new here so don't know too much about most still learning C hashtag uwp. APK NTFS . converters just can't get past the systems blocks.

    Just looking to find a way to turn my Xbox into a computer , so I don't have to keep going back and forth and can also play more games online. If anyone has any info that may help please let me know. you can email me sendrlite@gmail.com.

    Could i trick the console to work like a pc. It has everything needed to. Its just like theres a barrier between the two if I can go on line to the browser then the system already can download and play the PC games and versions of the games on Xbox.

    But one small block. I Did the SDK sandbox glitch still found no way through it. If possible , could Xbox be a pc . So to be not only be able to change the, .Exe file format into a Lunchable console file. But to also have the console servers fully integrated for online pc gameplay. Like a switch. ?? ? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Love and peace. Dgx 4life
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Maybe something like this: https://cloudbase.it/freerdp-html5-proxy-windows/ would allow you to control your PC from the web browser on the Xbox.

    You can go the other way though, its very easy to stream the Xbox One to your PC from the Xbox app on Windows 10, why not look at doing things that way?

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